Accuphase find

Hello all, I bought an Accuphase C-200 and the matching P-300 amp for $250 yesterday. Everything works and looks fantastic, and sounds amazing. I don't know much about these pieces and any comments or info would be welcome. Thank you, Rich
Sounds like you got a very good deal! I have had my eye on a used P-300 for a while now... 50,000yen or about $450 dollars. Accuphase makes great products and they should last a long while... my only reservation is that the P-300 is at this point VERY old... about 30 years so be exact... so they may be in need of new capacitors etc... and the parts are expensive and hard to find. Happy listening!
great buy!

Accuphase is one of my top 3 choices (owned a lot from them - all excelent)

hey - I give you $600.00 for your stuff (100% margin in a week is not bad) jejeje
