Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 50 responses by ctsooner

G, thanks.  I did realize about current draw, but your answer put it into better perspective for me.  I am trying like heck to watch what we use and I have installed LED bulbs everywhere in the house and am about to put them in my wood shop too.  I've noticed my bill drop a fair amount which is nice.  Even coming out of standby, I notice a fair large difference in the size of the sound stage and even tonality.  I have left my Ayre pieces on full time during burn in and have been burning in my Vandersteen Quatro's 24/7.  Since it's not burned in yet, I don't know if it's leaving the amps on full time or the break in, but it's probably both.  It's really starting to sing.  

I think I'll try leaving them on since it seems to be better for them, but even with the the stress of on and off, there shouldn't ever be a problem with the amps.  Greatly appreciate your response. Thanks so much.

On a side note, I thank everyone for this thread and not JUST Matt, lol.  I've learned so much or had opinions strengthened by so many of you.  Thanks for letting me play in this league.
I got rid of a great sounding ODSE/SE to get the Ayre QX5/20. I know that there are always firmware updates from Ayre that will make it better and better.  They are going with MQA route and we will get the first unfold.  I know that in a few years I'll send it back and for a decent price, they will install whatever new hardware is needed to keep it relevant and a top DAC for another 4 years.  That would mean the life span is 7 years.  Why wait for 5-7 years to enjoy the music I love and have fun with a new piece now?  I don't have 18k for a new TotalDAC and it's better, but not by a lot, than my QX5/20.  I don't see a 5k DAC sounding as good as the Ayre does for a long time.  Others love their 10-20k DAC's and they probably won't see a 5k DAC touch theirs either.  

This is why we are into audio gear and not just music.  
Ayre has a custom chip and not the stock chip.  Hansen does very little digital filtering and is a master at analog filtering.  He had help on the digital side by one of the best in the world.  DAC's are all about implementation.  The clock used in the Ayre is one of the best on the market.  There is a story about it and it's not a secret. You can google and find out about it.  Ayre has always had some of the best sounding digital since they got involved years ago and the QX5 is special for sure.  I've never heard a bad word about it. It's not for everyone as some like others, but most of the others are much more money too.

What I"m hoping is that Ayre eventually comes out with the ref DAC, but I know they had to get the 8 line launched first.  I have a feeling that once they get it out, that it will be discussed in this thread as a real threat to any DAC in the world.  I have that much faith in Charlie I guess.  Matt, can't wait until you get that LH D mk2 in 
Matt, no more texts on cans??? lol.....  I need my daily updates, lol. So glad you got the ODSX back.  Can't wait for the LH2 to get to you so we can get your long term assessment on it.  I can't play in that league, so it's vicariously through you and then a visit of course. 
Not sure if they will.  Haven't heard that that's in the works.  I know someone who would know and report back after we get back from Mexico.  Matt, I can talk for free if you are around.  I was told to put the new Melco into that mix.  Was told this new upgrade or new unit (whatever it's called) is a leap from what the old one was.  I knew this was going to happen with all the servers you and we listen to.  I think in three years we will go back to these pages and shake our heads in amazement as to how far we have come!  I'm so bummed that the Melco can't use Room, although they said there is a work around if set up on the network to rip etc..if you use one of the NUC's out there.  Personally I was waiting on the Room one that was just released as a friend got to hear it before release and raved about it.  

The Melco easily hooks up to a ripping device (bulk or one at a time) and has bit perfect software like all the other rippers.  

I know someone who has heard the SG top of the line (is that the unit Matt?) at various shows he's had his own gear at and loved it.  The problem then becomes cost and is now the right time to drop the dough on servers?  I think with DAC's we are getting better and better also, but servers are still way behind the curve and we need to let companies shake things out to see who will be left standing and able to support the products for the future.  Those are just my own thoughts.

I have Steve Nugent old server as many in this thread know and still feel it's as good or better than anything I've heard to date.  Matt, I swear I will get down  and bring it with me and we'll even get Johnny to bring over the Ayre QX5/20 to play with.  I will need to do an overnight to do this semi properly.  I need to call Steve and find out if it will hurt the sound if I put it on the net so that I can use Roon with it and also be able to rip using the XLD software he has loaded on it.  It's a Mac Mini so maybe some of you guys know.  If I set it up on my ethernet router, can I use an iPad or phone to control it somehow?  He has me running everything through Amara and all the high res/well recorded music is in iTunes, so I don't see how, but I am clueless at times about these things.  I'm sure there are others in this thread who may have a similar question.  

Can't wait for you to get your DAC Matt. ;)
Johnny is a Melco dealer, but had problems setting things up in the beginning and I am not sure he is really selling them.  I'll ask as I do have interest in one potentially, especially if I can just use my mac mini on the net to run Roon with it.
Look at the Music Vault if you want an all in one that sounds great.  He also will install lifetime Roon for you or let you move your license over.  He will custom build it and it is a great sounding unit.  Richfieldhunter uses one and loves it. I've heard it in a few systems and liked it.
Innuos Zenith is an all in one with a SSD and ripper built in.  Nuno from the company set me up with their US distributor.  I assume they use a ripping program on the net for perfect rips.  Mark, the US distributor just got back to me as I type this. I will call him to find out more.  email me with any specifics you want to know. ctsooner@alumni.ou.edu
I'm still trying to figure it all out. I will somehow need to get one of his in the room when I get the Zenith in to have a mini shootout.
Interesting thread IRT to the server's. I have heard a few of them and still like my Steve Nugent build Mac Mini/Paul Hynes unit.  I want an all in one that can be controlled by a pad and use Roon.  Not too much to ask, but some of the best solutions don't and won't do this. Aurender is one of these, however I can do without Roon if I have to so the N10 is in the mix. I need to get one in my system again as it's been awhile since I compared the two and my system is at a much different level now that I have put the AQ Horizon balanced interconnect in as well as the AQ Diamond full time.  Those two changes have made HUGE differences and even the wife asked what I did as it sounds so much more 'real' (her words).

Some of the units will be out of my price range I'm sure.  I have been told that the SGM is THE best server by a few who have auditioned nearly everything on or coming to market.  I still wonder how the Music Vault would fair in this competition or if it too would not quite make it.  

What a great evolution of this thread. I think the problem with digital is that many of us just want a plug and play unit where we don't need to go into settings and make changes per say.  I realize that digital is different, but it's a pain to be honest and I know others feel the same way. Before piling on, I"m just sharing my feelings and realize how audio is.  I also never rolled tubes and have owned tube gear of some sort (or all) since the 70's.
Had to share...69 pages.  ;)  3422 responses (guess this makes 3423).

It's crazy to see where we are in this thread and honestly, it's just getting legs with new stuff and continued DAC info.  BTW, I just installed my Audioquest Diamond USB cable and it's awesome.  Can't tell you how much of a difference it's making. I also installed (later) my new/used AQ Horizon balanced interconnect between the Ayre AX5/20 and QX5/20.  It takes my system (with the Vandersteen Quatros) to a new level.  It's a huge component upgrade to my system and I'm hearing music in a different way.  This DAC has to be even better than I thought with the information I'm getting and it's even more musical and relaxed.  If there was a thin layer of glass between me and the music, it's gone.  I think it was Matt who gave the ref of glass or maybe I read it on another board, but it made sense to me.  The Horizon (it's the precursor to the AQ WEL TOTL cable) and solid silver.  Just so relaxed in it's presentation.  My wife asked what the hell I bought now. She didn't realize I put the cable in (it was from a friend and I couldn't resist).  When she notices changes I listen and ask her what she is or isn't hearing.  She isn't into audio in the least.  She nailed it from it sounds 'more quite' (blacker background) to sound more like the concert we were at (was listening to the Joe Bonamassa Carnegie Hall album that is his new release.  She took me there for my birthday last year the night before the major blizzard, lol).  Tina Guo's cello was in the room with us.  It was just so revealing and tonally correct.

I had the shortblock also and loved it. I noticed a large difference when I used my ODSE/SE with a USB cable Steve sold me with the shortblock.  I personally feel the Diamond and the TotalDac cables are my favorite. I believe that the TotalDac has the 5v sever deal built into that box on the cable.  not sure.
Just found the review Michael L did.  Got the price, lol.  Would love to hear it vs my Steve Nugent Mac Mini, that's for sure.  Exciting times for servers as we've all been saying.
Thanks for posting Al.  What are the price points of the unit?  Have heard great things about it.
Al, it's ctsooner@alumni.ou.edu  I look forward to hearing from you. Matt and I spent most of last night texting about all the servers out here and our thoughts on ones we've auditioned so far and ones we need to.  

JH, this thread has taken on it's own life and as much as it's a thread about 'the best' for CD DAC, it's not morphed into the server and also cable/connection part.  We have had many manufacturer's and distributors following and posting for the whole 2 years plus.  That said they also open themselves up to criticism when Matt or someone else doesn't like their product or feels it's way over priced for what you get.  

I never knew Steve Nugent and Empirical Audio existed until this thread and I'm so glad I owned his ODSE/SE and even loved the short block (sold with ODSE/SE) and the Synchromesh reclocker (for sale if anyone wants one).  Great products and great value from a great guy.  I bet others have a similar story.  I bet many didn't even know what a Lampy DAC was before this thread and now love what they own.  
I too feel it's excellent throughout Tidal.  They really miked it nicely. I went into the hall as soon as they opened it as I was so excited to see him in person finally and to share it with my wife.   The musicians he had were a who's who.  Tina Guo is one of the best cellists going right now and she plays everything. I've started to follow her on Instagram.  There are so many songs where the string just bites through everything.  When they dual on one of the cuts, it's so edgy, but not fatiguing like so many rock recordings.  

I guess he does everything himself from renting the halls, to marketing the shows to doing his own recordings. He owns it all out of J&R Industries in FL.  He was very smart not to sign away his work and he's very smart in the way he runs the business. I sure he has a partner or manager who does it for him.    

No thread hijack here.  Matt, I can't wait for you to get all the toys you are about to get into your room.  You can share when you want, but it's a veritable list of who's who in servers and so many have been mentioned already.  Talk about putting your money/ears where your mouth is....wait, ears/mouth switch....Oh well, back to servers.
Looks like he may be looking at Playback.  The more this thread goes and the more I think bout my own situation, I'm leaning heavily towards maybe keeping my MacMini and just put a 1T SSD in it for my CD collection (not sure it can handle what I have, but probably close) and call it a day, lol.  

I need to get some of the better servers in my system if I'm able to, but the Aurender is just a great unit for the costs.
Matt, you crack me up.  I love it.  Guys, he texts me all the time about can's as I'm into them a lot.  He still needs to try a pair of Noble IEM's, lol.  He will in time I'm sure.

Very cool of the company to make this offer.   I know on other boards offers for board members happen all the time. I don't see a problem with it and if there is, folks can just go to head-fi's thread and do it over there.  Not a big deal as this is about we the customer I would think.  Very kind thing to do.
First off, thanks to Jeff for making the offer (I have the best headphone amp I've ever heard in my Ayre QX5/20) even though I don't need a new DAC/amp.  That's really kind and he's doing the opposite of some companies by NOT selling out the back door and screwing dealers.  That's important as we don't have this thread without some great dealers who have helped Matt and others attain most of these products.

As for someone asking about good IEM's or CIEM's...I have been using a pair of Noble Audio Savants since they came out and they are awesome.  Love them on my QX5/20 as well as through a basic AQ Red DAC on the iPhone for travel.  They will show you the sound curves on their site.  There are other nice ones out there, but for my money the Noble's have some of the best sound you can get in all price ranges. They'd match nicely with the Comet for sure.

Matt, I can't wait for you to get these servers up and running once the Davici gets put back into use ;).  I'm really interested to see how the Burmeister and other very expensive units compare to the N10. Honestly, you are only using the N10 and not the W20, so that's not fair to Aurender is it?  Ha....Seriously though, Wouldn't you want to try the W20 also or is that only if you want to use the AES/EBU out to the DAC?  I was told it's virtually the same unit other than a better output connection (which made no sense).  I've heard the W20 a few years ago and was blown away by how natural it was.  Fully extended on both ends with a glorious mid range.  I believe it was highly detailed with a very very low noise floor.  It was awhile ago.  I love the N10 and the N100H for their price ranges also.  Never been a huge fan of the earlier ones though.

I heard a rumor that we could see the Aurender using both their app as well as......wait on it......wait.........still waiting.......ROON.  Was told last night by someone who spoke with their rep that they are actually talking to Soon about being able to use the Aurender servers as a Roon core.  If so, that gives them an even larger leg up.  They really stand behind the units and the dealers love selling them as they never have problems and the company takes care of everything for them.  Can't beat that business model and it's helpful for we consumers also.  Not dealing with the SQ as Matt does, but to me, JUST as important.  Customer service and supporting the product fully in both set up, use and in times of peril.  

Thanks Matt.  Yes, that was the deal. I just knew that they were identical other than a connection. Clock, not source connection, lmao.....  What if your DAC has a great clock.  How would that then work?  Does it then get bypassed if you use an external clock?  Why not use a great clock INSIDE said server?  I just don't fully understand it, that's all I guess. 
I heard the Brinkmann Nyquist DAC about a  year or so ago (not totally sure, but it was just before it came to market).  I was really impressed and have probably mentioned it in this thread, but I know I have told Matt multiple times that it was a really impressive session.  I spoke with more than a few who heard it recently with the Vandersteen speakers at a show and were blown away by how great sounding the music was in that room all weekend.  I was able to bend RV's ear about the sound that weekend.  He told me that was the first time he enjoyed digital.  Keep in mind that he works the shows and doesn't get out to hear all the digital gear out there.  He's like Fremer, a true analog guy.  He said that he was surprised at how good the sound was with the Nyquist.  I thought it was a 14k DAC, but I immediately said that it was most probably better than my Ayre QX5/20, which is to my ears, a highly musical DAC and plenty detailed.

I just read Fremer's review of the Nyquist online for Stereophile.  He too feels the same way that I did the first time I heard it.  I did hear it with some MQA recordings that seemed to be very well recorded to show off MQA as well as the DAC.  I thought I'd share the review with you guys.  Hope you enjoy the read (this is for those who think I only like Ayre gear, lol).

Brinkmann sounds outstanding to me.  My ear isn't what everyone else's is and visa versa.  Matt knows my ear fairly well by now I think (we have discussed our differences).  It's like most great audio products. It gets better and better the more time you spend with it.

I've never bothered with looking at measurements.  I know that they are important to some degree, but I will listen to anything.  that way I can make up my own mind about a product.  
Wow, this is nuts. I've heard that they had many problems with the Geek'd line, but didn't realize how bad it was/is.

Matt, just got the Davinci mk 2 through a NJ dealer.  Hope they don't go under for his sake as that's a lot of coin for no warranty.  I know of two dealers who didn't want to carry their DAC's, but they never said why.  I wonder if they didn't like the owners.  Now I need to find out, lol.  

This is one of the biggest reasons I usually only buy from companies that are established with strong reputations.  It's one reason I stopped having friend buy Krell gear as well as Levinson back in the day.  I won't buy Pass now either as I hate companies that screw over the BnM businesses or customers. To me, that shows that they won't  be there when you really need them.  

Folks call me a Vandersteen fan boy or an Ayre fan boy, but those two will stand by their products for years and years and I have no worries about that.  These products eventually do have something go wrong.  Electronics always do.
Dragon, I kind of agree.  I purposely didn't mention the name of the dealer as I didn't want things to 'go there'.  The post has nothing to do with the sound of the product. I don't think any of us are saying it's not a great product.  

My thoughts are about dealing with companies that can't deliver what is expected of a customer.  If they can't keep up with basic delivery of their product, then how would they ever be able to fix what gets broken.  If a company that is selling a 35k plus DAC (or whatever the high cost is) and they can't deliver a product that isn't DOA, then what kind of QA do they have? 

As I stated above and in other posts over the years, I usually stay with named companies who will be there to service their products over time as I keep things for a long time.  I notice that many stores change their products (companies) like underwear.  Flavor of the day.  What product is on the cover of the current mag.....we have all seen this at many stores.  

Looking back at where I've purchased over the years (many stores as I know many owners, lol), nearly all of them have been carrying the same lines for a long time.  They will bring in a new line or two over time, but only after the lines prove that they will support their products.  

It's just alarming that a company who's selling gear in this stratosphere treats anyone the way they have been and continue to do.  LH isn't the only one either.  There have always been companies who are not on the up and up regardless of why.  Buyer be ware I guess.  Not even trying to get anyone to buy into my personal feelings, just sharing them.  
Matt, we've spoken so much about it all.  Yes, IR a fanboy for all the reasons stated that don't even deal with my feeling that for the price the SQ is the best for ME.  They just stand by their products even out of warranty if needed.  I love that about any company ;).

Aolmrd brings up a serious point.  I'm sure they will make you happy Matt, but there is a lot of money involved.  How many folks could they take care of if problems arise and the company is gone or won't stand behind the products.  It's scary for any of us when purchasing an expensive product.  That's one reason I don't buy used that much anymore.  Been burned a couple of times already.  Thankful that companies like Aesthetix and Empirical have stood behind their gear, but it's expensive lessons we all learn.
Matt will post soon I'm sure, but he's getting the Sound Gallery's (I may too) in to listen to.  It's got great press.  Can't wait to hear his thoughts on it.  
Matt, that's actually kind of funny and a great analogy, lol.  Thanks for the laugh.  
Yes, everything makes a difference in digital.  

Wisnon, I wish I could be there, but I have knee surgery in Sept and won't be cleared to travel anywhere for at least two months. Having MS really slows down my recovery times.  Plus, being the Fall, I'd be in OK for football if I could travel, lol....It's too bad as I've love to hear that demo.  

Charlie Hansen told me on CA that there will be a Roon server that's non computer based being released in the Fall.  I'm going to find out more.  It's not going to be an Ayre, but we will see.  

Looks like there will be a lot of servers coming out in the next couple of years.  Things will need to shake out a bit for servers.  
Matt, I'm down with that, lmao.  Seriously, this is exciting.  

Wison, thanks.  the butter thing isn't true.  I look into everything as you can imagine.  There is hardly anything that helps with myelin.  I'm about to start a new drug that was just passed.  It's a twice a year infusion.  Hope it works.  Anything else you are spreading Matt?  LOL...

Guys, I've heard two battery run units. One was a phono. I can't remember the name right now..wait, ti's Sunderland. No dynamics compared to other SS phono stages.  Very low noise floor.  The other was a preamp and I can't remember the name. I do remember not loving it at all.  It was like plugging your mono amp into some of the power strip deals on the market.  JMHO, but I haven't heard many of the units out there.
Dave, thanks for understanding.  Yes, you know my background, lol.  

BTW, I must share that when I was out to sea for 11 months at a time, I owned a pair of Stax Lambda Pro's with their portable, battery operated or plugged in amp that plugs into a 1/4" jack (the amp is for sale if anyone wants it, lol) and the first ever CD, Sony ES 501.  It was bliss at the time.  Bought the CD player at ships store (told my buddy who ran the shop to go get one, lol).  I bought every CD that was released for that whole cruise. I didn't have much time to listen, but I sooo appreciated having that to help me get through those years.  
Guys, there is no doubt that some mods can elevate the performance a great deal. That said, it's not going to beat out any of the DAC's that are being discussed in the thread as he's looking for the best and not just good ones.  There are many really good DAC's 5k and below right now and they are there for every taste.  Again, a new thread for that would probably take off. Plenty of DIY's on the boards and it would be very interesting to talk about the mod and how it sounds vs XYand Z.  This just really isn't the thread for it is it?  

Dave and byang, please don't take this wrong, but I honestly come read the threads to get away from the political stuff.  I'm a retired Navy Commander and stay well versed on things, but this place shouldn't need to have to deal with that. I'm sure you guys understand and I hope you aren't made at me for bringing  it up.  I was emailed and messaged by two lurkers on this thread and it's only been within an hour or so of the back and forth.  Thanks
Only one sea story.  In 1984 (march 10th I think it was) I was in my rack (about 10pm local time somewhere in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Iran).  I had just gotten off of watch (I am a surface warfare officer or ship driver) on the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier and we ran over a Soviet Victor Class sub.  I was also the ships Repair Officer and was in charge of the repair efforts.  Just crazy.  

The guys now are so lucky as they can use their phones with a Mojo or Hugo2 and can's of their choice to get outstanding music.  I would have been able to lay down in my hidden hammock I installed on the fantail of the ship. I used to love sleeping out there if I didn't have the night watches.  I only got about 3 or 4 hours at a time so I wanted to max out what I had.  Even at night it was hot and humid out there, but the fresh air was great.  I used to use my cassette walkman out there, lol..WE have come a long way guys.
All good guys.  All the politics get cleared up pretty quickly.  Yes, an amazing thread and now that Matt has the Davinci burning in and a few cool (expensive for many) servers, it will be interesting if the Aurender N10 can stay at the top of the heap.  It's not even the most expensive by miles, so it's already a great value/buy for the high end.  It's still on my personal short list if I can ever afford it, unless something better comes along.  

How many of you guys are waiting out the server war's that is about to start as you think the future will be MUCH brighter with advances in timing and lessening digital noise?
Guys there is a very good thread or two on Computer Audiophile about MQA.  Charlie Hansen who owns Ayre and some big time reviewers on the threads and it's not pretty regarding MQA.  A lot of it is stuff I've heard in the past and may put me in the camp of not wanting MQA or at least caring about having it or not.  Charlie's design basically does what the first unfold is doing sound wise, without losing any bits.  Just over my head, but great read for sure.  

Now that I have a hard wired, fast ethernet connection in the room, I'm going to set up the optical isolation and go from there.  I may try the ground units Al has brought up also.  I'm not sure what ethernet cables I'll be using though. I have loved the AQ diamond in the past and even the Vodka has been fine, but I was also told to get a top cat 8 cable.  I don't believe the AQ cables are Cat 8.  Not sure who makes cat 8 for the high end.  

I also notice that Ayre has my QX5/20 available with various inputs. I have the full assault with 10 inputs, but you can now get it with or without the USB and or ethernet or anyway you want or need it. Very interesting marketing.  I wonder if others will do the same??? 

Melco is supposed to have their own software being worked on.  I have reached out to a head engineer there to find out more about the future of their software and other things. I'll report back when he gets back in the lab in the next week or two.  

Seems like IRT servers that so much is going on.  Maybe even more so than what DAC's went though and still do.  Hard to keep up.  
Al, thanks.  Yes you told me about the isolators.  I just remember reading on CA in a thread that the optical isolation is better, but I'm more than willing to try the isolators as they only cost about 65 or so if I recall.  

Yes, I thought WW sold the cat 8.  My dealer in NJ, Audio Connections sells those, so I'll ask him to get me one and I'll check it out.  At this point I may as well.  Do you have a link to the CA thread Al?  That would help all of us as I know many are lurking on this thread still (they send me emails etc.., lol).  

I'd love to speak with you off line about the grounding devices as I too have interest in checking them out.  Looking forward.  Thanks.

Thanks Pete
Matt, I"m sure we will talk later today, but it's now time to introduce the Brinkmann Nyquist.  As you know, I loved this DAC the first time I heard it. It was possibly the most pleasing DAC I've head to date.  I'm not sure if it was the most resolving as it was with 50k Wilson's that to me lack detail.  That said, it was very impressive. I got the same response from someone in the industry who isn't the biggest fan of digital.  

What I've found with most any piece of great gear, you can't always tell about how much micro and macro detail you get in the first audition.  That's why I'd love to get one in my room to compare it to my Ayre QX5/20.  I'm also not so sure that these DAC's aren't in the conversation with TotalDAC and the Rossini and some others.  It's not always about price IRT any component.  I've found that too many are priced for the Asian markets (Matt and I always talk about this) and are double priced for the US market and then are HEAVILY discounted making folks think they got this great deal, when in fact if they'd have listened, they weren't.  That business model also devalues said products in the US for those of you who buy and sell often.  

I think the Brinkman costs 14k.  You can listen to it all day long and it was one of the most relaxed digital presentations I"ve ever heard. I just didn't love the system I was listening to, but I was highly familiar with it.  If it had more detail, I would have been loving it.  I think it's time to get the Ayre and Brinkman in (oh the Brinkman was connected to teh Aurender N10. I don't know which USB that they were using. 
I have a friend who used to post in this thread who also got a Davinci mk 2 this week. He's got to finish burnin it in, but he too got the N10 server to go with it.  I got him in touch with Matt and they are will no doubt share some notes etc...My friends system is Vandersteen 7's, forget the amp name and  SR cabling.

I have a good feel for how Matt listens as well as how my other friend does, so for me it will be really neat to hear their differences as both front ends are identical.

Mark, this thread is about state of the art. Who are you, or anyone to tell folks how to spend their money?  You have no idea what is inside top DAC's and how much they cost to produce.  Please top trolling this thread as it's a long running thread and we'd been able to keep things on track for hte most part.  Thanks.
As Matt knows, I'm very much into portable audio also.  I have the Mojo.  It's very nice for the price, but I don't like the chunky case. I"m awaiting the new Macntosh DS50 I believe it's called.  I'm hoping I like it more as it also has crossfeed if you want to try it.  I have the ZMF ORi's, Nobel Savants and will be getting the ref CIEM's from Empire Ears soon.  The headphone balanced out on my Ayre QX5 is simply amazing and hte best headphone amp I've ever heard and I've heard the top ones on the market many times at stores and shows.  

As for phones, I personally don't like the built in DAC's.  One of the LG phones has a good built in, but it's still not better than even my bounce around Audioquest Dragonfly Red.  The newer iPhone DAC's to me are terrible.  If you have good IEM's or cans and a decent portable DAC, just listen and it should pop out at you.  

Would I use a Mojo as my main DAC in my home system?  Yes I would....if I was just starting out and needed a DAC until I could afford or find a better DAC.  As good as DAC's are now days, I greatly miss my analog system that I recently had to sell.  I think it just comes down to timing issues that digital has.  I've spoken to some designers or gear other than DAC's and they all feel that it's still the timing of digital being off a bit.  To my ears analog is just so relaxed when you play the same cut with digital.  It will be interesting to hear how the Boulder will sound as their gear is usually pretty awesome and with a server built into it, I'm assuming that takes care of what connection, what cable and what clock to use.  They know how to isolate their products and how to use the best power supplies for each part of their gear, so they can solve so many of the problems that are inherent in digital audio replication.

I'm assuming that it should best everything and for 65k plus any discounts, it should.  I also feel strongly that digital has come a long way each year.  I know two who own Steves' new piece (I owned and loved his old one) and the differences between the two are night and day from what I've been told.  That says a ton as he's only one man designing his gear and not a team.  

This thread will continue for many years to come as long as Matt decides he wants to keep up with new and latest, lol.  Thanks for keeping it on track as that's not easy to do these days.  I'm also thankful that it's not full of manufacturers' or dealers selling their gear.  Steve and some others have been incredible in their candor and their love of music/gear and not trying to push their stuff.  THANKS...
Chord fans always get upset with me as I say their bass is not as good as my Ayre, my ODSE/SE or any other 10k plus DAC I've listened to.  I know many others feel the same way.  

Steve, just send a demo along for my to review ;)....ha....I know we spoke about you making one.  When you are ready, let me know and I'll get you hooked up with the headphone community.  Great bunch of guys and from all over the world. Even more so than 2 channel audio I think.
Great response Steve.  I know that we've chatted about this a few times.  Yes, I"m the one who has your server.  We spoke for a long time about headphones, amps etc...  Since then, I've gotten pretty heavily into portable audio and headphones as has Matt.  I'm sure your amp will clobber most.  I have already told a few of the top reviewers I know about it. 
Steve, you are awesome :)....Great response, lol.  I may have to call to chat about headphones soon.  You also should think about a switch for using IEM's that need much less power to drive them and are subject, at times, to hiss. ;)....also please consider cross fade into the design.  Headroom used to do that. I still have a couple of their older models with it and it works.  Macintosh has a portable DAC/amp coming out this month that incorporates cross feed.   
Yes, that would be a great idea Steve.  Most of them need very little to drive them fully and it can cut down on noise/hiss.  Empire Ears is so careful that they even put special aftermarket cables on their higher end designs.  

Interesting on crossfade.  My older headroom amp had it and it sounded great.  Do you think that small Mac unit does it with DSP? I bet it does as it's also  DAC. I never though about that.  Now I need to look to see if my desktop one really does have it.  I know their really small portable one that I bought years ago, has it.  If the desktop one has it, would you want me to send it to you?  Just let me know.
I"ve owned DAC's with both and so far I"ve yet to hear an upsampled that I enjoy.  I've heard fairly large (For audio terms) differences.  I've had a lot of DAC's in the house too and most are talked about in this forum (not the tube ones other than Aesthetix, which is one of the most under rated companies in all of audio for all their gear).  JMHO
........and after you have gone thought all of that, just put on a few of your favorite recordings.  Are you tapping toes or moving in your seat?  Do you forget to listen as a serious reviewer or are you just relaxed and listening for fun?  There really is something about not listening critically while listening critically.  
Matt, we can talk off board tomorrow about this, but in reading I also thought about how else I personally look at things.  I also look at the companies and will they be around to support said product in 7 years when it needs help.  Not sure about Light Harmonics.  Boulder most probably.  This may mean nothing to you and many others, but you know how I am about this Matt as we've spoke a ton off the board about my feelings.  Steve is the only company I've deal with that is smaller if you would and he stood behind his DAC 100% when it needed some help.

I am not saying this to dissuade you are anyone as we need all companies to push everyone.  Just something that I personally do think about.  That's only if things are 'THAT' close ;)
I have heard Trinity a few times and LOVED it.  Just a great musical piece.  Played through large Rockports and Naim amps.  Not a big Naim fan and the Rockports were fairly new to me.  It was the first dAC that wasn't 'digital sounding to me. I liked it MUCH better than the dryer and hyper detailed DCS full stack.  
Matt, honestly, you would still like the DaVinci in your system.  The Boulder gear is outstanding. That said it is a bit bright.  Not fatiguingly so, but musically so.  You know that I like it, but can't warm up to it. I'd never own it personally, but many of you guys love that flavor and that's why these shootouts are fun.  

What I've found out is that digital is the most system dependent gear in our systems.  I've heard the same DAC in different systems have the same signature, but not sound the same if that makes sense.  You could take your system Matt and put it in the identical room with a different electric feed and it would sound incrementally different.  Just change the feet...OH, you did.  Just change the power cord.....OH, you have....

We've spoken at length about this off the board, but I wanted to post it here as it ties into your post and update.  
Jeff, good to see you post again, lol.  I'm glad you got the DaVinci and N10.  I'll see you guys at Audio Connection on Saturday when Richard Vandersteen visits.  Will be fun.