Great Thread!!!
Friends are aware of my nature when it comes to the big rig and generally ask before touching. This thread has me thinking that it is a good idea really show regular guest the ropes of the system. As far as cleaning, my wife leaves the stereo to me. She doesn't have the patience for all the buttons and crevices.
My wife once drove my old amp into thermal protection mode blasting Garth Brooks. I've never had any serious mishaps ... but the potential grows with each new equipment change. Last month the monitors went on stands for the first time. Two weeks ago, 3X the old amp power. Coming next week a CJ tubed preamp and a turntable!! I'll bet that the first mishap is at my own hands.
Friends are aware of my nature when it comes to the big rig and generally ask before touching. This thread has me thinking that it is a good idea really show regular guest the ropes of the system. As far as cleaning, my wife leaves the stereo to me. She doesn't have the patience for all the buttons and crevices.
My wife once drove my old amp into thermal protection mode blasting Garth Brooks. I've never had any serious mishaps ... but the potential grows with each new equipment change. Last month the monitors went on stands for the first time. Two weeks ago, 3X the old amp power. Coming next week a CJ tubed preamp and a turntable!! I'll bet that the first mishap is at my own hands.