Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 48 responses by mattnshilp

DDriveman - thank you. I don’t blame anyone for not searching through the previous 84 pages since it’s a daunting task, but I owned and sold the DAVE, auditioned the Allnic D5000, and have had the Zanden DAC and phono stage in my room (owned and sold the Zanden phono stage).

In total disclosure, the Blu2 was not yet released so I did NOT hear the DAVE “fully loaded”. But the DAVE, on its own, although very good, did not overshadow several other dacs in its price range and just under it. It’s form factor and function were seriously cool beans, but in the end it couldn’t compete with other dacs I was listening to at the time. And although I desperately avoid being jaded, I REALLY wanted to like the DAVE. As a headphone DAC/amp combo it is, however, VERY hard to beat! I don’t know if the Blu2 will compensate for the faults I found in the DAVE. I do have a friend who is a dealer and he has a DAVE on demo but not a Blu2. I will see if he can bring in a Blu2 and have him bring both over.

Allnic was disapponting at best. I have a full review posted in the distant pages back.

Zanden was what you would expect. Sweet, engaging, luscious and felt like being engulfed by a giant teddy bear while listening. It was musical and engaging but lacked fine detail and accuracy, typical Zanden sound. I’m talking micro here, not macro. In the right system, Zanden can last and provide a lifetime of happy ownership. I see it joining a Zanden preamp and amps (or maybe Octave if you wanted to increase clarity and resolution a notch), and a pair of Acapella horn speakers in a medium to large room. Jazz and blues and chamber music and choir..... oh mee oh my!!!!

Gracias Nadimjaber. Mi espanol es muy malo, pero yo tengo un EMC1UP especial mk 3 por dos anos en 2016/2017. Me gusto mucho pero no necesito con mi musica computadora. Y el Yggdrasil es una DAC muy bueno por la moneda, pero no es mejor de otras dac’s en este conversation. Gracias!!!
Wisnon, I’d be happy to hear a Golden Gate or Pacific I’m my system!!! Can you arrange it??? 😇
Maybe we can arrange a Pre-delivery and then they can come over for the shootout after letting it settle for a week or two, and pick up thereafter. Would be VERY fun!
Hi all. So sorry for the slow going. Work has been nuts. Anyone in Munich who can give us an update? I really wanna go next year!!!

I got a great phone call from the Lampizator importer thanks to our resident Lampy fan; thank you sir!!!

A gen 6 Big 7 is en route to me and when he picks up the Big 7 he will bring a Pacific to compare to my Davinci 2. I can’t wait !!!

Snopro - no, I don’t know the Terminator. Is it available in the US. Can you provide a website?

im still working diligently on the footer/rack project. I’ll do another video shortly to update everyone on that.

Thanks for your patience and interest!!
Audiotroy - that’s a unique requirement of a product. Many servers can’t selectively output all material at that rate. That basically leaves PC sources only, which is fine. So many great products. So many opinions. But let’s keep this at the forum discussion level, not pushy salesperson level (which your scratching the surface of).

There are are some great points made recently:

1) a well done $10k system can sound better then a poorly done $100k system.
2) gear is system dependent and matching is everything!
3) declare the signature of your system with a primary component like speakers, amp or pre-amp and then adjust flavor with all other components.
4) your gear may sound awesome in your system and not so great in someone else’s.
5) your audition of a piece of equipment may have been suboptimal due to poor implementation of the unit.

All great stuff!!!
A moment away from our current topic to digress: 

A recent study showed that people who feel emotionally stimulated and get goosebumps from listening to music have a higher ratio of neural activity (visualized on PET scan) between their auditory cortex  and emotional center. They actually have more fibers connecting these regions then others do.

I have been saying for a long time how lucky we are that we can elicit the level of enjoyment from both music and its proper reproduction. And that some people simply can’t appreifate it the way we do. Now I have facts to back up my statement.
I read a relatively recent article by the gentlemen who created the usb audio stream transfer standard (I don’t know the technical jargon, I apologize) that compared usb to Ethernet. It lauded the potential advantages of Ethernet but he was of the opinion that it would be quite some time before the benefits of Ethernet streaming would be able to be properly implemented and utilized, as most don’t do it properly. And that usb, when truly done properly, has a long life still ahead of it.

I have discussed this with both Steve and CTsooner. The answer depends on whom you ask. But the basic premise is that until the majority of music servers start to implement a proper dedicated Ethernet music output directed specifically from the server to the DAC (separate from the Ethernet entering the server from the switch or router), we are not getting the most it can offer, not close.

There are only a handful of dac’s that even have a properly implemented Ethernet input. And even fewer music servers that have a properly implemented dedicated Ethernet output. I can honestly only think of 2’ish.

Just because something is theoretically the best doesn’t make its current implementation of that technology the best. Eventually I have no doubt it will be the standard. But for now, with the equipment I have, usb is king.
So I have a Lampy Big 7 (most recent generation) warming up as we speak. Looking forward to hearing it. And a visit with a Pacific incoming. The new Big 7 is built nothing like the original versions, it’s in a different reality to be honest. The original Big 6 & 7 I saw and heard looked like they were built in someone’s garage (because they were). Needless to say that’s not the case any longer. Keep an eye out for my formal evaluation upcoming. 

Sorry ive been slow recently, and haven’t posted a video in some time. Work and family have been insane. 
VN - I think many would agree with that list. Those 2, and the Lampy Pacific as well as the Tidal DAC, Trinity Select DAC and a few select others. 
Hey guys. With the help of Sam from Laufer Tecnik I got he drivers up and running for the Lampizator Big 7 DAC. Had a brief issue with one of the sets of tubes crackling quite a bit, but Fred from Lampy USA had generously sent several sets of tubes so a quick swap and I was up and running. Initial impression seam very good, but I’m going to let it run for a few days before I do any critical listening. I had to use a single ended to xlr adapter to hook it up since the DAC has single ended outputs (xlr is an option) and my preamp is xlr only. Once I get a chance to listen (hoping for Wednesday) then I’ll report.

I’m also working on getting in the new Innuos Zenith Statement server to give you guys a report. And I have arranged for the top tier TotalDAC to grace my presence I. July. I’m also working on auditioning the Tidal DAC. Lots in the works. 

And i also owe you guys a review on my Shunmook Giant Diamond Resonators. 

I just moved my rack (yesterday) back to its side position. The front position was a fail.  So it will stay on the side. 

Oh, I’m also expecting my new external power supply for my Memory Player.

Fun things are afoot!!!
Jrigfy- I 100% agree. As you are all aware, I am obsessed about keeping variables to a minimum. Same interconnects, power cords, vibration isolation, digital interconnects, break in, everything. The only variable should be the actual equipment being compared. On occasion, I get a single ended output only device and have to do the best I can to keep everything as similar as possible. 👍🏻
*** Lampizator Big 7, gen 6 review ***

Ok. So I was treated to a taste of the Lampizator Big 7 generation 6 tube DAC. I had heard a generation 1, and owned a generation 1 Big 6. To say this is a different beast entirely is an understatement!!!  The first iterations were garage built, tube sounding, sort of big and warm and mushy. They offered signs of,” I’m gonna get better.... You just watch and see!” Well I did watch and see, with the current generation of Big 7, a super terrific Golden Gate, and now the Pacific I think these guys have established themselves and are going the distance! 

The case is beautifully built and wiring matches that level of craftsmanship. Detail oriented construction. Switches, plug receptacles and layout on the back are well thought out, stable and hold cables securely. I was a bit surprised at how light it was. With the size of the case, I expected it to be heavier. There is a knob on the back to select between different drive tubes and it’s click is secure and the indicator points directly at the proper label; no question as to what setting it’s on, and no knob jiggling. My version was single ended only. There is no sign of garage built anymore. This is a “manufactured” product. 

I was given a tasting of tubes but was motivated towards the Kronzilla 242’s and a 274b Chinese rectifier tube. After much playing I agreed these were the best of what they sent. As I learned later on, I think a better 274b would have made a difference, but thats ok. I’ll expand on that in the listening comments. 

I am at the point where my expectations for a DAC are not low. In fact, I’m quite demanding to be honest. My current references are world class and I have had many many through my doors. So...... As it was single ended I can’t comment on a direct apples to apples comparison. I don’t have an identical rca interconnect to my xlr; something I will have to rectify. I did use the same power cord. I will say that for a tube DAC the level of resolution and accuracy was impressive. I believe the into to be around $10k based on tubes and outputs. And I found its performance overall comparable to solid state dacs in the same price range. If you want the opportunity to adjust flavor by rolling tubes, this dac is a no brainer! Base was deep and taught, but there was a transitional mid to low base bloom that gave the music a sense of intimacy and warmth that some would definitely consider coloration. Mids and up were correct and engaging. No sign of ringing, sibilants, or exaggerated high frequencies made the performance a long listening session pleasure. I would not call it a detail monster, but what it provided was pleasurable and  I never felt it lacking in that regards. Trailing edges were sustained but not infinitely; Ive heard better at this price but nothing to complain about. Dynamics were punchy and provided impact and scale, while the DAC portrayed a proper sense of pace and rhythm overall. As I listened more, I felt it’s greatest flaw was that it was slow. Leading edges took too long and I felt like I was waiting for the music, if that makes sense. I wondered if that was a byproduct of the quality of the 274b rectifier tube; and Fred (the importer) agreed it may be contributing. I did not have the tube or opportunity to try a better 274b, but I sincerely believe it would be better with better rectification. It could be the power supply as well, or even a mismatch between my Shunyata power cord and the Lampy power supply. Trial and error would tell, but I didn’t have that opportunity. 

The DAC just left and I truly look foreword to Fred visiting in a few weeks with a Pacific DAC. he’s just got to get over his muscle tear. That’s what we old guys get for trying to prove ourselves to our young kids on Fathers Day! We push ourselves, they still win; and we hurt ourselves. Time to pass the baton Fred. Hope you fee better soon. Motrin and heat packs. And listen to some of that great Lampy gear you have!!!

Ricred1- I endeavor to compare apples to apples and try to give all the information I can. You absolutely need to keep price levels in mind and not compare a $4k DAC to a $14k DAC. There are a few excellent performers in each price range. I have heard enough to know there really is no such thing as a “giant killer,” so don’t be fooled. There is no $4k DAC that outperforms the best of the $10k region. There are great $4k dacs that sound better then bad $12k dacs. But no one is going to buy a bad $12k DAC unless it offers something specific that they want. 

There are great dacs at every price point. We are very lucky. 

Hi guys. I have not heard a recent iteration of the PS Audio software based DAC. I was not blown away by the version I heard which was several years ago, but I have spoken to people whose ears I trust say that the newer versions are significantly better. And the transport is excellent for the money; so if you need a spinner it’s a no brainer.

They are a solid solid company with good customer support and well built product. It’s also a product that has a good reputation and if/when you want to upgrade you will be able to sell it here without issue (with an obvious $$$ loss).

I also believe they have have a VERY fair audition period. So the risk is negligible.
Hey all. Sorry for the slow going. Work has been crazy and the Memory Player went to Sam for some upgrades. 

Havent even been in my room in weeks. 

Anyone want to post a list of their top 5 songs they use to audition components? I’ll put mine up when I get a chance. 
Hi gang. Sorry. Work has been crazy. Haven’t had a chance to listen to the home system in a month. I’m in a quiet lull and promise to report as soon as the next big thing hits my doors. 
Keithr- I can do the TotalDAC demo whenever I want. But I don’t want to start it until I know I can give it the time it deserves. And work has been crazy. It will come in time. I promise. 
Hey Dave. Mikes spoken highly of your system!!!

Could you throw your favorites on a CD or thumb drive and send to Mike? That’d be awesome!

You HAVE to hear his Pipedreams with the new Merrill 118 monoblocks and Christine pre-amp!!! Merrill and I spent 2 hours fine tuning his speaker position and his crossover adjustments. It was transformational!!! With the 118 amps, his room is exceptional!!! Like sit and listen all day long exceptional!!

Glad to meet you and look forward to your input. Please describe your DAC and mod’s. 
Chowkwan- good analog reel to reel is awesome! I’ve heard it many times. 

I’ve heard Nagra and always liked it. It’s just hard to get a hold of to audition in house. 
It’s not dead yet. Just busy at work. Lol. 

Dont give up on it. Still more to come. 
Hi everyone!!!!

sorry for the long hiatus. Work and family take up a lot of time and sometimes leave little room for audio play.

Laufer Teknic is amazing gear. Sam and Mark make a terrific team. Their gear is true high end and they don’t go 6 months without releasing an update or improvement that makes a notable step forward in performance. And they share each upgrade with their customers and most come without charge unless there is a hardware change needed to implement the upgrade. Mark is a software Savant and what he does works and works better then anything else I have heard.

Now, as you all know, I pride myself on that last statement being accurate. And with Antipodes and Innuos newest products I can no longer say I’ve heard it all. I am making efforts to remedy that situation so I can give you all an opinion that is both accurate and CURRENT!!

As as far as DAC’s go, I’m not a huge fan of variable output dacs direct to amps. I see the financial advantages of course. But I have never ever heard a system at any price that doesn’t sound it’s best unless there is an active preamp with gain in the circuit. Maybe the only caveat to that might be Rowland and Bricasti, where the amps and Dacs are specifically designed to work that way and the gain and impedance matching have been accounted for.

That being said, Chord does offer a nice variable out in all of their DAC’s that does as good a job as possible of compensating. Its not ideal, but it works and sounds very good.

Empirical Audio’s volume control is not a solution. It attenuates but doesn’t go down to zero. The DAC is nothing short of amazing though.

To be hoenst, nothing earth shattering has been released recently DAC wise to warrant special attention. I think the new Mola Mola DAC is worth listening to. And supposedly Chord has released a box to increase the processing power of the Chord Dave so now it goes to 11. I have a friend who is a dealer and we will listen to the improvements it makes. I was not blown away by the DAVE (sorry Chord fans). So I’m hoping the extra box fixes it’s issues.

Im trying to get in that Innuos Statement and Antipodes double box music server. I’ll update if I can make that happen.
Thanks Astrostar. I have heard the Aries Cerat are awesome. I have not heard one. I would love to. I would agree with your assessment of the dacs you listed. You have a good ear and we hear similarly. 

Lordcloud- I have heard the older Rockna but not the newer ones. Getting a hold of some of the bigger European brands for an in home audition is SO hard. If you can make it happen I would love the opportunity. 

I’m trying to get an Innuos Statement and a new Antipodes CX/EX server in for audition. I’ve heard great things about both. So far, nothing comes close to my Memory Player. 
David - no sane person (of which I am not one) would constantly change dacs like I have. But this thread discusses the only part of a hi end system whose technology actually affects a discernible change in advancement within a brief time. Thus, in my not normal opinion, the digital front end does need to be updated more regularly then anything else in the system.

That being said, even my system has been relatively static from a digital front end for quite some time. The Light Harmonic Davinci 2 and Memory Player combo is absolutely stunning. And it is VERY hard to coordinate in home auditions of any super expensive piece of equipment that could potentially dethrone one of my digital components.

So, yes David. For most cases keeping your core equipment static and fine tuning is the way to go. But that’s not what this particular thread is about. I am trying as much as I can to offer a comparison to everyone so they can pick what’s best for their system. Posts like AstroStar59 are ENORMOUSLY beneficial in that they offer even more experience with equipment I may have not heard. If others post opinions of equipment I have both heard and not heard, it allows me to comment intelligently as I have a reference upon which to judge their listening style since I know some of the equipment. 

Conside this thread a dac resource.

If you are looking for a more general audiophile resource, please subscribe to my YouTube channel: The Audiophile OCD


Working for a while on getting some in to audition. It’s hard getting the real high end stuff into my room without just buying it. And because my evaluations (not really reviews) are brutally honest, compare one to another, and pick a “winner” many companies aren’t willing to send me stuff to audition. 

Im trying. I am. 

Jh901- i agree. 

I have a Shunyata Denali for my front end rack and run my amps direct into the wall. I use all Shunyata Sigma PC except from Denali to Preamp. I use an Enklein DAVID for that. It’s amaizng. 

My room uses the top level DTX-D-NCF Furutech outlets, all 10 gauge stranded copper wire (with every run exactly the same length to avoid ground loops) and utilizes Environmental Protections EP-2750 ground filters on each circuit and an EP-2050 surge protection system on my dedicated sub panel. Each outlet has its own breaker. 

I have a video on my YouTube channel that describes and shows the whole thing. 
Hi all. Sorry for the forever no post.

Work has been insane and the family. Everything has been pretty stable system wise, and I haven’t had much of a chance to hear anything new other then Merrill Audio’s new 116 and 118 monoblock amplifiers; which are just sensational!

I am, weather permitting, planning on comparing the Naim Uniti Atom all in one to the Linn Majik DSM tomorrow. $3k retail and supposed to be VERY good for the money. Looking forward to that. I’ll report back after.

I also have a pair of LauferTeknic Porzilli Line Array Speakers heading my way. They are essentially the newest version of the now revered Pipedreams and Scaena speakers. Very cool design using all 1” drivers, like 40’ish per side. 2”x2”x72” aluminum towers. Yes, only 2”x2” enclosure dimensions!!!

The big news is that I am being courted by several on line Audiophile web review e’zines (no names announced yet) and may become a professional reviewer if it works out. My YouTube channel is up to a whopping 98 subscribers, which makes me sad because I think there is some truly sensational info there for audiophiles of every experience level.

I’ll absolutely report on the Naim vs Linn all in ones after I hear them.

Good to be back here.
I am an admitted newb on the professional end. My hope is that I will be able to continue posting reviews with the same honesty, integrity and accuracy I have posted here all these years.

And thank you!!
I’m sorry but the Naim/Linn comparison never happened. Snowed in that day. 

I have solidified relationships with several print and on line audio review publications. 
I am elated to announce I will be working with Twittering Machines!


I am equally elated to announce I am also going to be a “freelance contributor” for The Absolute Sound!

Finally, I am equally equally elated to say that I am in the final stages of solidifying a relationship with Enjoy-The-Music!

So you will see me way less here and more at those fine on-line and print publications.  

And for those who want to check out my Youtube channel:


Thanks to all!!!! 
Quick update. 

My affiliation with Twittering Machines was greatly exaggerated. There were a few specifics which, apparently, had not been worked out and we are putting it on long term hold for now. Sorry for the incorrect report. 

I will, however, be writing for Absolute Sound and Enjoy-The-Music. To be honest, I was probably biting off more then I could chew with 3 publications anyway. 

Stay tuned all. Thanks for your support. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel as well and I’ll try to keep things fresh on that end. 
I need to rip all my cd’s as well. 

Sorry for the minimal posts. Been so busy. 

I had had a special treat. Sort of ironic to post on this particular thread. But I was given a tour of VPI record player and cleaner manufacturer. Mat and Harry were gracious hosts, to say the least. A full post is coming. 
Hey all. I have a pending review on Enjoy The Music for the new Lampizator Golden Gate 2. I’ll post when it’s ready to be published. 

I have also added a VPI HW40 turntable with Lyra Atlas cartridge to my system with a set of Crystal Cable CrystalConnect Reference Diamond phono cables and ground. I’m still deciding on a phono stage. My friend Merrill of Merrill Audio’s Jens phono stage is world class, but I’m waiting for his next generation Element Line phono stage next year. I like the Chord Symphonic a lot (more then the Pass 15) but I’m considering a few others (Allnic H5000DHT, Manley Steelhead RC and ModWright ph150). I went LP shopping the other day. I was mesmerized by how fun and satisfying actually buying and holding solid medium was. I haven’t bought a CD in over a decade and even then it was primarily to rip it right into my computer. While alphabetizing my LP’s, I was giddy like a school girl and couldn’t wait to listen. There is unquestionably something special about physically flipping through your music and putting an LP on the table
and that moment of anticipation as you drop the needle. 

I’m knee deep in reviews for Enjoy The Music and Absolute Sound. But enjoying the process. I’m blown away by the quality of affordable equipment these days. 

I still need to write up my visit to VPI. And I am WAY behind on doing a new video for my YouTube channel. 

Also, does anyone know a reliable service that I could bring/send my CD’s to so they can rip them for me into WAV files? I don’t have the time to rip 600 CD’s. 
Thaluza - glad to hear the thread has been helpful. Wav64 definitely. Yes, sams Memory Player is amazing. I’m hoping to get the Innuos Statement over to compare the two. Sam has his hands full, but it's all good. The Memory Player has become hugely popular overseas and Sam is working hard on standardizing and increasing production. And he is also releasing his new Line Array speaker, which is supposedly amazing. 
Hi. I have no true experience with the Mola Mola other then reputation; which is very good.

Is the analog source a secondary source or a primary source? Something you listen to occasionally? Or all the time?

i wouldn’t expect much from a true DAC with analog input option as far as true quality preamp. It would most likely be more of a convenience input.

Dacs in preamps and integrated amps are good and can compete favorably with other dacs up to $6-8k in high end product. But if your looking at higher priced standalone dacs there is not an internal DAC module that would compare.
So the Mola Mola Makua preamp has a DAC optional card. It’s a preamp with an optional DAC card. Its like $15k with the card. Their formal DAC doesn’t have analog inputs. 

There are several very good preamps with optional DAC cards. So there are several options.

I do not recommend using a DAC direct to amp. The only case I have ever heard it sound ok is the Bricasti and Rowland DAC’s straight to their own amps. Preset to higher gain and impedance matched. Other then that, I have never heard a scenario where the system doesn’t sound better with a preamp in the system.
I agree to both options in those price ranges. 

The new Vinnie Rossie stuff is excellent in its price range. And the Mimas punches above its weight. Both are great choices in their class. 
I have not heard any MSB since I heard the DAC V, which I discussed in pages long gone by. Years ago now. 

the new ones are supposedly excellent. 
Hi Branislav. The thread fizzled out because I am now an active contributing reviewing author for Enjoy The Music and The Absolute Sound.
I had been using a Light Harmonic Davinci 2 DAC for many years now (which IS a ladder DAC, so I don’t know what GeorgeHiFi is even talking about) as my ultimate reference. But I just moved over to a Pilium Elektra; which uses eight AK4493 in Dual Mono. It’s is spectacular!
The Davinci2 is for sale if anyone is interested.
I’m STILL ever searching, and my access to top tier is better then ever. Contrary to what George has been screaming from his soap box forever about R2R being the ONLY way to go, a good DAC is not just about the DAC chip. It is a sum of its’ parts and design elegance.

Follow my reviews on Enjoy The Music and The Absolute Sound. And watch what is in my personal system. I will be reviewing the Taiko Extreme music server shortly for ETM. I have high expectations for that unit! My reference for years has been the Memory Player, but it has its quirks. The new Aurender A30 also looks intriguing. Lots of great digital gear out now.

As I was on this thread, I endeavor to always be honest and sincere in my published reviews. 
Alomrd- will do. I don’t review anything digital until it has at least 750 hours on it. 1000 is better. Digital takes a long time to burn in. 
Thanks for the suggestion. 

George. You said, “They the "clan" here were doggedly stuck on their views of what sounded best for RedBook CD, which they thought was DS (delta sigma) based units, and they tried every new unit that came along.”

So, yes. I don’t know what your talking about. Because my reference WAS an R2R. So clearly we the “clan” were NOT “doggedly stuck” on Delta Sigma only. But you will make an argument out of an agreement.
So YES!!!! For George’s sake.....

for gods sake, DONT BUY ANYTHING BUT AN R2R DAC OR YOU WILL LITERALLY BE MAKING THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!! It is IMPOSSIBLE To build a Delta Sigma DAC that could ever be better then the best R2R DAC.

There ya go George. We said it. 👍🏻

PS - That is not true. There are no absolutes. Only a Sith deals in absolutes. Are you a Sith George?

PPS - that Sith comment was a total JOKE!!! I do NOT think George is a Sith. Not that I have anything against Sith’s. I mean, they are usually bad but who knows, maybe there is a nice Sith out there. But George isn’t a Sith. I think. I’m pretty sure at least. If I die by force choking after he reads this post then he might be a Sith. Or I could have just choked on some sushi. Who knows really.
Do what you should do. Read reviews. Think for yourself. Go LISTEN. And then make your own choice. 😎
Thank you George. You have throughly proven your point. We all will only buy R2R ladder dacs now that you have opened our eyes. 
I stand corrected and apologize for ever contradicting your point. You clearly know best. 
Not that I wan to engage George. I really don’t because he is SO one sided. 
BUT. I just replaced my Davinci2 with a Pilium Elektra DAC that uses Delta Sigma chips, eight of them to be specific. And to my ears it bettered the mighty Davinci2, which is one of the best dacs ever built. 
My point being that R2R dac chips are awesome. And can make amazing  dacs. But it is not the ONLY way to get to  statement level digital conversion. Whereas George opines that R2R is the ONLY way to get to the top. 
Thanks Jon. Positive feedback is always appreciated. I try to make my reviews as informative, honest, accurate and entertaining as I can. 👍🏻