Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 50 responses by mattnshilp

Hi all.

I invite everyone to take a look at my Virtual System in "All Out Assault" titled "Obsessed Again". I just updated all the photos with great shots of my brand new dedicated listening room. A dream of mine for 30 years!!!!

I'm SO excited!!!! I'm still waiting for my back ordered GIK side baffles. And I'm still waiting for my 9m xlr interconnects from pre to amps (also backordered). So no tunes yet; Waaahhhh!!!! But soon music will flow!
Steve, have you ever heard the British CAD stuff?

I believe their CAT transport/music server is the only other usb only music server truly designed from the ground up for primo USB output, besides the Antipodes.

I understand their CAD usb only DAC is your competition (although not directly available in the US), but you and CAD seam to share similar design philosophies regarding the advantages of a good USB input.

The Antipodes is Unix based, while the CAT is Windows based. Any advantages to either?

Also, couldn't Mitch simply use your Short Block to sever the USB power to his DAC? Or do you feel that the off-ramp is also needed to significantly improve his USB input stage? I'm not really familiar with his DAC.

Mitch - keep it coming. What you are doing is priceless for me! I just wish you had an ODSE as it would have removed a huge variable (USB input stage in the DAC). Lol. But the comparison should still sound true. As such, I wait with baited breath for your next update.
Metralla - I meant no disrespect. I happen to have an intense fascination for the linguistic origin of expressions (and curses). I was just sharing another of my passions. Although I question some of their accuracy, I have amassed a tidy collection of expressions/curse origins. It's fun....

Thanks for posting.
Congrats Steve!

I'm assuming the OR6 tech is integrated into the ODSX Diamond. Are you considering using the Dynamo supply and power block usb supply for the ODSX as well?

If we use the TotalDac usb cable, is it necessary/compatible to use the Short Block with it?

How goes ODSX progress?
Any other North Easterners loving this relentless snow as little as I am!?!?

And, believe it or not, I'm still not up and running.

My fuses finally came in but I haven't had time to install them. And the final piece of the puzzle is arriving tomorrow, snow willing. My new XLR 8.5 meter Shunyata ZiTron Anaconda S interconnects are due to arrive tomorrow. I'll pop the fuses in when I hook up the cables and music will finally flow.

I also have to install the last of the acoustic treatments. The room should be nice and flat while not being dead. I used a gentle combination of absorption with ample diffusion to open the room up but absorb excess base.

I'll report here and on my virtual system.
Our efforts are important. But it's SO frustrating to do our part and then travel to Russia or China or India or any other one of 40 other countries and oberve the level of polluting there. One car in India or China probably puts more crap in the air then 30 US cars. And the manufacturing over there goes completely unregulated. One of toxins pumped into the air every day.

It's sad.
Any opinions on Request Audio's The Beast server? Has anyone heard it? Anyone compared it to the Burmester server?

Thoughts on whether to go with a CAD, Antipodes, Aurender type dedicated server from a relatively new/small,server only company or does anyone think those companies will fade as the mainstream companies like McIntosh, Audio Research and such come out with their own servers?

PS- we are over 530k views.

Sorry I've been quiet on the posts. Work has been insane and the new room has taken up quite a bit of my time. I'm getting closer and closer to where I want to be.

I went to the Montreal show. Was anyIne else there? Any thoughts on good/bad rooms? Also, trying to go to Axpona. Anyone else?

I saw 2 rooms with Lampy. The Big 7 room was very good, but I'm not a huge fan of those speakers. It's always hard to identify what, In a show room, is holding the room back but in that room I think the speakers were the limiting factor.

The main room downstairs with the Golden Gate was exceptional. Big big big speakers, but the music was there and very enjoyable. Interestingly, they were using an Antipodes DX as source along with some killer Lamm gear and the very intriguing Plasmatron power conditioner, which I will eventually have to pull the trigger on.

There were lots of Aurender W20's and lots of Lumin in various models at the show. Only one Antipodes. A few others as well. Startups as well as several well established one guy shows (ie. Music vault, Scaena music server, etc)

Overall a way better show then Montreal. I won't go back to Montreal. Axpona was WAY better and bigger.

Merrill Audio showed with their affiliate speaker, a massive horn system that was stunningly musical, fast and engaging. They also had a relatively unknown music server running their music, Blue Smoke Systems running through the brand new MSB V DAC. There was NOTHING holding this room back. Every step of the signal path was doing what it should. I have considered the MSB DAC before; now I will take a more serious look.

To me, the Lampy Golden Gate took the step that many have been waiting for Lukasz to make with his product, from gear looking like it was made by 4 guys in a basement to well manufactured top tier audiophile equipment. Congrats to him.

I also heard, In a few rooms, the Bricasti M1 DAC which sounded excellent. The current top tier DAC stuff is, I think considered by all, the premier digital rig to own. But it's multi unit system with interconnects and power cords and space and cost and all makes it insane for all but the most die hard of listeners.

I only had one day at the show. If any can get there, it's a good show and a lot of fun.
Just read my last post. Auto correct changed DCS to DAC. Sorry. Maybe that will make more sense. Maybe not. Lol.
Grannyring - the vapor room was packed and very chatty (a chronic problem at these shows. I wish people would take the conversations into the hallway). What I heard I liked. I was in that room late day 1. I only had Friday to cram everything in. In rooms that I'm not interested in the speakers but have gear I'm interested in I onkybtry to get a general feel for like/dislike. If it sounds great then I guess everything just be doing something right. If it sounds not great it's hard to blame any particular part if I'm not familiar with all of the gear. Of cours if I know some of the gear and like it then I can blame what I dont know, or the room. :)

The Ginkgo room was maybe the second room i walked into at around 10am Friday morning. It had probably been on for about 12 minutes before I walked in. So I can't give it a solid eval. I'm just reporting what I heard.

Agear- was the Volti room the one on the lobby level with the gigundous beautiful speakers in that side hallway? If it was, I didn't hear it. I had so little time I skipped rooms I didn't have a direct interest in at least one component in the room. Sorry.
Agear. I am. I have my beautiful and spectacular Der Muzik's up for sale right now. With the new room, and the absolutely reference level Burnester mono amps and pre-amp I felt it was appropriate to most up to a pair of speakers that equal everything else's limitless capacity. The Der Muzik's perform well beyond their cost and are one step below true reference, which is incredible considering their affordable price pre-owned.

I bought a pair of Evolution Acoustic MM3's to try out. They are spectacular! I'm still playing with their placement, but I believe they will be hard to beat. I did hear a crazy expensive pair of Kharma Exquisite Midi Signatures that blew my mind and would perfectly fit my medium size room, but they are crazy expensive; like they make the MM3's look downright affordable. Lol.

I hope to hear a few other contenders at THE Newport show and I may need to fly elsewhere to hear the last of the contenders.... Not ready to report anything.

I will admit that my friend Guido Corona has partially disowned me as a result of my decision to sell Der Muzik's. They really are exceptional. Especially at a pre-owned asking price of $15,500- :)

Any interest guys?
I was very impressed by the Bricasti M1 at Axpona. Merrill (of Merrill Audio) has arranged a loaner and he will be brining one over mid June. I'll report my findings. That LaScala sounds lovely. Enjoy it!

Regarding the Regen. I'm not sure it would make much difference on my ODSE. I'm checking on their site to see if it has a money back guarantee. It's not expensive, but still.... I'd welcome inout from Steve on that as well, although he usually takes a summer hiatus. Not sure if he's around...
1 Regen ordered. For $186- shipped who am I to turn down a tweak you guys are raving about. Coming mid June.

FYI - I just switched from Audiovana to JRiver on my Mac Mini. I played with both extensively and I find JRiver more accurate to the original CD source. There was an occasional lack of layering and sibilance with Audiovana that motivated me to try JRiver.
Technically, it's a doodad that makes the music sound better by plugging between the digital music source doohickey and the DAC thingamajig. It's got some electrical stuff that was recently upgraded with some even better electrical stuff to make it sound even better. As a die hard audiophile, is there really any more information needed then that? Grins! And in this case, it's less then $200- which, for any self respecting audiophile, is downright cheap for a tweak! We spend more then that on one upgraded electrical outlet!

We are, by all rights, totally out of our minds! And we love it!!
CTSooner - I have the short block also and it resides permanently in the system. I just ordered the Regen. I'll post my results here with the short block in and out of the system.
Id like to try that TotalDac usb cable. I've heard great things about it!

I'm looking forward to hearing the Bricasti M1 DAC next month. I also think I can get that Allnic Dac in for a brief audition as well...
I just replaced a very expensive shotgun speaker cable run (Audience AU24-SE) with a fairly affordable single speaker cable run (Merrill Audio Anap) and gained a significant improvement in my system's performance. System matching is everything. Of course, there are probably super expensive cables that match my current/new cables personality that will give me even better performance; I just need to figure out what they are.

Obviously my AU24-SE cables have been reviewed exceedingly well and are recognized as being great cables. They just didn't mix as well with my room and combination of equipment....
Lol. When I was in the Montreal show (less crowded and a LOT less formal) the reps in the room seamed to be very chatty. If I made a "negative" comment about a pair of speakers I didn't think was necessarily helping to make their electronics shine, they frequently thanked me for noticing and told me that they just get stuck with who they get stuck with, whether they feel the gear meshes well or not.
My 8 meter Shunyata ZiTron Anaconda S XLR purchase was through The Cable Company. I do plan on using them again. Great service, great communication. I am a huge fan of Shunyata. I'd love to try their top tier speaker wire as their interconnects and power cords & conditioners really make me smile.

I'm also intrigued by some of the Synergistic more esoteric room treatments and they let you try and return at The Cable Company. But I need to stabilize more concrete factors before playing with doodads and thingies. All in due time.

Looking forward to the Irvine show. Looks like it will be rather large with 10 floors of rooms. I only have 2 days and can't imagine I'll be able to do it all in just 2 days. But it's a fun challenge.
I just had a very humbling experience that we all intellectually know but rarely experience as dramatically as I did with the help of the Nordost System Set-Up and Tuning Disc.

The disc has a set of low frequency tones in both a slow sweep and individual tracks. Track 25 is a timed frequency sweep starting at exactly 20 seconds into the tracks and the second counter on the player corresponds to the frequency being played. It sweeps to 100hz I believe. The next tracks are individual frequency tracks from 18hz to 90Hz (21 total tracks).

Track 25 gave me a solid idea of how low my system actually plays. But the individual tracks proved to me just how important speaker and seat position are.....

I walked around the room while these tracks were playing and these tones went from completely absent to easily audible based on both my X/Y location in the room as well as my Z position. That phenomenon goes away around 57-63Hz in my room at which point is just becomes a matter of how loud or soft the tone is. But below 57, some tones were completely inaudible at several of my most sought after listening positions. It was amazing to see just how obviously significant speaker and listening position really is.

I found that my trust old Radio Shack SPL meter is helpful as well.

All should consider buying this, or a similar disc, to help determine if their speakers and listening partition are located as well as possible.

Correct. My point was a fascination with the fact that the point in my room with the flattest frequency response will almost unquestionably not be a spot I would want to, or even could, sit. My guess is that the spot with the flattest response is either just up against the back wall or a bit behind the center of the room, about 5-6 feet off the ground.

Since my gravitation defying hover chair is broken and I don't want to sit 3 feet from my speakers then I'm obligated to find the next best spots. It's a simple matter of trial and error to find the best spot. But the complete vanishing of certain frequencies at certain heights and locations just screams how important room treatment and proper setup can be.

I just find it fascinating!
The Polymer Masters are too big and I'm not a fan of side firing woofers in a small room. And they are well over $100k, I think closer to $200k.

Thanks for the other tips. I'll read up. There are SO many good speakers out there. I just wish Statement didn't also mean Holy Crap $$$$ !
I would still much prefer a full range floor stander. My goal
Is to get my room right.

Floor is getting changed out next week now. When it's done I'm going to add back my floor standing treatments one by one to see how it effects things.

I think that in the end a HelmHotz will fix my issue. But it's costly, to say the least.
thanks Wisnon. I heard the GG/Antipodes room and it did sound wonderful. I'll look for the GG at the Newport show. Especially with the new DHT quad balanced option.

The new MSB V DAC is out now as well and looks to be a statement contender as well.

With my wonderful little ODSE I feel no pressure to upgrade. But it's always fun to look.
CTsooner - to answer a question you asked in another thread in January that I just saw, no. I am not looking at the Stella Utopia any more. I think it would be my dream speaker, but it's just too big for my small to medium sized room. As I continue to treat, set up and tweak my room I realize that it is small for a truly ideal Statement level system, sigh. The Evolution MM3's are equally sensational but I just couldn't find the perfect spot for them in my room that I was happy with. I did get a 6'x6'x6' equilateral triangle settled sort of in the middle of the room to sound best. But it was nearfield and sounded more like I was wearing the speakers then listening to them. Just too big for my room. It taught me that I really need to respect my rooms size constraints to find the best for my room.

I'm going to post a brief speaker opinion on my virtual system thread.
I can't stop thinking about the sound from the two Perfect8 rooms at THE Newport show. I'm not sure which I liked better, The Cube or The Point. Both literally vanished in the room; I've never heard that happen before to that extend. Just wow.
I should be getting the Bricasti M1 in next week for a brief audition.

It will be nice to post a good ol DAC review again.
I can confirm it is the most recent version with the linear power supply. It is one of the units that showed at THE Newport. If I can play it right, I'm going to try to convince a local Allnic dealer to bring the Allnic DHT DAC to compare as well. 3 days: Bricasti M1, Allnic Dac, ODSE- 3 Pairs of ears.

I'll report when it happens. If it happens.
Lol. see what you did to me Wisnon! Post a list and a preference and fans of other companies will come out and defend their honor....

Ok. I was actually expecting this so I'll addres it head on.

My initial game plan purposely excluded any powered woofer speaker. So the two obvious choices in this price range that were cut were the Vandy 7's and the Schweikert VR-55's; both powered woofers. I feel that one of my Burmester amps true virtues is their low frequency reproduction. So I really wanted to keep that job on the shoulders of my amps. I was true to that plan until I heard the Perfect8 speakers, which utilize a powered separate woofer enclosure.

I gave the Vandy and the Schweikert a fair listen at the show to get a taste for them both. The Schweikert is physically a bit on the large size for my room, but the Vandy is relatively small. I liked what I heard, but nothing grabbed me and said "you have to look into these further". I felt that the Schweikert would be too big as I am really trying to find the right speaker to give me the performance I want and the flexibility to put them where they will sound their best. It's a challenge.

I'm not making a purchase just yet. And there is a Vandy dealer here in NJ that I can go visit. I'll find time and give them another listen.
My experience with the Evolution Acoustics MM3 speaker taught me that a truly statement level world class speaker can have limitations if put into a room that doesn't suit its size; like putting a big block V8 in a Porsche 911. So my search started with creating a list of every top tier speaker I could think of that would properly fit and integrate into my 15x18.5x9 foot room. I then set out a plan to hear every damn one of them. The list was long and had some really eclectic speakers on it. I slowly worked my way down.

I have been listening for a while now. All the audio stores in Manhatten now know me and I have heard probably 20 or so top speakers. A major reason I have been going to all the shows is to hear what they have to offer.

I have narrowed down to three strong contenders. Very very different in method but all create the closest thing I have heard to totally immerse me in my music. It's interesting that two of my three options were not even on my initial list. Hansen was introduced to me when I went to listen to another brand and Perfect8 was discovered at THE Newport show where they really took my breath away. Each of the 3 seams to be amazing overal performers but each does have its own special flare and signature.

1) Hansen - Dragon Legend E
2) Marten - Coltrane Tenor
3) Perfect8 - The Point

I currently have a pair of Hansen The Prince E speakers on loan in my room, and I have arranged to borrow a pair of Marten Coltrane Tenors to directly compare the two in my room at the same time. I'd love to get The Point in also and do a three way final shootout, but I don't think that's going to be possible.....

I'll keep you posted.
This is my list. It includes the speakers I put on my initial list of reference speakers that fit in my 15x18.5x9 foot room that I set out to hear, plus others that were not on my list but I was introduced to by friends or stores, or heard at shows. I did, obviously, not include the three finalists I listed above. I counted, and the list is closer to 35. Oops. And I might have forgotten a few, although I don't think so.

* - at dealer or friends house, properly set up
+ - at a show with a good setup
*+ - both

*+ Focal - Utopia Scala V2
*+ Wilson - Alexia
*+ Magico - Q3 & S5
*+ YG - Sonja 1.2 (without the bottom sub)
*+ Polymer - MKS-x
* Zellaton - Stage
+ Martin Logan - Neolith
* Peak Consult - Kepheus
* Kharma - Exquisite Midi S
*+ Rockport - Avior
* Estelon - XA
+ Kyron - Kronos complete system
*+ Kaiser - Kawero
+ Vandy - 7 mark 2
+ Von Schweikert - VR-55
+ Dynaudio- Evidence Platinum
*+ Kef - Blade
*+ Sonus Faber - Lilium/Stradavaria/Amati Futura
*+ TAD - Compact Reference
+ Scaena - The new one with the smaller woofer and 8 driver array.
+ Raidho - All of them. Don't like any but D1
*+ Lawrence Audio - Cello & Double Bass
* Joseph Audio - Pearl 3
+ Tidal - Contriva G2
+ Vivid - G1 & G2
* Stenheim - Alumine 3 way
+ Sadurni - Staccato horns
*+ Avantgarde - Duo Mezzo
+ Acapella Audio - Cellini
+ Audiomachina - Maestro S
*+ Tannoy- Kingdom Royal
+ JBL Synthesis - 1000
Heard just at shows and got enough to know "yes or no" but don't remember the model - Nola, Lansche, Eggleston, Meridian, Legacy

I have heard other speakers like : Langerton, USA Tube, Tyler, Westlake, Vapor, etc but the models I heard were too big for my room, so I didn't include them on my primary list.

I'm happy to share opinions on any of them.
Heard the Goldmund in the city. Sounds best with Goldmund amps. Very good but not for me. That store had Kaiser, Raidho, Magico and Goldmund. I really liked the Kawero the best but they have 2 issues for me. First is that on certain tracks they get very bright. Like through my head bright. Where you frantically grab for the remote to turn it down bright. When that isn't happening they are truly stunning speakers. I don't know if I'm more sensitive to it then others, but I have now heard them in 4 different rooms including that store and 3 different shows. The same thing happened in all rooms with different equipment. The second issue is regarding design. They have a multi rear driver array which gives them incredible base extension. BUT, they need a LOT of room to really breath or they get flubby and lose. The manufacturer admitted that any closer then 4-5 feet from the front wall to rear of speaker is not ideal. My room doesn't afford me the luxury of getting the speaker out more home 3-4 feet off the front wall. So that and the brightness removed them from my list.

Acoustic zen are great speakers. I heard them at Axpona. They sounded great with tube gear, but nothing that took my breath away or caught my attention. Many speakers did that- very good but nothing that really set them apart from the rest.

Franco Serblin - nope. Never heard of them.

I heard the Boenicke W8SE+ At THE Newport with all Allnic amp/pre/front. About $150k worth of gear all said. They shined! I really enjoyed them. Like really. They caught my attention! And the fact that they are diminutive and gorgeous didn't hurt the lust factor. I actually went home and am trying to get one of my smaller local dealers to start carying them. With a variation in price from $8k-$18k depending on internal/external upgrades they are a wide approval factor dream speaker and worth the investment. All that said, they certainly are not in the same category as some of the $40-$100k contenders I was looking at. But I'd buy a pair for my family room in a heartbeat if I had the extra scratch!!!
Damn typos:
the top 3 drivers ON that narrow baffle.
Polymer would be a HOME run with better low end
Richfield_Hunter - do you know which amp they use for the internal subs? It's that typical 400 watt spec which strongly suggests a Hypex UCD400 or more likely the OEM UCD variant. It's a very good amp and used frequently in the high end world for internal or external powered subs mated to expensive speakers.
Yup. I think the Vandy 7 is It in that regard. That's what I thought.

I listenend to the Vandy 7 yesterday with Pete and John at Audio Connection. What I learned was 2 important things:

1) John is a very nice guy with an extensive fund of knowledge.
2) Getting together with audio friends I have made from the forums doesn't happen frequently enough and it's always fun and a good time. Thanks for initiating that Pete!

I'll keep all updated on my progress.
HS not happened yet. All involved are too busy.

Hoping maybe next wed or the wed after. Also hoping to get a current software version EmmLabs dac into the shoot out as well.
Thanks Bill. I am pretty much 100% positive the M1 I am getting in is the latest greatest kool aid.

Speaker hunt is progressing.

I need to pull all the damn wall to wall carpet I put in (I'm a dumb ass) and replace it with a faux-wood vinyl floor. The room is too damn warm. I think my love seat may be an issue as well, but I'm going to replace the floor ASAP. Then I can decide about the couch.

Current speakers I'm auditioning and will be in my room concurrently to directly compare:
- Vienna Acoustics - Der Muzik
- Hansen - Prince E
- Boenicke W8SE+
- Lawrence - Double Bass
- Marten - Coltrane Tenor

Fun fun fun!!!!
Actually, Erik, both. My room is too hot as well. I had to buy a super quiet fan that I kick on when I'm between songs. It's actually a bit on an issue.

But I meant sonically. Everyone I have spoken with (including 4 acousticians and people who make a living doing dedicated rooms) says that the carpet was an obvious mistake. It's absorbing the magic between 3k and 7k and leaving the room sounding warm because it's taking the highs that balance things out. It makes sense. I need a solid floor and a small area rug.

Regarding the treatments, I have pulled every absorber out of the room except the corner base traps. It helped. But I need the corner traps as the room has nodal issues that the traps help a lot.
Can anyone provide a list of speakers with the following characteristics:

1st order crossover
Time and phase aligned
Either sealed enclosure or front or bottom ported. Not rear ported.
Shorter then about 55", not more then about 20" deep.
Reference or statement product

I have a mental list. But I'm curious to see if I'm missing any.

I'm not necessarily using this as a be-all end-all requirement but it's a category to look at......
I have a small but strong list of front runners. I am also considering alternative options in the form of monitors with subs as needed. I have some great stuff coming in to help me learn which way to go. Varied and very different designs.

I was impressed by the technical prowess of the Vandy 7 and the low frequency extension was literally like nothing k have ever heard before. I failed to connect with them at the showroom to be honest. I would elect to bring my Veritas amps and use a tubed Audio Research pre-amp if/when I go back. I told John I will call him in a month. He was very nice and not pushy at all......
Priorities, my dear Erik. First I must focus on getting it to sound good. I must not allow myself to be distracted by such an unimportant thing as comfort when proper acoustics are still unsorted. :)

Seriously though, the fan is pretty effective and practically silent. It's one if those tall thin turbine type and moves a lot of air with very little noise. Eventually I'll address it head on, but it would either require I run hvac from the main system or put in a separate silent unit (which I don't really have a good place for). If I link into the main system I have no isolated control for that room. For now, I'm satisfied with the fan.
Dyson fan was actually louder then the one I bought. Picture this:

Middle of Bed, Bath and Beyond with people staring at me. Shut off all the fans first to listen to which was quietest, then eventually pulled the one I bought and the Dyson out and found the quietest spot in the store with outlets accessible. Pulled out my trusty spl meter and fan both fans at high, medium and low. The Dyson was louder and more importantly, louder at a higher frequency so way more audible. The one I bought was quieter at all 3 speeds and its tone was much lower and thus easier to mask with normal music playing. I almost bought both to do frequency sweeps on them at home, but I realized how insane that truly was....

And, the Dyson doesn't move nearly the air that the other turbine type do. So it was moving more air, at a lower frequency and more quietly. So I bought it.

It's certainly not silent, but on low speed with music playing at reasonable volumes I can't hear it. Of course, it's killing my noise floor. But until I figure out an AC solution it's fine. Especially for $65- compared to the Dyson at like $300-
Agear, I respect a man who can use 'shizzle' in a sentence!

I'm in new territory with top tier monitors. I liked the Perfect8 Cubes quite a bit. I looked at the Kiss from Vienna - it's basically the top mid/tweeter section of my Muzik with one 9" woofer. And although I don't like any of the others, I do think the Raidho D1 is a good monitor.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
damn typos.

not "one have come to see the room."

NONE have come to see the room. All have advised based on measurements I took and measurements of the room. But none have sat in it and listened and taken their own measurements…

As my idol Dr. McCoy says all the time…. Dammit guys, I'm a doctor, not an audio engineer!!!!
I was speaking with the guy at Von Schweikert who sets up their rooms at most of the shows about my concerns/issues. He said that he hears it all the time and it has to do with unbalanced pressurization of the room when it's a smaller room. The large rooms at shows don't have this issue.

I have not tried it yet, but he suggested I add a sub to the room connected in series from the amps to speakers (high output terminals). He specifically said not to pull the signal low level from the pre-amp. He said to put the sub behind the listening position in the back of the room to balance the pressure in the room, adjusting the output so its not even audible but enough to offset the main speakers output pressurization.

I'm away for a few days but when I get back, I'm definitely going to try it.

Not over-pressurized. Just pressure imbalance.

Don't know. But it's worth a try....

I don't have the fund of knowledge to start tuning my own external crossovers. But thanks for the complement and the idea.

Don't get me wrong guys. My room is awesome. But I have a few issues that, once under control, will really make that last little bit shine. Isn't that what we are all after, the last 1/10 of 1%?
The Bagend, Black hole and subwoofer trick (which I forgot to mention he said to try both in and out of phase) all seam to be doing the same sort of thing.

I'll try the sub trick since I have an extra sub around. If that helps, I'll consider the other technologies. I think an acoustic fix like a Helmholtz is still likely the best solution.
JH - I have given up directly spinning CD's. I rip them or download off the web.

I have actually started spinning more LP's as my system gets better and better. Analog is incomparable.
Not at all.

Please don't misinterpret my statement. My digital front end is my primary source and will remain to be due to its convenience. But I must admit that every time I have heard an analog rig in the same system as a top tier digital rig, the analog rig just sounds better. Of course, most of the digital source has been red book. Hi-Rez gets closer.

I'm just reporting that, imho, properly done analog still has an edge over digital.
I spoke with the guys at Aurender at THE Newport show and every one of them said the new N10 is actually better then their older top tier W20....

I'm still working on speakers and room treatments. I'll start trying a few music servers when I hit that point. But I have to say I have spoken to several (read many many) guys at the shows and most said that their computer sounded as good or better then the Aurender, Antipodes, Etc that they compared them with. I reserve judgement for my own ears when the opportunity comes.