Acceptable speaker hum from integrated or sign of impending failure?

I have two integrated amps that are now about a decade old and one produces a slight 60 Hz hum that is audible < 6 inches from speakers when power is on and no inputs are connected- the other is dead silent. The hum doesn't increase in volume as the knob is turned and is constant. I've moved the "hummer" to different circuits and no matter where it is plugged in or what is plugged into the inputs or outputs the hum is audible. Also tried swapping the three prong cords between the amps and this has no effect. Only had it a week or so and am not sure whether the hum is new or was unnoticed previously. Is this an acceptable shortcoming? My main concern is whether the power supply or any internals may be going bad and causing the hum.  Any thoughts greatly appreciated!
often the hum is caused by a transformer which has loosened and starts vibrating--i've cured it by opening the chassis and screwing down the transformer (make sure you keep the unit unplugged for a day or so before you do so). if it's some sort of group loop, you can also try a group isolator, which is a plug that goes between the ac receptacle and the power cord
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@loomisjohnson Would that be true for a hum audible in the connected speakers or within the chassis of the amplifier itself? If the former, then I will certainly give that a go.

my guess is that if it's audible within the chassis that it's more likely a problem with the internals of the unit itself (loose transformer, failing power supply, caps, etc.) than with the  ground or power, but it could be a number of things. i certainly don't see any harm in tightening the torroidal transformer before moving onto other causes. be careful
Unacceptable to me.   I can put my ear to my speaker with volume up and no hum at all.  Send it back to the manufacturer