Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords

Is it just me or has anyone else ever felt amazed after hearing a low-priced power cord breathe new life into their formerly congested sounding over-priced cosmetically corded system? WAIT!! I know the answer because the question has been asked before......but probably not about the Absolute
Power Cord. I wondered if anyone else has tried this particular cord and what their impressions were. Thanks

Showing 4 responses by angela100

like I said... "Ya gotta get up PRETTY early in da morning".
snooker14, I don't understand your reference. Would you mind explaining?
Snooker, not a problem! We have had a series of posts by dealers/manufacturers posing as unassuming audiophiles only to be busted by the membership. So, maybe folks are a little sensitive to this, but I trust the noses of the people on this site above all else.