Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers at RMAF 2007

Does anyone else care to comment on the sound of the Acapella Triolon Excalibur $170,500.00 per pair speakers? This is Brian Ackerman's, of Aaudio Imports full $600K, personal reference system. I have heard the Acapella Triolon Excalibur's driven by Audionet AMP's in Shanghai and felt that they were underachievers and a complete disappointment for their asking price. It sounds like Gawdbless was equally disappointed with them, especially considering their asking price but I would like to hear from others who have had a chance to hear them at the Rocky Mountain AudioFest show to get their impression and to see if they would drop $600K for the Aaudio Imports/Brian Ackerman "reference" system yet alone $170.5K for the Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers. I await the opinion of those of you at the show who have heard this "Mega" DOLLAR system to see if it does indeed deliver the $600K goods or if it's more about "Pride of Ownership" than substance. Let us know your thoughts show goers. At least one show reporter has substantiated my original listening impressions. What did the rest of you guys hear from the Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers and the sound of the complete Brian Ackerman/Aaudio Imports reference system at RMAF 2007????

Showing 5 responses by carlos269

Thanks for the feedback Teajay. Could you ask your friend if he found the presentation of the Acapella Triolons, and Brian's system as a whole, "Dynamic" as in the case of "real" music in a live venue? What kind of music was being played? Was it Chamber music or more complex, multi-instruments and/or modern popular music?
According to Cathode:
"Underwhelmed by the MBL / Kharma room and the Acapella / Einstein room. Both had quite good sound, but when you consider the price, I was unimpressed. And both setups were in suitably large rooms and well-treated, leaving little room for the 'show conditions are difficult' defense."

This opinion/show report again substantiated my original listening impressions.

I want to hear from others. At the asking price for these speakers there just isn't ANY room for error.

Would anybody who attended the show and listen to the Acapella Triolon Excalibur demo drop $170,500.00 for these speakers for any reason other than "Pride of Ownership" exclusivity?
You were not the only one who thought that they heard the Acapella Triolon's sound good at RMAF 2007. MGH at Audio Asylum reported:

" Acapella Triolon Excaliber: The best sound at the show. Dynamics, nuance, imaging, staging, transparency, timbre, coherence, bass extension etc. were all there in spades. Coherence was first rate which is surprising given all the different types of drivers involved - ion tweeters, horns, and conventional cone subwoofer towers. They played a recording of a duet on Steinways that was just amazing - the weight of the pianos were very convincing. Big band music was alive and there with ripping brass section. Only $170k ;-). Oh, BTW they were fed by all Einstein tube electronics costing $100k plus. In most shows, these megabuck systems just sound like crap, but this was the exception."

I will not dispute what you, Ryan (A.K.A. Rhyno), Constantine Soo and MGH heard from the Acapella Triolon's. I know that what I heard in Shanghai was disappointing, not even considering the $170.5K asking price.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that we all have different references as to what "Accurate Sound Reproduction" is.
I'm sorry the $600K figure came from Constantine Soo's article on your home set-up; Please reference the article enclosed below:

I guess that you only took $400K worth of gear to the show. Where did the rest, $200K worth of equipment go???? What did you leave behind at your home that added up to $200K????