Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 50 responses by ctsooner

Matt, I totally agree.  The big problem I personally see with most folks room treatments is that they go too far.  Often when they get advice from the treatment company themselves, their rooms become very deadened and unrealistic in the reverse.  I've found over the years that I have become better and better in treating my own room.  I just walk around and listen for harsh spots and where the reflections come from and up go beautiful quilts or something to absorb or reflect.  Big plants in the corners of the room and a diffusion panel (albums racks work GREAT for this purpose) on the opposing walls and of course a rug or carpet in front of most speakers is usually needed. I rarely find the need to do much more in my rooms (four different houses).  I'm lucky in that none of my rooms so far have had the 50hz resonating problem that even most stores have in their 'professionally' done rooms have.  

You are dead on in venues too.  I get to go see Joe Bonamassa next Monday at the Bushnell in Hartford, CT. I'm so glad it's the larger venue there (they have a smaller intimate one also).  Both their rooms are outstanding in sound quality.  I got to see Joe last year at Carnegy Hall and the room was all of that I thought.  It was acoustic and the size of the room was perfect. This time around he has a full band so I'm excited as it's the larger room (maybe 8k seats?) and it's sold out so it will sound it's best and the room will allow everything to breath and bloom.  I chose to sit in the rear orchestral seats as they are center stage and I love how the sound is back there when there's a full band accompanying him.  

Yes it's all about the venue and it's cool when you have recordings where you know the venue and or the producer so you know how it was recorded.  All I know is that I'm at the point in my audio journey where I'm listening for hours and hours a day, every day.  I love where my room is and even though I want to sell my Treo's and get the Quatro's still, I love what I"m hearing and it's fun again.  

That's really cool about your son loving his music and being gifted.  I can appreciate that as you may remember. Nothing beats appreciating your offspring doing something they love and doing it at a high level of competency.  Call if you get a free moment.  

I did the NYC trip and was greatly let down by Innovative Audio as I looked on their site and it said open on Sundays. I even sent an email to them asking to discuss what I wanted to audition before coming down to the city. I did that days before my trip on Sunday and they never even got back to me.  They have Avalon's and I love them and wanted to hear what they had that would go up against the Quatro's, but when I got there they were closed. They aren't open on Sundays and I booked the whole day around that trip.  Pissed wasn't even the word.  Hate being negative, but folks need to keep their websites up to date if they want my business I guess.  If I hadn't sent an email to them ahead of time (as per their request on their site), then I wouldn't have been as upset.  

As much as I love Johnny at Audio Connections, I can purchase anywhere. As much as I love the Vandersteen speakers, that doesn't mean they are the only speakers in the world and how could I even tell folks to audition them vs something else if I don't know what something else sounds like.  Heck, I have now had two great experiences at Stereo Exchange believe it or not for headphone gear.  I'd recommend them in a heart beat to folks wanting to audition top quality cans.  Didn't meant to make this a negative post, but I guess I'm still feeling burned a bit by Innovative not being open or getting back to me.  Oh well, their loss and someone else's gain eventually as I also need a NAS/server too.  

Back to room and reflections and absorptions, lol.....(and let's throw in a bit of slap echo for fun ;) ).
Thanks to another audio friend out in Portland, I've decided to get an optical converter and have an electrician run lines for ethernet into my audio loft.  Going with the PS 1 LPS and a commercial converter I believe it is.  I still need to switch over to Comcast and then find the electrician to do all of this, but it should be worth it in the long run. Then I will focus on which digital server I want to go with.  There are so many questions that really need to be answered from ease of use to which software app you want to run it on. Is using a pad or phone the way you want to control it etc...?  I keep vacillating from top of the line (for the US) Melco to being told to just use Roon and get a basic NAS and set it up that way.  I need to rip about 2-3k CD's, so ease of that is also important.  

Digital isn't easy yet. I like one box solutions like a Music Vault, but then wonder about it breaking down as I need to rip a bunch of stuff, but once ripped, how often will I ever use that blue ray drive?  

I'll take suggestions on music servers/NAS drives and Roon vs on Roon. This thread is too important to let it slip any more.  We are all waiting on Steve's OSDX to get into the hands of many and the new Ayre QX5 Twenty is a killer at the price.  So many new DAC's coming out as we speak.  I think the sound of most of the newer DAC's are better than what we had at the same time last year.  It's a great time to start jumping in if you haven't.  

Happy Thanksgiving to those friends in the US who celebrate.
Matt just got the new ODSX from Steve.  Needs to be burned in still.  I sold my ODSE/SE and got the Ayre QX5/20 over the other contenders in the thread and love it.  To my ears, it's just behind the TotalDAc and was very very close.  I like it better than the Berk Ref in that it is more dynamic and more detailed, while still being very musical.  It just keeps great timing and timber.  The bass on the Ayre sets it apart for me from many other DAC's I've had in the house.  This thread should keep going, but right now it's seen nearly every DAC in it change. 

I was able to get a Rossini in my system with the external clock.  It's a great DAC if you want hyper detail, but for my tastes it sounded just like it has in the all stores I've heard it and that's dry.  Just not the musical DAC I expected. I was never able to warm up to the music.  I think it's the typical DCS sound though as I've heard their top system a few times and they too left me a bit cold.  EMM is the DAC a lot of the guys are talking about.   I have spent some time with the new Brinkmann DAC and it's also very good, but I still like my Ayre better and it's a full digital hub.  

I"m sure there will be a ton of responses as most of the guys posting have been too busy to say anything, but they will in time.
Matt, as you know I'm setting up my optic Ethernet network in the next couple of weeks also.  I want to come down in May (booked in April with Juice Plus convention and a trip to see my daughter in the collegiate national finals cheer comp) and I'll bring my Mac Mini server that I got from Steve.  Honestly, I think it's better sounding than the Aurender or even the Antipodes that I heard.  Steve may feel differently, but this server is a killer.  I just need to get a Melco used as a NAS to store and rip my music.  I agree that so far anything I've fed my Ayre QX5 via ethernet is the best sounding.  I've heard the optical ethernet vs straight ethernet in a store a few months ago and was blown away by the subtle differences.  They are small, but big at the same time as the noise floor was lowered and allowed more of the recording to come through.  Yes, lot's of info.  Let's also plan and visiting Lavorgna at his barn.  I have an invite and it would be a blast!  Call when you get a free moment.  
There will always be room for a purpose built, one box, easy to plug and play server.  I"m honestly thinking about getting the Melco and using it only as a NAS and running my Mac Mini to run Roon and the network via an iPad if I can figure out how to get it to work. I also want to wait to hear what the new Melco's will sound like and then also to see if Roon themselves come out with their NUC soon, which I believe they are close.  I want to run Roon if I can for how much fun it seems to be.  I love playing with it when visiting stores and in friend's systems.
Matt that will be fun to hear what you have to say.  Which Melco were you using?  The N1ZH or the N1A?  I'm excited to hear the new units when they come out in the next couple of months.  The N10 only has USB and not AES/EBU or ethernet right?  
Guys, we all hear differently.  That's why many will not ever agree with what Matt likes or doesn't like.  I've heard and liked the Antipodes, but I also like the N10 too.  I need to hear the new Melco N1ZH when it comes out as to me it sounds better than the Aurender N100 (again, personal taste).  That said, I could easily live with the N10 or W20 as I like balanced input better than USB.  

I'll still put my purpose built Mac Mini with Paul Hynes LPS up against any server out there.  I don't know everything that Steve did when building the darn thing, but I bring it with me to stores on occasion or other's systems and they can't believe it.  Again, my ear.

We all post about reviews etc, but we all know that they too may or may not like things that we do.  If I was going to get a purpose built server over my Mac Mini, which I may do for ease of use eventually, I'd look at the N10 and the DX, but I'd also need to put the less expensive Melco in the mix and figure the work around if I felt I had to have Roon.  

Different strokes for different folks as this long thread has shown time again.  
Thanks Matt.  I too had the PS Audio DAC in and it wasn't in the same ballpark as the Empirical Audio DAC I had at the time.  The Ayre QX5/20 took my system to a different level than even the EA DAC.  

I would love to get that CAD here to go up against my Mac Mini. Matt have you had the Melco N1Zh in yet? If not, let me see if I can get my hands on one (when the new one comes out) and we can both try it out.  I do want an ethernet connected server though as everyone who manufactures or designs seems to feel it's the best way to move the digits, but that's to do so, is a large expense to do it correctly.  

Just glad this thread is going again.  I think the evolution is pretty amazing.  We started with everyone just throwing out their own DAC's or what their dealers want them to buy or even some manufacturer's trolling the thread, but in the end, there's nearly a consensus that there are only a handful of great DAC's still and that some of the larger names that everyone always talks about being the best values in audio etc, don't quite make this top tier.  Good products in their weight class though and not to be dismissed, but if you want the best, you can read every  page of this thread and make a list of about 5 or 6 DAC's that most feel are best.  I've been fortunate to hear many of them and can see the virtues and faults of each one.  That's probably why we all chose different DAC's for our reference DAC (money also plays a part, but not quite as much).  

Thanks for the server link to the Head-fi thread. I missed that one over there for some reason.  
I heard the latest version a month or so ago and it's not in the same league as my Ayre QX5/20.  If folks want to bring in another name to check I think you need to look at Brinkmann.  I heard their new DAC at an unveiling and was really impressed.  It's going to be in the discussion soon, but I don't feel it's better than the Ayre (dealer carries both lines) and the TotalDac is a hair better than the Ayre, but for twice the price.  Matt seems to love the EMM as do a few others.  I need to get down to Matt's to check it out, but will wait until he gets his new EA ODSX burned in.  That will be a fun road trip for me.

Matt, that's a given. Promise. When I get back from the Juice Plus convention the beginning of May.

You are dead on IRT source with DAC.  No question. Just read the forums and you can tell. Micheal Lavorgna will say the same I bet and to me he's a true expert.  When I can figure out a time, I'll ask him if he can come over if that's ok.  I'm really excited to see if the ODSX will be what I think it will be.  I could have had my ODSE converted as you know, but the wait would have been too long and I really loved that Ayre made a true digital component where you only need to add ethernet and some sort of hard drive.  I stream a ton of Tidal now, so for me, it's the best solution.  

I know one other who has the ODSX, lol....and loves it.  Feels it's the best he's ever had in his system.  I NEED to hear your EMM as I have a few friends who own it and love it.  Also, another poster on this thread who's become a good friend, has (I forget the name of it, but it's those guys up in MA who make them.  I'll edit this and add the name when I can think of it.  Just an MS moment as you know I have Matt, lol.) another DAC that is being updated and he swears by it.  I think that right now there are probably about 5 -7 DAC's that folks swear by as their ref DAC's and then a level just below.  I do feel that many of these that are 'just below' are SOOOO close (ref my Ayre QX5/20 vs the TotalDac that's twice the price, but oh sooooo close according to Michael L at www.audiostream.com if you want to check out his thoughts on both).  

Just a wonderful time to be getting involved with digital sound.  now what we really need are better recordings for much of the popular genre's.  JMHO
I've done ethernet vs wifi on my Ayre QX5 streaming Tidal...no comparison and that's not even on a special converted wired network etc..
Heard the new Oppo and it's not in the same discussion as the DAC's being discussed here.  Matt said it's not about price and it isn't, but I've yet to hear anything under 8k or so that compete with the DAC's being discussed and I get out a ton and get to hear a lot of stuff.  There are some very good DAC's in the market from 2k and under.  Codex, Schitt and a few others come to mind.  If this was about DAC's 5k and under they'd be in the conversation I'm sure.

The other thing is that Matt is only interested in redbook sound and not how they sound with DSD or higher resolution.  Personally, any of the great redbook DAC's also are just as good with even more detail given to them.
Have had the Berk Ref 2 in a few times as I wanted to like it and a dealer I like to purchase from when I can, carries it.  Just not as good to my ears as the Ayre and it's not even close to for me.  I know others here have had it in and said that it wasn't as good as the DAC's they were using like EA or Lampi and a few others.

Wisnon, I should be able to make it to Mike's on Sat as he has a Magico demo going on that day. I really look forward to meeting him of course.  Will be good to hear Magico's too as in the past I have not liked them.  I know they have changed their sound a bit and warmed it up, so I'm really looking forward to that.
Matt, will you use the AES/EBU connection from the N10 when possible or just keep it all in the USB domain?  I noticed the N10 has ethernet for downloads, but no ethernet for connection to a DAC that can accept it like the Ayre or the EA.  I think for me, that's another possibly advantage of the Melco servers as well as the Music Vault servers (we NEED to get you one in your system and I NEED to get one into mine).  Richfield has been using his MV for years now and LOVES it.  I have heard it numerous times and feels it's outstanding and everyone can be built right into it, like Roon etc..  No a commercial as I've only spoken to Neil VB a few times when pricing one out and with questions.  I wonder why most folks don't talk about it much.  

Heading to Suncoast Audio on Saturday.  Mike has a Magico guy in and I'll get to hear one or two of the DAC's I'm sure.  Really looking forward to that visit.  As Winson said, he's a guy you want to visit if you live down this way as his product line is insane and he has Vandersteen's or Magicos and I think another major line.  That way you can surely find what you love.  Choices are just so important in audio.  Nothing beats auditioning at the same time.  That's why this thread is fun.  Matt and I heard a bit differently, but after getting to know him I know what the differences are and it's even more fun to read and hear what he has to say IRT all equipment.  Glad that we have this going again.
Michael is now using the TotalDac unless he changed again in the last few months.  Matt, Brinkmann Nyquist is in this game too.  I was really impressed when i heard it two months ago.  Just outstanding.  If you need a Dave, call me.  Personally, I got the Ayre over the Dave as it has much deeper and tuneful bass for my ears.  I think the Ayre also has a bit better pace and rhythm.  Dave has a great mid range up, but the Ayre matches it for my money.  I personally don't love Rossini.  I've now heard it in 4 different systems and like all of the DCS DAC's, it's highly detailed and a bit dry.  No warmth at all.  It's a great piece, no doubt and many will swear by it because it's so detailed, but honestly, I hear great detail in most of the top DAC's we are talking about, but the Rossini to me is like a robot,....just can't warm up to it. I have a bunch of folks I speak with regularly who feel the same way.  I had the original one in my system for a week and I realized that I barely went up to listen to it.  
It was a great time with Mike at Suncoast.  If I lived down there, he'd be my dealer no doubt.  He just gets it.  I haven't seen the pics.  I doubt if I'm in any though, but who knows.  He put on a really nice event.  What a great store though.  Three good listening rooms of various size and shapes. Not easy to get it right, but he has some of the best sounding rooms going.  I like his mix of products also.  I'm still not a Magico fan after listening to the S3 all day.  I like the lower end dynamics of the Vandersteen for much less money as did a few others who were there.  Still, they were so much better sounding from the mid bass up than the original ones they made.  Peter McKay was very knowledgeable as always.  I met him before when he was with Krell, here in CT.  

Mike has a great diversity of products for high end. I was quite surprised at the different choices he offers for digital.  He may be an analog guy too, but that shows that you can do both if you have the coin, lol. Where are the pics located?  I'd love to see them. I met a bunch of guys from VAC as well as Suncoast Audio Society.  Was just a fun Saturday afternoon for me.  I thank Mike for having me over and sharing.  Very kind of him.
Yes, I'm in the back row to the right of center with glasses and goatee.  Not my most flattering pic though, lmao....
Matt, I agree with you (as you know) about purpose built servers.  I have one that Steve sold to me with the Hynes supply and it's killer.  I've brought it to more than a couple of shops and it has been the best server they've heard, but I am not a tech guy and I'm scared to put it on the net to run it via a pad.  Maybe I will call Steve to see how to do it, but MAN is it a great sounding piece. I'd never have made one myself though I couldn't physically have done what he did and most here couldn't).

Matt, Melco will soon announce a new version of their servers.  I don't know if thats out yet, but they are ethernet and it's what Ayre uses with their DAC's.  I'm still waiting a bit to see which way I go. I also have heard the Neil's Music Vault server that he custom makes.  It rips blu rays bit perfect with built in DBripping software, can hold how many T's you need, has Room built in as well as anything else you may want and the price is fair. His balanced connections seem to be the best on his unit if your DAC has AES/EBU.  I think he told me he could do a top isolated Ethernet connection if I wanted it though.  The boards to do that are NOT cheap though, but it may be worth it.  Since I use the Ayre, it has the balanced connections I I'd probably start off with that, but we will see.  I do like the idea of an all in one, plug and play that does everything, including RAID back up and cloud back up automatically.  Richfield Hunter has one and LOVES it.  
Thanks Matt.  Switching is where most of the noise seems to come from.  The designers of the Melco gear is a great guy and I've been in good contact with him over the years. I don't own his gear...at least not yet, but I like how he thinks.  That's why I'm waiting to hear what Matt thinks of the WAversa.  We have a common friend who own's it and he swears by it.  By audiophile prices, it's not expensive, but I agree with Matt....Soon we should see higher end, all in one servers that will use audio grade everything and will be plug and play.  I will put my server set up against all the big boys and have. It's won when I've brought it to shops even.  But it's not sexy to look at and it's got a huge external LPS (possibly the best made, but it's large and ugly).  

I am still using USB, but really want to be able to take advantage of my Ayre's ethernet connections.  When done properly, I've never heard USB sound as good.  Just haven't. 
Matt, we really need to work out a time for me to come over for a weekend or something with my Steve Nugent built Mac Mini/Hynes supply.  I am wondering if it's starting to lose it's superiority now that newer servers are coming out.  Also you need to try and get the Music Vault in there if you can.  
Matt, I was so happy the other night when you shared your LH thoughts.  Very very cool.  I NEED to get over to hear that DAC.  Of all the expensive ones, I haven't heard the LH and need to.
Was told that it was a very good show this year.  No really specifics though. I have a call into a dealer who was there and will share what he would like to share.  
Was told that it was a very good show this year.  No really specifics though. I have a call into a dealer who was there and will share what he would like to share.  
All systems are synergistic.  That's the problem in audio IMHO....too many buy based threads like this or other ones I read and participate in.  They need to put a system together as just that...a system.  Well engineered and built products should all sound very good together, but this is also electronics and they don't always play well in the sandbox together.  I keep thinking I have a good system and then I upgrade and wow.....  The Quatro's were installed and set up yesterday and holy cow.  Now I can really hear what the rest of the system is capable of. I got the lower priced Treo's knowing I would upgrade within a few years, so I made sure I got components that sounded great with either speaker.  Now I don't have to worry about amps, cables or DAC.....  The synergy is there.  Have a friend who reads this thread too I believe and he did the same thing with B&W's.  I have not like many of the DAC's spoken about, but I know I'm the outcast.  I like a different sound possibly.  I listen to a ton of live music as I like to get out as much as possible.  I know many on this board also do as we discuss it all the time.  

Dragon has added even more life into a great thread.  Thanks man.
Matt, thanks for sharing.  Yes you understand what I was saying.

"All systems are synergistic."  Sorry that I didn't post the way you could understand.  I actually was called by another poster who did understand what I was saying.  I can see where it could possibly mean what you thought it meant, but I've been around long enough to know that system matching is always critical.  That's pretty basic stuff, but thanks for your examples.

Matt, I'm excited to see how you feel about some of these others DAC's now that you will have what you feel is a great reference.  I'm looking forward to coming down to listen once it's broken in.  Will be a fun time.
Thanks Matthew.  I had an NDS I believe it was, but it wasn't for me.  I didn't like the lack of usb or ethernet inputs and the outputs weren't balanced (need balanced with Ayre gear).  Just want's the right match for my system. I've heard it in a few stores and it sounded pretty good.  A bit too much on the top end for my tastes, but that's a popular sound, especially in Europe.  It's a great build and looks nice too.  
Agree with you Matt.  I LOVE my Ayre QX5/20.  It really is a great DAC, but I'm under no illusions that it's better than the TotalDac and many of the other 18k plus DAC's. It does, for my ears beat a couple of the 18k plus DAC's though, but I'll keep that off line in convo's with you, LOL.....Matt, you have found your nirvana DAC.  That said, it's a great thread and you are still bringing in a lot of the 8-18k DAC's.  You should add the Ayre as well as the Brinkmann DAC's.  I heard the Brinkmann and I don't remember if I told you about it, but it's a really nice unit.  Like the Ayre, very very musical and plenty of the micro and macro detail that both companies are known for.  I think both hit well above their price ranges. Totally different design as the Ayre is still a whole digital front end (pray folks never use a DAC as a pre amp though) and the Brinkmann is just a great DAC so you'd still need a streamer for you Tidal or Pandora etc...  I'd love to see how close to the TotalDAC it could be.  Or even the ODSX (wish that was a remote as I would have done the upgrade when Steve had it in to work on), but I needed remote with my MS and having a family who uses the system. 
Not even close to the same ball park of the DAC's being discussed in this thread Randy. It's a nice DAC for the price and should be put up against the Ayre Codex and some others in that range, but it's just not what this thread is about.  Takes nothing away from a nice DAC for it's price range though.
Guys, I"ve had the Yggy in my system on two occasions.  One for was about 5 days.  I had a Codex in the house and did my own listening.  I then invited a few friends over to hear both units.  The Codex won every time.  The people listening weren't really audiophiles, just music lovers an one was a pro musician.  They never asked which piece was which, ,but it also wasn't a scientific test.  

The Codex threw a wider stage, went deeper in the bass and has much more detail.  The pace and rhythm was there in spades.  There was a male vocal (forget who) that had a reverberation in that lower mid that sounded right on the Codex.  The Yiggy was close, but it didn't give the same emotion that the Codex did.

I can see why Schitt has a following. Great products for reasonable cost.  I spoke to two owners of the units who post on Computer Audiophile I believe it is and they both had posts about the Yiggy besting the Codex etc...  I PM"d them and spoke to both.  Neither had ever heard the Codex let alone had one in their system.  I found that strange.  When I talk about a product it may have been hearing it once in a shop or someone else's system and me not liking what I hear right up front.  Could be many reasons, but I'm not the type to get excited about the TV on the floor at Best Buy that's the brightest of the bunch and stands out because of it.  

If you feel the Yiggy is better than the top DAC's Matt has had in his system, then that's awesome.  My post wasn't meant as a mean spirited comment to you, but I did dismiss it based on my own listening (The Codex isn't in the same league as the QX5/20 so I made an assumption that the Yiggy can't hold a candle to the QX5/20).  The QX5/20 isn't quite as good as some of the DAC's in the 18 and above, but better than a few I"ve heard.

If you want to get Matt  Yiggy to go up against the others, I'm sure he'll plug it into his system for a day.  If we can set that up for the day I get to visit with my Ayre piece then that would be great too.  Maybe I'll hear differently in Matt's room (can't wait to get there Matt).
Yup, but again, this thread is about the best DAC's and the Codex and Yiggy aren't in that discussion as Matt's thrown out before.  last note and I'll join a new thread if you start it, those DAC's sound pretty different to most folks who have heard both. I'm surprised that you didn't hear a difference the second time.  

For anyone who reads my thoughts on sound, I like a coherent sound (this is why I love and own Vandersteen's (now the Quatro's) that has no smearing and is full range.  I must have a realistic sound stage and imaging.  Tonality, time and pace of the music are also paramount.  For some reason, I can't listen to a system that is too hot on top.  That doesn't mean not extended, it means not distorted.  

Yes, Vandersteen's to me are the best speaker I've heard, but IRT electronics, as much as I love Ayre and own Ayre, I also like a lot of other gear.  I have recently owned Steven Nuggent's DAC and found it to be outstanding.  As dynamic as you could get at the time and very extended.  Never etched though.  It wasn't nearly as liquid in the mids though and I like the Ayre much better because of it.  

Hopefully that explains my posts and why I don't like many of the very expensive DAC;s on the market (I do love plenty of them though, lol).

Matt and I speak on a fairly regular basis and yes I'm planing on getting down there in the near future.  We like a lot of the same sound, but like all of us, hear a bit differently.  It will be interesting to hear what he finally has put in place.  

I know that a few companies will be coming back to the US market within the next year and they will bring very high end DAC's in and I can't wait to hear them also.  This thread should be going for a long long time, lol. 
Intersting.  As much as the Dave isn't my taste, I have never found it harsh. If anything, it's the polar opposite to me as well as anyone else I've ever spoken with who has heard one.  Very interesting.  As much as you love your Yggy, it's honestly not in the same league as these other DACs that Matt and others are discussing.  Feel free to bring it over to my house and we can spend the day listening to the QX5/20 and the Yggy.  
Everything you have said about the DAVE is what I too have heard.  I could never relax into the music when it was in the system.  This is why I went with the QX5/20.  It has layers and is more musical for me.  It's coherent.  Matt, you know how we always talk about coherency, so I find it interesting that you too brought this up. 

Digital is sooo soooo difficult to do properly. To get it to sound organic and musical is so hard with all the timing errors you have.  That's a big reason why so many DAC's fall short as they try so hard to be the last bastion of detail, but they lose some of the body of the music by doing this.  You may have found a more transparent or more extended DAC, but I bet when you listen, you lack the body that you love. 

Thanks again Matt.  You will take much flax from the DAVE fans, but you do give it a real listen and it's appreciated.
That can happen in all digital systems.  I have heard the DAVE in my own as well as two others and have heard the same thing.  No coherency.  I asked another very well known and respected DAC designer about the DAVE and he said that it does a few things really good, but overall sounds the way that Matt has posted.  

Again, we all hear differently.  
Wardl, sorry to have upset you over my post.  As I always say we all hear differently and I trust what I hear when I audition.  I've been doing it for a long long time as have many others.  As Matt said, it's hard to go off of reviews.  I know things about reviews and reviewers that would make many laugh or cringe.  It's a reality in audio good or bad.  There are a few reviewers I do like and respect.  That said, how many not so hot reviews have we all read on products?  Are there that many great products on the market?  Maybe. 

BTW, did you read my last statement?  I try and always put that in when I am not as positive about a product as reviewers or fans of a product.  We all hear differently. 
"But I see no reason to give credence to vague statements (teenager? Does a couple of things well?) that don't square up with those of very experienced listeners I know and trust, not to mention my own and the general consensus of experts around the globe.  Leads me to question the foundation (i.e. accuracy) of said opinions.  Also, if you have truly been looking for a refererence red book DAC for 3 years and can't find one, that is truly bizarre.  There are many good ones out there."

You obviously haven't kept up with this thread or gone back to read most of the last few pages. The statement 'does a few things well' is a quote from a DAC designer of one of the better rated DAC's in the world.  I have mentioned things I personally don't love about the DAVE, but have said it's still a good DAC for some.  Just not for me and I've heard it plenty to know that.  Its not like I heard it at a show (don't attend shows) where it will never sound it's best.  As for 'experts', I've addressed that a few posts above.  I trust my own ears and others should trust theirs.  

I realize that folks live in areas where they can't go audition a lot of stuff.  That's difficult, but when spending money like this on gear and not hear it first is a personal choice.  Not one that I'd normally make, but I DID buy my first ever component based on Matt's and one other's recommendation.  I bought the ODSE/SE used from another poster on this thread.   It turned out to be a great move on my part.  I also paid exactly what I knew I could turn around and resell it for if I didn't like it.  I knew Matt personally by then and knew his ear enough to realize that we are close in our listening, but more important, I knew where we differ.  

I never have, nor do I care if I 'square up with those of very experienced listeners I know and trust, not to mention my own and the general consensus of experts around the globe.  Leads me to question the foundation (i.e. accuracy) of said opinions."

If you feel that you need to have your listening validated by others, then go for it.  I know many who are into that and that's cool too. I've made a few enemies posting in this thread and on boards in general as I have no filters.  I have also made a few good friends on this thread.  Guys I really enjoy meeting up with and talking to. 

Matt, we need to talk about electrical as I'm bringing in an electrician and I'm going to run new dedicated lines.  
Matt, get in touch with me. Richfield found a new rack that he's going with.  Said he couldn't' believe the sound difference.  Personally, my favorite so far is the HRS rack with their platforms built in.  I've heard their gear in many high end systems and they are just amazing.  I love when you audition and they quickly take away the platform and you can hear a negative difference.  Sound floor, decay times etc...  I'm about to make a few sets of wood blocks out of cypress like Ayre and Cardas make.  I will make a nice looking set for all my gear and matching holders for my speaker cables.  

I've noticed that by lifting the cables up off the carpet is important.  It's a small, but audible difference.  I implore all of you to try it.  It's one of those inexpensive tweeks that is needed in any system that has a carpet.  I don't know if the static builds up on a wood floor where it would make a difference.  Any of you have a solid floor?  If so, do you lift your cables off the floor and if so, any difference?  
Guys, I recently read a couple of question.  I have used a lot of different cables and after a week I lifted all off the carpet.  In EVERY case, bar none it made a huge difference in lowering the noise floor. It's about getting rid of the static charges etc...  dielectric or not, it made a difference.   Matt, call me on HRS.  I'm sure Johnny would lend you a platform or two to play with.

Personally, my best set up's I've ever heard are all with HRS and that's for gear I don't love too.  The new Wilson's sounded best when Dan's amp was on HRS platforms, the Dynaudio's sounded best when the VAC's were on HRS and the list goes on.  I just feel it's the best engineered gear out there and even their least expensive stuff sounded GREAT.

NO I don't own their gear, but maybe someday I can afford it.  The lower the noise floor the better for most systems.  If you have tube gear, to me it's  aMUST to use an HRS or something that's top notch as it will help with the noise floor problems associated with any tube gear.  JMHO.
Looks like we are morphing into phase two, while always keeping phase one alive.  Servers!  That little bug a boo.  Why have servers gone untreated if you would?  So many DAC makers are NOT in the server business. I am just waiting on the companies to make servers that connect to their DACS AND are synched to each other as that's where digital fails.  This is why we all are looking at other devices like SOTM, that is used in many DACS and or servers not named SOTM.  Why can't the clocks be synched?  Is there no universal deal for them all?  Timing is digital's major shortcoming.  Be it jitter or whatever, it's the timing that is what makes analog better to this day.  

I will watch this thread keep evolving as Matt goes through his audiophile struggles to get the best sound he can afford in his room.  

I didn't read that it was a Burmeister that was modded.  Looks like it's just the Wadia that was modded.  Maybe I'm wrong.  What I don't understand is which server is he using with his Elyse DAC?
Poor man has to deal with inferior Vinyl (tongue in cheek for those who don't always get it).
Matt, want to buy my rebuilt Rhea with the Basis TT/Benz Glider all on a Ginkgo specially made platform that Vinny made for me?  LOL...Ha, had to, sorry.  Your headphones with the iPhone is great sounding.  Stream your Tidal and get an Audioquest Red DAC with the Apple camera connector that you can also charge at the same time.  Honestly, it sounds great for what it is.  That's my to go rig when I go away.
Of course you did.  Many of us have the QX5/20 and bought it over all the Chord DAC's.  Many have the Dave and love it.  Different ears for all of us and different fits depending on the systems too.  

Matt, everyone is excited for you to get the DaVinci into the system.  It will be interesting now as you review TotalDac and some others as they come along.  How close will they come to a 35k DAC is what I'm interested in.  I think that's the real question. How close are we with 10 or 15 or 20k DAC's.  For many there is a point of no return, but for most, there is a line that can't be crossed.  I found that line to be 9K for the Ayre QX5/20, but I really liked the sound of the Brinkmann also for 14k I think it is.  It was very organic as I posted many many pages back.  I need to go listen again as they have a QX5/20 there too so I can listen in the same system in a room I know the sound of.  Should be fun.
Not sure if Ayre is unveiling their reference DAC in Munich this weekend, but I believe they are.  If so, I was told they went all out assault and it will be a major part of this discussion.  They are working on a few ref components and some other stuff, so I'm not sure they are showing the DAC or not.  We will find out in a few days.
I've heard DSD and liked it in the stores.  I have never had any material so I don't even think about it.  
wow, I wonder if they had a bad run or something.  I remember reading about something like this over on CA in a thread.  It wasn't a DAVE thread, but talking about something else.  

Guys, I have a question.  What is the advantage of keeping the gear on all the time instead of the normal standby modes (my Ayre is all standby)?  How much money does it cost to keep the gear running (I understand it's all different due to watts pulled etc) on average?

I know that start up is the toughest on components, but anything in these price ranges should have been engineered to not have problems over time with basic start up function hurting the unit in any way.  Just curious.  thanks.