AC Power Cord and Krell Pre

I have a Krell Evo 202 preamp. The manual says to use the power cord supplied with the preamp. I can understand that instruction both for liability purposes and for assuring a satisfactory connection. But would a high quality aftermarket power cord actually improve the sound? If you think so, which cord or cords?

Showing 3 responses by dave_b

kusina, I used a Transparent on my 202 and loved it, but please do your self a favor and try some different brands from Robert Stein at the Cable Company.
Pull the wool off first. OK, there are NO GAURANTEES that any particular component will sound it's best with ANY specific power cord. Stock cords may or may not sound good depending on the quality of the cord and ancillary many variables so little time. Cost of a component does not equate with a great PC. only trial and error can determine your best solution and that's why God made the Cable Company..well, Robert Stein actually.