
Does glass reflect or absorb, i forget? and will extra thick padding and extra thick upgrade carpet absorb too much high freq. My system is forgiving uptop by nature. Want to open topend if possible. Already using silver. Classe Aerial 10t equiptment. Room 12x19.6x8, Cardas placement. Any suggestions besides changing Classe pre and amp or a new house? Thanks in advance! Almost forgot to mention the room is the dreaded L Word (shape). This is Bad. Thanks

Showing 1 response by macm

Glass reflects. The carpeting and padding will dampen reflections, but it's impossible for another person to tell you if it's excessive in your system without hearing it. Best to compare your sound with what you hear in a friend's or dealer's system to decide if it's too much. Where you might get into overdampening is if you have heavy curtains or Persian rugs hanging on walls in addition to heavy carpeting and overstuffed furniture. I would think that the carpeting and furniture alone probably wouldn't pose too much of a problem if any.