Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 40 responses by toetapaudio

Hello everyone,

I have not had the chance to read all the posts yet, but has anyone mentioned how absolutely brilliant the DAC is in the Mola Mola preamp? Very open and natural sounding. And they will be coming out with a stand alone DAC shortly. I understand that there will also be a streamer, perhaps with both combined?

Matt, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Lumin S1 vs the others. I am currently using the S1 with digital out (waiting for the U1) into the Mola Mola. The built in dac is very good but not as good as the one in the Mola Mola. The Mola Mola has more space around the instruments, much better tighter bass and a more natural balance to my ears.

Disclosure: Mola Mola and Boenicke dealer in the UK
Hi bill k, Mola Mola are very thorough and won't release a product until they are satisfied they have the best outcome.  The dac in the preamp is brilliant and I'm expecting the stand alone dac will sound just as good. I don't believe there will be a great price difference between the stand alone dac and the pre/dac.
Hi guys

My recommendation for a world class dac would be the Mola Mola designed by Bruno Putzeys from the ground up using their own discrete dac chip. The claim is that the design totally isolates jitter. 

The dac is only available at this time incorporated into their preamp. Sometime early next year a stand alone version will be available. Cost including the preamp is £11,000. The preamp can also come with a phono stage if required as an optional extra.
Hi lalitk, concerning MQA. Do you like MQA, then? Some very well respected designers I know do not regard it with any seriousness. To them it's more of a commercial exploit. What's your take on it? Roon, is another matter and is being taken up by designers I respect.

Instead of MQA , perhaps what is needed is a better A to D at the recording stage?
@mattnshilp , thanks for the review. Were you comparing the S1 to the N10 with it’s built in dac or digital out? Or both? To put it into pricing perspective the U1 which is Lumin’s player only model ( almost the same as S1 minus dac) is £4500 and the N10 ( no dac) is £8,500.
Since this thread has developed into a general discussion about digital sources and that I have found that power cables to be critical , I was wondering what pc’s you have found worked best in your system and with what digital source and dac. In my particular case I have found the Mola Mola dac and fidata server to work exceptionally well with pc’s by Sablon.
Absolutely agree about power chords making a big difference. The best by far that we have experienced are Sablon Reserva power cables with Furutech NCF plugs both ends. Hard wiring is even better.  Furutech NCF Boosters also make a positive contribution. DAC’s and digital sources benefit greatly. Try to avoid using UK plugs if possible no matter how well made they are. Schuko is preferable if you need to use a plug otherwise hot wire. Dedicated lines with a separate cu are a must imo. Balanced power is also beneficial.
Matt, thank you for your review of MP vs Baetis. I look forward to hearing about the comparison with the SMG in due course, I suspect much tougher opposition. It’s a pity fidata doesn’t have representation in USA at present because it’s a fine device and would be great to throw it in the mix as well.
@bill_k  thanks for the information, glad to see there is now a USA distributor.  The dollar price quoted looks suspect, in Europe 1TB model is €7,500.

Matt, the fidata is in another class compared to the top Melco, Innuos SE2, SOtM etc. that’s why I mentioned it would be good to audition. It can be used as a network audio player via USB to a DAC or server via LAN to a streamer.
@jwm, I can recommend Aqvox for a switch. I’m not sure what to recommend as far as routers, but the switch makes a big improvement.
@mattnshilp, Interesting review,thanks. I came across this brand on WBF where it has good user reviews: http://stacore.pl/en/

I’m not a dealer for Stacore or have anything to do with Stacore. Anyhow it seems that they only sell direct. They work on a damped pneumatic basis.

For our studio I have been experimenting with silk thread isolation furniture of our own design, which has turned out to be extremely effective. Some customers have said they want one, so I’m going to make on a custom bespoke basis. I can send you a photo by PM if you like? I haven’t yet tried any footers under yet to see if it further improves isolation, so your review was timely. 
@mattnshilp and @geoffkait , I appreciate your comments on a very interesting subject, keep it rolling. I’m going to be trying out some of the footers you mentioned and others. I will come back with my findings.

As regards speaker isolation, have a look at Sven Boenicke interesting swing base design. The rear of the speaker hangs from steel threads and the front is supported on a ceramic sphere sitting in non ferrous metal cups, might be brass or gunmetal.

With regard to Shun Mook, the design looks very interesting. I have read some comments that Dalby here in the U.K., have used ebony in an even more effective way. I don’t know anything about this brand, they seem rather elusive, if indeed they still exist.

Just got off the phone to Dalby, they do still exist and they seem to be doing rather well outside the U.K. One of their many products is a footer at £3.5k a set. 
I believe they are not offering those ones, the current model uses a type of hardwood. I’m not a dealer or have any interest in Dalby, although that may change if they are worth the money. They make cables as well but mucho expensive.
@geoffkait all their equipment is bling, like these pc’s


Very expensive, sort of Skogrand territory I think. I’ll stick to Sablon, affordable S.O.T.A. which is quite understated and comes without any packaging whatsoever. More my style.

Keen to try Symposium, coming soon.
@mattnshilp, I have the IsoAcoustics and Symposiums on the way. How are you finding the Shun Mook’s? My guess is that they won’t be as neutral?
@mattnshilp, thank you for the link and I look forward to your further evaluations.
@mattnshilp, we’re your tests done with the Symposium Superballs or the standard tungsten balls?
Long and low is good. I have two shelves 1350 long ( 4ft 6in), top shelf at 450 high (18 ins), placed as far back as possible relative to the front of the speakers. 
@neoshah, what make of balanced isolation transformer are you considering? Probably best to keep analogue and digital separate?
@mattnshilp , have you heard about the Center Stage footers from Pitch Perfect Sounds? They are getting excellent user reviews. Any plans to try?
Yes, thanks. That was a good summary. The mystery is that users report that the CS footers take a while to “burn in”, up to 7/10 days apparently and before that point, they sound terrible. Sounds like some sort of annealing process going on due to the vibrations passing through? 

I have the IsoAcoustic Orea’s Indigos on test at the moment. They work really well and considering their cost they are a great starting point. I’m sure the Symposium will be a step up though, but with shipping costs from US it will be a much more expensive set up.

 I’m also talking to Stacore in Poland about their shelf’s. I’m in touch with someone who really likes Symposium and who has gone over to Stacore. He currently uses both. It’s seriously expensive though and weighs 100kg. Something I’m going to explore in the longer term.
@mattnshilp , seems Shun Mooks are a bit Marmite from what I gather, you either love or hate them. I’ve been offered some to test out but waiting on your response because at this stage I’m not that positive about them, I think there are more interesting footers out there. I won’t tell you what the Stacore lover said about the SM’s until after you have tried them.
@geoffkait, I know somebody in the U.K. who recently had both the Minus K and Stacore side by side in his system for evaluation. The long and short is that he thought the Stacore worked better in his system and he now has four. Active vs passive systems, he preferred the passive solution. He uses and still recommends Symposium before he moved on to a “different level” with Stacore. I believe he uses Symposium couplers with the Stacore. However they weigh 100kg and the cost of one is equivalent to 5 Ultras and RB’s. So it’s a serious investment. Build quality I’m told is excellent.
@geoffkait , I stand corrected. 

Regarding Orea’s, there’s no tech on their website. Anybody know what’s inside/speculate on what’s inside them. I’m Not usually a big fan of rubber but these work.
mitch21,597 posts04-15-2018 6:29pm
One of my complaints about SACD is they all seem to have no ’room’ played in. The music all seems to ’magically’ float out of a black hole. Stripped of any ambience.
Interestingly, this is in the ballpark of describing my issue with the Class D amplification I have owned.  

Not all Class D should be described in this way, in fact quite the opposite in some cases.
To my ears the Mola Mola Makua with dac board was easily better than the DAVE. I have not tried the DAVE/Blu2 combo but this would make it considerably more expensive than the MM.
Matt, watched your latest video. Thanks for posting.

So if the sound is not as good with the new set up, the question is what are the reasons? Is it because of an increase in airborne/ structural vibrations or are your power arrangements not as good with this set up? Or all three?

What can be done to reduce these vibrations with this set up and still retain the benefits of shorter cable runs?
Munich 2018.

New digital transports worth considering from EVO 432, Antipodes CX/EX and EERA.

Aequo loudspeakers were using the new modular Antipodes series CX and EX server/renders fed to the new Mola Mola Tambaqui stand alone dac. The CX/EX combo is said to be better than the DX. The Tambaqui is Roon ready and has both 3.6 jack and balanced headphone connections and at a price point that should seriously challenge DAVE.

The other noteable new dac was the Analog Domain DAC 1.

Rough price guide Antipodes combo about £10k, Mola Mola Tambaqui £9k, Analog Domain DAC1 £18k.

@david_ten, can I suggest taking a look at the Mola Mola Tambaqui when it arrives later this month. Going by the Makua (pre with dac module) it should be extremely good. £9k in the UK.
Hi Bill, I’m afraid not but probably good for the price. The Makua by Mola Mola with dac module is outstanding imo but more expensive. The Makua is also very versatile, it can be fitted with an outstanding phono stage and in the future a streamer module will be available. Mola Mola is incredible value considering the performance you get from both the pre/dac and power amps. I know somebody who sold on his £50k Swiss class A amps and went with Mola Mola. He has an excellent system which is on YouTube. Also somebody I know in the audio business recently tested nearly every top class D amp and Mola Mola was best including some which were much more expensive. 
Matt, if you are trying out class D (your ref to Merrill) then please try the Mola Mola Kaluga. Another top performer at a lower price point is the Nuprime Evo, not quite as good as Mola Mola Kaluga’s but best in its price group.