Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords

Is it just me or has anyone else ever felt amazed after hearing a low-priced power cord breathe new life into their formerly congested sounding over-priced cosmetically corded system? WAIT!! I know the answer because the question has been asked before......but probably not about the Absolute
Power Cord. I wondered if anyone else has tried this particular cord and what their impressions were. Thanks

Showing 8 responses by chstob

BBBBuuuuusssttteeeeeddddd. But maybe not, let's hear more about the absolutely amazing magical mystery cable. Though at this point I must admit I am now more 'intrigued' to see if you can pull this off without stinkin' up the joint.
People are going ballistic because they despise the tactics of the seller in this forum. The cords are great, the markup is great-Yee Ha free market. Jadem won't get sued. In fact it's the opposite, he's sold more of the cords than anyone.
Damn! that is a decent rig you got there. Its gotta be some cord if you plug it up to that mess o' goodies. Now we're getting somewhere. Tell us all you know about the cord.
I can't figure it out either. What possessed you to even try it? Especially with those goods. Must've been an act of sheer desperation. Thank you for the report though. I remember the last time I made a change that was ultra-significant, I wanted to shout from the roof-tops.
You guys should have left well enough alone. You almost had me going until you decided to roll ol' yourmama out. So, yourmama, how many of those cords you got stacked up in your garage? Fishy? I'm chokin' to death from all the fumes. Hey Krjr, what are you gonna do with all those four digit boutique tried and true's you say you don't need anymore?

Next time I suggest a good cop bad cop scenario. Have the first guy come out and say 'gee I tink thre grt!' Next guy "ibougt one-it stnk'; First guy 'man yre nuts' second guy 'the hell you say' and so on, all the while touting the product. But whatever you do, dont invite yormama, he gives it all away.
Gregm, Good Question. I'm sure the cords are great. At $39 the exposure is next to nil. And we have had at least a couple of trustworthy members come out and say they are legit vouching for the sellers. I will even probably buy one (if whoever is runnin this deal lets me--they might even thank me as lord knows if it is a scam I have done my part re: a buzz.) But that yomama deal has all the subtlety of rotting flesh.
Me, I'm just looking for sonic truth. I am just having fun avoiding life and my responsibilities in these forums. Just a student not affiliated with the audio industry at all. Happy with my just bought synergistic powercoupler and Kimber model 10 power cables. But as Blbloom so aptly points out I have gotten overly involved with this one. I shall exit this stage (probably too late) lest anyone think I am a part of this whatever it is. I take it back though, I ain't buyin one!
Jadem, well said. Skullduggery indeed. And I agree the trust is the main issue. But are we sure we know all three are the same? To me it seems obvious that yamammy or whoever is an agent for the seller, if not the seller. I think Krjr, on the other hand, looks to be a regular guy stoked on his purchase. He is listed under the sellers feedback section as having purchased a cord. And he is a repeat purchaser. I so want to believe that is the case. And like I said above (way above), if that is the case THANKS FOR THE INFO Krjr! That is what this is supposed to be about. As for yammy. . .off with his head.