Accuphase DP75V Is this the way to go ?

I have owned ''seperates'' for years now and I currenlty have a Theta Pro Gen Va ( balanced ) D/A and a CEC Tl-1 transport connected by a balanced Dominus Rev B Digital interconnect. A dealer friend of mine has just taken in trade a mint Accuphase DP-75 V single box player. I have not heard this but he is confident that this player will outperform my seperates.... I am familiar with Accuphase and their reputation has always been good and are said to make very musical sounding equipment......Now, the catch is......he's there and I'm over, does anybody have any opinions on this particular player and is this the way to go ? The rest of the system is older Rowland amp and pre-amp, Avalon Eclipse speakers....Pusist Audio cables and power cords....original Shunyata Hydra

Showing 1 response by garebear

So would buy the Accuphase ? I'm I to think that there are problesm with the transport ? If it did break...would they be able to fix the problem if that particular transpost is no longer in prodcution....