Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 50 responses by audiolabyrinth

Hi Matt, very, very good electrical job you done there, congrats are in full order!, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and to everyone on this thread.
Kana813, I wonder what that seller may be moving towards to for his next digital?, Now that is interesting!
Kana813 and grannyring, pardon me, I tried to pull up the location that was provided of what the both of you are talking about with failure, please, I want to understand as to why the both of you are selling out?
Hi Lloydc, Man!, I feel gullable at times, I fell for that,thanks for the realization of the truth, I take this thread serious, I bet they are laughing off their chairs, good one fellows.
Audioengr, That model name is catchy, I believe it would go over well, that would be a name most would not forget, that name can promote sales, I am glad I could recommend something that I believe would work, ask others here, I bet they would agree.
I have enjoyed reading your audio journey matt, very informative to say the least.
Hi audioengr, have you come to terms with a price for this diamond sx dac?, maybe you can include the word diamond into the model name, would not hurt, many other audio company's do.
Yes, I agree, Mattnshilp would be a great beta-tester indeed, he has proven it here on this thread, he has used his money to be a tester for himself and all of us, the man has reported all his finding's, how many people do you know would take the time and money to do this?, yes, someone should sponser MattNshilp.
Matt, read your system page, I do like the name of your page as well, awsome thing's going on there at your home, congrats are in full order, cheers matt.
Matt, did you get the Burmester equipment yet?, sure would like to know more about how this sound's with you new room and other equipment that is not Burmester, cheers.
Audioengr, question for you, Are you going to build a streamer?, one with balanced out's and a volume control is what I need!, to be used straight to amplification, an analog quality volume control would be sufficent, let's talk about this, an all in one box solution like this would win!
audioengr, did you read winson's post to me?, I believe a streamer can be built with a high quality analog volume control with dac built in, the krell kps 25sc unit back years ago was an all in one pre-amp and transport and dac, pure class A on top of that, anything is possible?
Thankyou audioengr, that would be awsome if you did make a statement streamer with a quality volume control to be used straight to amplification, you would be the first!, there would be a huge market doing so, I would buy quikly from you if you done this.
Hi audioengr, Hi Steve, I was hopeing that you would give some thought's about what I have been asking about here in the last few post, please give your opinion's, thankyou.
Thankyou matt for allowing us to talk about streamer's, Thankyou Wison for your continous contribution, and audioengr, Guidocorona, and many other's, It is my task to get a balanced analog out full volume control streamer to run direct to amplification if I have to waite a long time, my entire time in this hobby, I have alway's run a one box solution, may go through many to get tonal balance and transparency, and the ever so important sound stage presatation that is incredible, sometime's the most exspensive and so called state of the art is not what it's billed to be on my system, like now, I have a tube cd-player that beat out player's that costed many times the price, no, it might not be a complete one box solution for connecting other equipment, but is run's direct to amplification none the less, and the cool thing is I can roll tubes to get a more profound sound, like wison's referal of the 12ax7 mullard 10 M, and 12au7 10 m tubes, cbs ect...
Hi Matt, It took me two year's and $4,000.00 to modd a Krell 700cx, I know it's old, but my amp is new inside and out, and modded, so no, I do not need that kind of one box solution that includes and amplifier.
I am tired of cd's in general, all the skipping etc.., etc..., unlike most here, I am tring to build to the best standard I can afford, and then ride off into the sunset, I have a way's to go, I have to get better speaker's, the streamer I want, and a few this and that.
I myself like the idea of a streamer that is NOT computer audio into a dac, though they are similiar, but not the same!,a streamer has storage like computer audio, however, a streamer is like internet radio too?
Wisnon, mmmm, you are an asset to me, thankyou, I will follow up with you to help me build, you seem to know quite alot of the now and future of digital, this is a great compliment from me to you, I really cannot use much from others within other topics, I welcome all that is willing to teach me about the new formats available, thankyou gentleman.
matt, it does seem like I opened a can of technology we all can learn from, just saying, being able to use state of the art balanced analog interconnect's that I already own is a must!, forget the usb cable method, I do not plan to sale a revolutionary cable that I own, that my friend is very funny!
Audioengr, Are you saying the ODSX Diamond has the same volume control as the ODSE?, If I recall, matt had problems with the volume control not doing no sound at all when turned all the way down, matt, Am I correct on remembering this?, Steve, this is why I asked if the volume control would be better?
Wisnon, What do you think about the music vault that is listed here on audiogon for a good budget player?, seem's it has alot of spec's as good as other top streamer's, however, the designer will build to suite,cheers.
I am interested in what matt's last post asked my self, +1 with matt's 2-22-15 post, however, Steve-audioengnr, will the ODSX diamond have a better volume control to be used straight to amplification than the ODSE ?
Yes, I agree with steve!, here in Mobile,Al, 3-6-15 who would ever believe we have a hard freeze right now, man, this is the gulf coast, it's fricken 30 degrees out side this morning, what I am saying here, this kind of weather is gone by end of january!
audioengr, how is the diamond coming along?, do you have a proposed target for this to be available on the market yet?
Hi Matt, I have been raving about the plasmatron component for a very long time, two years I believe, you are talking about the huge gas tube conditioner?, if so, Chris there at vh-audio sales them, they come in two different sizes, the big model is the one to get, these add color realism.
Hi Matt, what are you referring to, when you say Issis?, I'm assuming you are talking about the Avalon Issis speakers, which btw, would be over the top my friend, it would be game over from a speaker perspective, you think?
Matt,that isis speaker has decent specs,however, why would you buy foreign speakers, the jbl dd-67000 everest speakers are horn loaded like the ones your looking at,give them an audition.
Matt, the jbl speakers are not about specs, they sound really musical and clear, until you listened long term to a well broken in pair, no one can say anything about them, they really sound good, hey, go listen!
Thankyou Guidocorona, I over looked what Matt had said, however in Japan, they have been using the jbl's in small room's with success,they also have adjustments on the speaker's for room corrections, not sure if he knew that, cheers.
Hi Guidocorona, I enjoyed reading your professional review of the merril Veritas amplifiers,very well written I must say, thankyou, you know, Tbg-norm is a reviewer as well, cheers
Matt, I always believed you getting world class cables would complete your journey, pm me please.
Matt, btw,ask calvinj what was the best sounding system he ever listened too, likely the late great Dave Baskins system, ask calvinj what cable's he used!
Not so fast Mattnshilp, I believe you should look into this for a usb/spdif converter for your computer, State-of-the-art CD transports vs USB/SPDIF converter shootout:"


The results of above comprehensive comparison perfectly reflect my own impressions as well, albeit via different equipment and interface (but that'd only underline the generality of the matter at hand).

Notice the difference in price between the CD-transports and USB to S/PDIF converter + server used.. ,, cheers.
Hi, I talked to Matt today, and we concluded that we like to ask everyone here, since this is a a high view thread, we want to ask all, what is the difference between a warm sound and a rich sound?
Hi Guidocorona, that is a big difference between warm and rich sound, which do you prefer? , going by your description, I would prefer the rich sound, nothing wrong with a little warmth though.
Hi cerrot, so you are saying that a rich sound has a front to back better sound stage to the presentation?