Accuphase A-30 or P-3000 for Klipschorns?

Hello music lovers,

I am the proud owner of a beautiful pair of 1992 Klipschorns. I currently have an old Accuphase E-203 integrated (1981), but I'm thinking of going into Accuphase separates. I don't need a lot of power, so an A-30 or a P-3000 would be enough.

I have read pretty much all I can find about these amps on the Internet and the general opinion seems to be that the A-30 is more musical (clearer, warmer, etc.) but the P-3000 has more punch. I want both of these qualities!

Does anyone have any experience from these amps?
Which one do you think would be best for the Klipschorns?

Many thanks for your answers in advance.
P.S. I know that most people recommend tubes for K-horns, but I quite like ss gear, especially Accuphase. Nice and sweet.
I own Khorns and use them with Mac ss gear and it works great, also use linn gear with them and it also sounds nice, never heard Accuphase but it sure looks good. With K horns the better the amp the better they sound, watts is really irrelevant. I also use tubes with Khorns and they really can fly. Don't rule out tubes, the beauty here is you might be able to do both. Khorns to me sound best with a nice el 34 based amp. There are many out there and they are not expensive. I use VTL with them and they really sing, I also have 2 restored Dynaco st70s...mighty nice and not is a curve ball...try the VTL IT 85 int. tube amp...really nice...not big $$ either, hope this helps.
Welcome Newmount.
As you can see from my sytem I am very happy with Accuphase gear. Great equipment.
As for my opinion I suggest the P-3000, it will rock your speakers with great sound. And you wiil buy a future proof amp, in case you change your set of speakers.
you should look at the Accuphase A60 class A power amp.It has 60Watt into 8 Ohms and if you ever need more power you can bridge the amp, get a second unit and use them as monos with 240Watt per channel pure class A. How does that sound ?
To use anything other than a tube amp with these speakers would be crazy.They will brutally reveal just how flawed transistor amps sound.Even a Sonic Impact T amp would sound a lot better[digital]and be free of the transistor nasties.

the a30 would be great.....macs and accuphase strangly enough work well with klipsch. lots of ss designs, as mentioned above are a trainwreck with these classic speakers