Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 50 responses by audiolabyrinth

Hi Matt, I want you to know, since you are computer audio, The Romulas signature has the prized X-mos chip inside that the two designers here are raving about, Then you have the harmonix technology resonance footers stock on the player to get the player to perform to best results, there is alot more I can specify about this product, however, I believe you should go to the Aeshetix site and research, in turn, only if you get the Romulas or pandora signature will you be able to out perform the current dacs here, and God forbid you get a signature with the state of the art volume control to run direct to amps that does not come stock, it is an implentation that cost more money for many good reasons, cheers
matt, I also wanted you to know, there is NO difference in sound quality between the Romulas signature cd-player and the Pandora signature dac, getting the cd-player that does all the Dac does would eliminate some cables and save you money, and you can still use your usb connections for absolute computer audio, cheers ole chap.
What about the 1973 pioneer Kabucki home stereo speakers, I owned some before, mint condition, sounded like crap, sold them to a vintage speaker collector for good money!, I'm not kidding a bit about this one, cheers.
Congrats are in full order Melbguy1 on your Vitus singnature series SCD-025 you will be getting, I would like for you to do a review of the player on the Tara Labs Thread when you get your final impressions of the player after burn-in, cheers Melbguy1.
Steve Nugent, wow!, your volume control is quite impressive too!, see, this is what I'm talking about, closeing the gap with the volume controls today made on modern state of the art dacs and cd-players versus active pre-amps is a big learning exsperience for me here, I had no idea that volume controls these days were this profound!, cheers to you steve.
Matt, yes, The Aesthetix digital products use the X-Mos chip and the Burr-Brown 1792A chips, I am very familiar with all vesions of the 1792 Dac chips, owned a few, hope this helps.
Alex-APLhifi-usa, Hi, your attenuator-volume control appears to be very similiar to the one that Aesthetix impliments when Bought in the Romulas and Pandora digital products, congrats on a very good volume control, this is what I am saying, The technology these days with attenuator-volume controls in some digital products are closeing the gap, if not better, with performance versus an active pre-amp.
charles1dad, Hi, Matt has not listened to the volume control in a Aesthetix Romulas or Pandora signature, and, as far as I know, he has not listened to the volume control in the APL DSD-S player, I do hope he does give some thoughts about listening to the volume control of the APL Dac, Alex deserves some exsposure about his volume control he is raving about, who knows, it may turn out to be a good one, charles, I understand your position with active pre-amps, my interest is with what Matt has to say about alot of these modern day volume controls on todays digital, Happy Listening Charles1dad.
Charles1dad, How much money do I need to spend on an active pre-amp, $10,000.00 plus for a additional sound to deal with that degrades the signal by going through more circuit boards and cables?, I have found that cost alot, much, much, more money to get an active pre-amp to be sublime in sound, LOL!, ask matt how much money the criterion cost?, I know a state of the art active can do wonders, Re- morgage the house!
Thanks Charles1dad, It's just like most of all of you, I am kinda tripping on all the money I am spending in this hobby right now, I do not deny your and grannyring's pre-amp is better than most direct to amp set-ups, However, not to get off the subject, buying cables at the level I bought into would be insane!, just one of my interconnects cost $15,950.00 retail, No, I am not that stupid, I paid $7,000.00 used for 1-meter balanced, even at that price, can you imagine the total of tring to keep the same level of performance in cables intact?, man, like I said, Re-morgage the house, who knows, I respect all of you here, I may bite the bullet and take the plunge into an active pre-amp one day, another thing, I only have cds, No need for a pre-amp currently with my set-up, well see charles what I might do in the near future, Happy listening.
Thankyou Guidocorona for the Roland pricing, that was some great info on the differences of the Roland pre-amps as well.
They were the pioneer cs- 901, these were out before pioneer came to america by a couple of months, I believe I sold them last year after I played with them for 6 months laughing at them trying to play music, I thought to myself, man, has audio speakers come along way!, LoL!
correction, The Vitus SCD-025 Retail Euros converted to u.s. dolars is still alot of money, u.s. $22,083.92, cheers.
Thanks Grannyring, I enjoy your post too, your post was a valid answer for sure.
Melbguy1, I converted the $16,500 Euros to u.s. dollars, Thanks for the complete correction of the full retail of the SCD-025, cheers
Fxxxxxx incredible!, Matt, that is the most views I have ever seen, you need to work for a cable brand or something, you know how to talk to folks and keep their interest, Your hired!, congrats matt for a successful thread, I enjoy it, thankyou for your reply, that number is Awsome to say the least, cheers to matt everyone!
TBG, now I am lost for words, impressed with views of your thread, congrats TBG, and they say that High-end is a minority for people under 40 years old, I do not think so, I believe there are more audiophiles out there than what we are led to believe.
Hi Audioengr, That montreal show would be a good one to go to, what is the interest you would like to go there out of so many shows?
Did you guys see the triangleArt $129,000.00,, 900 pound turntable that just got on the main sales screen of audiogon?, to many questions on this, one would be, why would anyone need a turntable of this pounds weight or cost?, not trying to change the topic here, really wanted all of you to check it out!
The cost is really cheap, I mean it is more than my entire system!I suppose I am a guppie in the world of High-End audio, really, I would say that this turn table would be in the customer market of .99.999999% of a percent world wide, can you imagine tring to move this around in your listening room?, you could invite thieves inside of your home and say, if you can pick it up, it's yours, Ha, ha!
Matt, Are you going to officially conclude this shoot-out over?, Have you crowned the Empiracal audio ODSE the winner? or do you have some goodies coming down the turn pike, like The Romulas that I question, As to why it never made this dog fight, like I said, There is more than one place to get a Aeshetix pandora signature, Romulas signature, I bet the factory them selfs would indulge in such a shoot out here considering all the exsposure of views that you could tell Aesthetix of, cheers.
Hi Ctsooner, I use to own a Brand new Ayon cd-2s digital player, I had it less than 90 days and the power board blew along with a couple of tubes, the player actually went up in smoke before my eyes!, I sent it back for warranty repair that covered 3 years, my response was that they blamed me and wanted $300.00 for the repair, took me four months of hell demanding a full refund that I eventually got, Not to be a pun here, however, I will never own or buy another Ayon anything!
Awsome!, Thanks Matt, I understand that the ODSE is it, no problem from me at all, just saying, we should all pitch in one way or the other to keep the shoot out rolling, maybe someone else out there can chime in on some comparison findings between two or more digital products, I have learned more than I can read about in magazines from here, and it's fun to interact with whats going on that you cannot do with a magazine!
I have not listened to one, however, my friend calvinj has this unit and likes it, It is the Resonessence Labs Mirus Dac, canadian made, check that out, won the most recent awards for best sound, and the designer is the creater of the ESS sabre chip!,May be worth looking into, considering the price of admission is under $6,000.00 for this top model they make, Happy listening.
Calvinj, Melbguy1 knows I bought my unit from, usa tubes audio,that is why he said barbecue store just like you bought your Ayon from the same place, LOL!
Matt, congrats on a very fine unit you have, the Esoteric K-01, however, even used, Be prepaired to do hundreds of hours of burn-in with each setting, this unit is not like doing a burn-in and you are done!, each setting has to burn-in, The great news here is nothing you own or your computer audio will compete with the Esoteric K-01 unit, you need to talk to other owners on the Esoteric threads!, they will validate my claims here,pm me about cables, cheers.
Thankyou Guidocorrona for backing me on matts Esoteric K-01 player, I believe he will further benefit with your help I am sure, He also needs to talk to other owners as well, I do not want matt to get false impressions of the k-01 player, or frustrated with all the burn-in!, He has no idea that this player takes more burn-in than any player in the world!, but man, the out come is staggering!
Thankyou Matt for your replys, I would not post impressions on the K-01 untill you get 1200 hrs of burn-in atleast!, I really believe you should talk to some owners, this unit takes hundreds of hours for each setting to burn-in, then there is more!
Guidocorona, Hi, could you please back me here to a couple of none believers that the Esoteric K-01 player you own does take 1200 hours to burn-in, that is burning in the player in general, and then each setting, add all them hours, there you have it, it may be more?
matt, as far as you Esoteric player goes, I would not consider more exspensses for a while, the player should be really good with everything stock, and use the cables you already own,be carefull when you play with power cords, they are quirky, and it is difficult to find the proper voicing match to any componet, a difficult rabbit hole to go down, but when you do get a revolutionary match, the outcome is quite stunning!
Gentleman, I am not kidding here about the burn-in proccess of the Esoteric K-01, go ahead, talk to any owner you like, they will tell you the same, go to the few threads here about the Esoteric players, I have had this conversation many times with owners of all the new Esoteric units, I was just like all of you guys, I did not believe it either!, after so many times of being told the same thing by all the owners, I had no choice but to believe them, OCD has NOTHING to do with it!
Grannyring, I suggest you go to the Esoteric threads like I have, I have been told many times of the break-in time of the Esoteric units, I care less what Jon2020 has said here, one person out of 25 that has told me different!
I'm sorry grannyring, please forgive me, I just did not want everyone to believe I came up with those numbers of burn-in for the Esoteric K-01 player, I was only passing along what has been told to me over the last year from the forums concerning the burn-in proccess of the player, nor did I want to appear as if I was a liar, or did not know what I was talking about, or that I am OcD!, cheers.
+ 1 about Almarg, many times have I seen this gentleman prove what he has said, and has been an asset to me and many others, Al's education with electronics is evident, I knew he had a back ground in electronics, I never asked him what his back ground was, His answers have always been technical, and when I research what he has said in the past when he has helped me, it turns out to be correct, congrats Almarg on such a profound education, and work history!, you sire have my respect!
4orreal, I did not know that, my, has things changed these days, that is why I enjoy this thread, it's people like you that inform me of the now, so I will ask, what is the trinity dac?, who makes it, and what country is it made in?, I will check there site out, cheers.