Ok all. I am at Capital Audiofest 2017. PM me if you are here and interested in hooking up. And I mean that as platonically as it could possibly be meant!!!!! Lol.
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hi All.
Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.
I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.
Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?
All opinions welcome.
And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.
Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.
I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.
Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?
All opinions welcome.
And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.
Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Showing 50 responses by mattnshilp
Wow!!!! OK. Light Harmonic Davinci 2 vs Boulder 2120 DAC/server. Both are crazy expensive. The Boulder is crazy expensive times two!!! Both are world class and just amazing. The differences are comparing Ferrari and Lamborghini (Bugatti?) so there are no losers here. I’ve only had two solid listening sessions with both units broken in. Here’s my initial impressions: To be honest, I’m baffled. I’ve never had a hard time comparing gear before. I typically deduce which is better for my system in one session; 30minutes to 3 hours. I’ve had two full sessions and plan on a third this Wednesday. I called in a panel of people to help me confirm or refute the differences I think I hear. A pair of ears I trust felt the Boulder superior during my initial listening session. Jury is out. The Boulder is fan’damn’tastic! It’s natural and seams to remove a veil I didn’t know existed. But when I go back to the Davinci 2 I get a fullness that I like. Is the bass a bit sloppier on the Davinci 2, or it the Boulder a touch overly analytical? My issue is that I can’t tell whether the Boulder is thin or perfect. I have some friends coming over Wednesday. I think I may like the Boulder more, but I can’t tell if it’s better or just different. But at $65k it should be WAY better. I know, law of diminishing returns and all. But $65k !!!!! Interestingly, N10 is WAY better as a source compared to playing usb stick directly through the Boulder’s renderer!!! But Boulder is working on integrating Roon via Ethernet; which should be way better. Sonically, the Boulder is SO accurate. SO correct. So clean. SO detailed. Every time I listen to it, it sounds like the performer is in the room with me; almost eerie. I came up with the thought that with the Boulder in, it sounds like I’m in the recording studio proper, with the performers. With the Davinci 2 it sounds like I’m in the mixing room. One is cleaner, the other more full and balanced. I just can’t decide if it’s SO.... or TOO..... I’m leaning towards SO.... but I need others to confirm since I’m on the proverbial fence. The Davinci 2 is mind blowingly good! So for the Boulder to be “better” is sort of boggling my mind. Is it possible? Or am I just willing it to be ? Stay tuned for more opinions and confirmations. I also have my $55k fully loaded Memory Player finally coming in two weeks. Can’t wait to compare that to the N10, which has beaten all who have challenged it. Good times!!!! |
At this level, both make toes tap and give that “lost in the music” experience. There’s no bad choice here. Just better choice for me. I listened again this evening, briefly. As much as I think the Boulder is more accurate and refined, I think the Davinci 2 is a tad more engaging. I look forward to spending a few hours tomorrow and hearing a few opinions. Stay tuned. |
MikeLavigne - if you can arrange getting an MSB Select II into my room for 2-3 weeks than I would absolutely give it full consideration. Charles1Dad - Same for a uber Pacific Lampy. The room at CAF featuring the Lampy DAC was engaging and enjoyable. And it was not the Pacific. Essrand - I have been trying for years to hear a Trinity in my room. They have little presence in the US so arranging a demo is nie impossible. And at $45k, even a 50 off preowned piece would still cost well over $20k; and would likely take half a year to move and re-accumulate those funds. I simply can’t do that. Plus, most preowned pieces are in Europe which just adds risk and makes everything more complicated. I am trying. I even emailed the manufacturer yesterday. They don’t have demo units to send out. And I am embarrassed to say I am not familiar with the Wadax Atlantis. Maybe you can contact someone to see if they want to get one to me. ;) Update on the boulder coming up. |
** UPDATE ** Comparing two world class DAC’s: Boulder 2120 and Light Harmonic Davinci2 You all know my room and system. A dealer. A rep. An audiophile and a manufacturer (all with ears I have come to know and trust, with applied interpretation lol) came over after I spent a LOT of time listening on my own. I ran a blind audition. Input names were given “DAC” and “CD”. All power/interconnect/digital cables same. No one knew which DAC was connected to which Input. Everyone who came that day said that they prefer input “CD” overall. Both are incredible and we are talking extremes. But everyone felt that when the critical listening was done, “CD” was the input that slipped them out of critical listening into “Lost in the Music” and was just more enjoyable to listen to long term. We also swapped inputs on the pre-amp to make sure the actual inputs didn’t add a difference in sound. I do have another manufacturer friend who was not there that day that preferred the “DAC” input. “CD” was the Davinci2. Final impression : Boulder - brighter/cleaner (some felt it had a tonal signature that leaned a tad too much towards bright while others felt it just super clean; I believe it to be both), better image specificity with performers existing more clearly defined in their own space. The illusion of more accurate but not, I think, actually more accurate; I think this is a byproduct of the bright/clean issue. More dynamic. It was actually bolder, Lol. Davinci2 - More layered. Better sense of portraying the texture of instruments and their complex harmonics. Better pace and rhythm. More natural sense of timbre. Wider/deeper (although not quite as tall) soundstage. Just more musical (I know, it’s a BS descriptor, but it just is). So everyone unanimously chose the Davinci2 over the Boulder (except my one friend who wasn’t there that day, lol). But everyone said that the Boulder was better with dynamic expression and flat out clarity. THEN I had them help me lift the massive Davinci and we finally put my Stillpoint 5’s under the Davinci and the N10. And WOW! What a difference. It dropped the noise floor and gave the Davinci a boost in clarity and dynamic scale. Fascinating. A good time was had by all!!! Now, to be completely fair I think that when an electronics manufacturer only creates front end equipment, ie. DAC or phono stage, that they have the luxury of creating their own vision of that sound isolated to that component. But if they manufacture front end gear as well as amps, preamp‘s etc. then the entire situation changes. They need to design their DAC and phono stage to sound best with their preamp and amp. With this being the case with Boulder I do believe that the voice of the DAC is not completely independent of the DAC alone and that to get the full flavor of the Boulder system I would really require the Boulder DAC, preamp and amp combined. Of course it can stand on its own, but it’s purpose built to sound its absolute best mated to its brethren electronics. That all said, I do not currently plan on replacing my amps or preamp anytime soon. So my comparisons are DAC only. :) |
Hoping To hear an updated Emm DAC2X soon as well as a Merging Technologies DAC. The updated DAC2X is supposedly a really nice improvement. Also hoping my MP-64 Memory Player server will be arriving soon. And trying to arrange an audition with the Audio Doctor for some superb USB cables and maybe an in room listen if the Baetis music server. |
Jh901 - I don’t focus on DAC chip and design. Just sound. I’ve heard good and bad ladders, and good and bad everything else. Implementation is more important then what chip design is implemented. I‘ve never been a fan of the DS, in all of its iterations. But I have not heard the last 2. I have heard the Merlot, and I was not blown away. Sorry. He has a higher end product coming out that is supposed to be excellent. But I have not heard it. I have news to report on the music server search. Stay tuned.... |
As many of you know, I have developed a wonderful friendship with Merrill of Merrill Audio. He has started utilizing my room, system and ears as one of many opinions during his design process when he needs opinions on new designs. He has developed his own Class-D amplifier module that Is quite special. Today, he brought over the semi final prototype of his new monoblocks for the two of us to compare to my reference Burmester 911mk3 amplifiers. To say I was impressed with his new mono block design and performance is an understatement! They will be a level above the Merrill Veritas monoblocks I previously owned. On initial listen they are stunningly fast, have a bottomless noise floor, complete lack of distortion, crazy tight and well controlled bass, are super clean and accurate and yet maintain musicality, pace and rhythm with complex textures and harmonics. I could happily live with them instead of my Burmesters; initial impression. With time I will likely find some flaws and more definable character traits. But wow!!! The Burmester amps retail for over twice what these will be; so their price to performance value is exploding off the charts! And I must admit that the 3-D renderings of the final appearance is strikingly attractic. It it was quite a sneak peak. And I look forward to hearing the final production version, or any version in between! |
So sorry for the long delay..... Gentlemen and Ladies, as with my significant step forward from my exceptional over achieving ODSX to my mind blowing LH Davinci 2 DAC, I have finally found a music server that readily outperforms the exceptional Aurender N10. No, not the Aurender W20; that’s basically the same thing as the N10 with dual DAC outputs and an external clock input for DCS gear (sounds the exact same though, even according to those at Aurender). I am referring to the Memory Player 64 music server. Sam Laufer’s Laufer Teknic Memory Player 64 retails for around $48-59k depending on configuration and upgrades. What you get for that is a custom designed, custom built computer music server that has been tweaked and upgraded since 2004, and wrung absolutely dry of anything that would even utter the word jitter much less actually try to harbor said fugitive jitter from Sheriff Sam. It also utilizes proprietary tech taking advantage of proper core architecture and a myriad of custom software implementations that combine to offer the user musical reproduction that belies its digital DNA and simply sounds like the finest analog you have ever heard. Sam and his brilliant partners are magicians of the most powerful sort! Sam is a soft spoken gentlemen who wears a gentle smile, has a limitless passion for what he does and a ridiculous enthusiasm for customer service. His customers are clearly all friends and his friends are clearly all happy customers!! So, how does it sound? Well let’s start, as I do, with build quality. Although it is clearly a modified computer server it wears the outfit of a custom dedicated piece of equipment with a thick front faceplate engraved and beautiful. Conservative but proper for its price and abilities. I did tell Sam I would like to see the enclosure better damped as the sides and top do ring a bit when tapped. But I don’t believe this to affect those zeroes and ones beyond allowing them to harmonize within its dark interior. That said, at the price it should not ring. Other then that it is what you would expect, a meticulously implemented modification of a computer. What your paying for is the magic in those bits, not the bits that hold the bits. I spent hours on the phone with Sam. We eventually decided to go all out. I mean, ALL OUT!! Upgraded microprocessor of the licketly splittest type (read - mind numbingly fast processing), upgraded usb card with upgraded clock and dedicated linear power supplies for each section of the board and sub boards, trinkets of Bybee, and a multitude of software tricks and trade secrets to make it all go doh-ray-mi on command. And boy can it sing!!!!! Sonically it is a tour’de’force. It humbled the mighty N10 instantly and Sam kept upgrading it and improving it from there. So much quieter.. SO MUCH QUIETER!!!! I heard deeper, further, wider, more dynamically, more naturally. The MP64 disconnects the music from the speakers, and the room, and just makes it float in front of you connected only to the performers that the microphone had disconnected it from upon recording. Lows are taught and better. Mids are full and textured, and better. Highs are extended without harshness and lack any sibilance while retaining trailing edges and are, well, better!!! That complex, dimensional, layered reproduction of texture and harmonics that the best analog rig extracts is there. I don’t know how. But it’s there. Although I do still want to hear the Baetis and the SGM and a few other high end digital sources (and I know the reps for those products read this thread and are reading this, so I say this with great respect for our friendships and their time), I doubt that they can rival the level of reproduction the MP64 has achieved. I never say never, and I always keep an open mind, but I am skeptical the MP64 can be bested. We shall see..... Is there a magical symbiosis between the LH Davinci2 and the MP64? Maybe. Are both at the cutting edge top of their game? Unquestionably. That ALL said I have not mentioned the fly in the ointment. The N10 uses Aurender’s wonderful software. It’s not Roon, but it’s nicely integrated and once you get used to it, works flawlessly. To get the absolute most out of the MP64, you have to use either JRiver or Fubar, and if you want to utilize Tidal it has to be through its own App. All controlled via a desktop mirroring App on your iPad; or to improve the sound further, just use a mouse and monitor. Roon can absolutely be used on the MP64, but it won’t squeeze that last bit of magic out the way JRiver and the Tidal App will. I have not yet tried Roon, and I imagine it still sounds amazing and would better the N10. But I won’t say it flatly as I haven’t heard it yet. So from a use standpoint, it’s not as seamless as the N10. But work is underway to implement Roon and several other resources at full capacity; yet the hurdles are higher then most understand technically so we wait patiently for them to work their magic and fix the only “issue” I can come up with, if you can really even call it an issue. To reiterate, it WILL run Roon; but according to Sam it just won’t sound as good as using JRiver or Fubar, or the dedicated Tidal App for reasons he explained and I sort of understand. Lots of technical stuff involving cores and jitter and little purple digital trolls and goblins. But it works. And it works well! Those who have been following me know I do not offer praise unless it is well earned. Sam has earned my praise, my respect, and my appreciation! |
Ricred1- no argument there. I don’t want to go into pricing. If you are interested, pricing is “flexible” from posted retail. PM me for an explanation. Sam is a great guy and I don’t want to openly state more then that. Steve, my ODSX is loving life in my office system and just sounds awesome!! I am using it with my aurender N10 as a source. I’ll email to chat about more upgrades and the xmos usb swap. Thanks for letting me know. For those who don’t know, until my Light Harmonic Davinci2 came the Empirical Audio OverDrive SE and then SX was my reference DAC. And is just stupid good!!! |
Looking for opinions..... I’m considering upgrading my rack. I currently have an Adona that is very good. But the top tier is in a different class. Narrowed down to 3 options: HRS - VXR rack with M3X platforms Critical Mass - Olympus V-12 Symposium - Osiris with Copper rails I have no doubt that all 3 are exceptional. And that all 3 will sound amazing. But a Rack is the one thing that’s essentially impossible to audition. So I need to pick and buy without an audition. The HRS and Critical Mass are twice as expensive as the Symposium. But I’m not convinced that Symposium is subsequently 1/2 as good. In fact, I’m very impressed by his design and approach. But HRS and Critical Mass have SUCH strong reputations as the best of the best. All opinions welcome!!! |
Mike - I agree the biggest issue is the cost of the HRS/Critical Mass racks. I have no doubt they offer excellent results but $35-50k for a rack!!!! Really?!? I looked into active for a while as well. Do you use that? And on what? Hey Mr. Audio Doctor!! The StillPoints rack isn’t the right size for me. I need 3 wide 2 tall. So many good racks. So confusing. |
Mike - thanks for the hookup. I’m going to do a tad more research to decide if I’m going to keep my Adona and load up on footers (the Trinia look intriguing and Albert is currently doing a head to head with the StillPoint 5’s that shoul yield interesting results), or go for a new rack. I’d also love to get that MSB DAC of yours with dual power supplies Into my room for a test drive. 😇 That Artesania looks cool, but it’s not for me looks wise. I know that’s a stupid reason, but I will be looking at it every day and need to find it attractive..... Dave - The Modulum looks interesting. But I have a hard time buying into the “absorb the bad vibes and keep the good vibes” concept. The Roguz looks intriguing as well, but standard shelf sizing is too wide and a triple wide won’t fit between my speakers. If I go cost affective, the Star Sound Rhythm is the no brainer option. If I go top tier there are many options. Opinions help. But all of these racks have an element of science and an element of voodoo. Oy!!! All of them say they base it on science and physics and computer modeling; and I believe that. It’s 99 different ways to accomplish the same thing. The issue isn’t if any of it works, the issue is if it makes the gear sound better and musical or worse and dead. And what racks make what gear sound better or worse. And since it’s impractical or impossible to audition anything, the only way to decide is research. I just don’t like BS and hand waving. Everyone’s rack design is better then every else’s. Wood is better because it doesn’t kill the music . Steel is better because it isolates. Laminated wood/rubber/granite is best because it absorbs more evenly. Points are better; bearings are better; suspension is better; absorption is better; diffusion is better. Try to stop vibration from getting in, try to absorb vibration going out. No way to compare. No way to decide! I may just keep my current rack for now and upgrade isolation footers as Mike suggested. |
No party crashing interpreted Mike. But if you bring your Select II you can crash my party anytime!! ;) Al has been to my house several times. I look forward to him bringing the newest latest greatest SGM to compare to the Baetis and MP. Should be super fun!!! Will report when that happens. I will figure out a way eventually to hear a Select II in my room. I won’t buy without hearing it in my system. Remember that my opinions (and Mike’s, and CTSooner’s and Wison’s, etc) are just that, opinions. I am not the Ear of Olympus upon which all decisions shall be based. I’m just a shmo with a good ear and some disposable income to spend on this stuff. :) |
I agree with CTSooner. And I said the same thing the last time this was brought up. I don’t believe that a certain type of chip is required to make good sound. It’s all in the implementation of that chip. That said, if an R2R is properly implemented it will typically make great sound. But I have heard good non R2R beat meh R2R dacs. It’s how you use it, not just what parts are installed. |
Gentlemen, I want to thank you for the fascinating discussion and compliment you all on the level of decorum, respect and intelligence all have maintained!!! We have had multiple designers and manufacturers involved along with many enthusiasts and this “side debate” has stayed mature and informational for all to read. It just proves the quality and intelligence of those involved in helping keep this wonderful thread weaving and flowing for all these years. Sorry for the intrusion. But it makes a Pappa proud. :) |
Charles. Another Davinci2 owner was a previous Bricasti SE DAC owner and said that although close, the Davinci2 was unquestionably superior. I will I’ll ask him to bring it over the next time he comes so we can hear it in my system. I believe that the top tier TotalDAC is something special. I intend on getting it in sometime this year, but it’s a huge multi unit system. The TotalDAC system, TrinityDAC and MSB Select 2 may be the only thin to outperform the Davinci2. Of course, there’s CH Precision, Soulution, DCS Systems and such as well, but I think that like the Boulder they offer dynamics and detail but lack musicality (totally my opinion, and some of it assumption and not a result of listening). Thanks Steve, for the complement. I try to keep things objective in regards to apples to apples comparisons, consistent and honest. |
Jwm - the Memory Player & Davinci2 setup is staggeringly good. I don’t doubt the performance of the Bricasti but I find it bordering on inconceivable that even with Ethernet feeding it, it would equal my current setup. USB, when properly implemented, is still a viable and exceptional modality. But as I said, I will arrange to have the Bricasti SE over so I can give it a proper evaluation. I’ll run it usb and Ethernet. I dont believe in absolute statements like: - you have not heard the best unless you have heard..... - if it’s not ___ chip then it can’t be the best I believe in hearing it and comparing in a familiar system with familiar music. 👍🏻 |
Hi everyone. Sorry to go off topic to the off topic topic that’s currently the topic, until we get to the main topic. lol. I FINALLY did it!!!! i started my YouTube channel. For anyone who has wanted to see my room and listen to be rattle on about my thoughts, origins, journey and all while staring at my system and listening to it through your speakers, this is your chance! Please subscribe and tell any of your audio friends to check it out and subscribe. They will only be 5-15 minutes, so quick to watch and hopefully riveting!! post comments to ask questions and make suggestions! thanks! https://youtu.be/EGnGh7EUsjY |
Sorta did the visible foot wiggle intentionally. I thought it would create a sense of casual welcome, and give a subtle visual cue to connect to my voice. thanks for the initial comments. The volume seamed ok when I watched it on my phone. But I will be mindful of that. I have so much to talk about. Please subscribe so I can feel the love. Lol. ill try to do a few early and quick and then slow down to one a week if I can. |
Smer319 - I have heard great things about the Brinkman. Sounds like a rather unique product and I’d love to hear it, and the new Meridian. I started with a Meridian DAC and surrounded professor years and years ago. It was very very good with my Classe multi channel amp and Aerial Acoustics 10T speakers, which I still have. |
I’ve been fiddling behind the scenes with some really cool isolation pucks and cylinders and such. I’ve got some more coming in and then I’ll post a report. I think these little guys are VERY equipment dependent so I’ll try to give some general guidelines as well as my specific results in my system. Stay tuned. Also, Dr. Dave the Audio Doctor is coming Monday to bring some usb cables and his Baetis to play. That should be super fun. |
Wow GeorgeHifi, my statement was a simple joke about the word “schitt” which people have been doing forever and, I am pretty sure, the marketers of Schitt counted on to help get their name known. We all know it’s a super performer for the money; a great value and a brilliant marketing campaign. My statement was an utter and complete joke. Your statement, on the complete other hand, was a spiteful, intentional insult meant to belittle my entire process, my system and a direct and obvious personal insult. I wont justify a response. I’ll allow the thread to continue on the previous topic without interruption. |
David_Ten - I apologize if It was interpreted that way. The “it had to be done” comment meant that a joke about the name “Schitt” had to be done since no one else had made one. I have ever ever , in 4 years, insulted a product by using profanity or degrading anything or anyone. I have said I don’t like something and then explained why. I’m not sure how a personal insult would be justified even if I had meant what you suggest. Apologies to anyone who took offense at my statement. It was a joke. Not an insult. |
Ok. Thankfully the moderator erased my post. It never happened. Except that we all now know that GeorgeHifi thinks I select equipment based on price and bling. Maybe I do. ;) To move on.... Everyone NEEDS to go see The Greatest Showman. To true music lovers, it’s an emotional roller coaster. I had that lump in my throat after for almost 15 minutes. Couldn’t talk, on the boarder of laughing and crying. For those that know what I’m talking about, you get it. It was truly wonderful. Take your partner and make a special night of it!!!! |
And if everyone noticed, I didn’t say anything except complement all involved in the recent reincarnation of the very same R2R/DS DAC conversation. Simply because it was informational, educational, respectful and completely avoided any absolute statements. In this hobby, there are no absolutes. Only opinions. And we have all learned from the great input recently posted from this great community! I have watched over this thread for years and always tried to keep it respectful, free of drama and conflict. As a result we have nurtured a community of open opinion, educated involvement and mutual respect. I take enormous pride in what this thread has become. Im not sure why, but I think that George takes offense that I feel a sense of paternity and responsibility towards this thread and act as a pseudo-moderator. As I said before, I sincerely apologize to George and anyone else if I have ever said or implied anything directly or interpreted as offensive! |
Thanks Pokey77. George, not sure why your waiting for a confrontation with me. It’s like your looking for one. Just waiting for me to post just the right opportunity and then pounce. I apologize if I have offended you in some way. I’m like the least offensive person on the planet. Let’s bury the hatchet and move on. Really looking forward to the Baetis coming tomorrow. Stay tuned. |
I can attest to the LH build quality and Sonics, that’s for sure. I believe Dave is correct in LH’s Kickstarter delivery. I think they have caught up on most if not all at this time. They are slow slow slow. They are focusing on their relationship with Tesla from what I understand; not right or justifiable, but they made their bed and now have to lie in it. But man can they make a top shelf DAC!!! See you in a few hours Dave. Hopefully with the Baetis in tow. Dave’s bringing over some Uber usb cables as well: Enklein and the LH usb cable. I can’t wait to hear them! |
UPDATE!!! Thanks to Dave, The Audio Doctor, for stopping by and bringing all those fun toys. See the YouTube video for images and Dave explaining the gear. What he brought : -Baetis music server (I’ll let Dave post about the nuances of the external power supply system used) - from what I understand a pretty standard example of the Baetis. Supposedly there is a higher current power supply available. -Enklein David power cord -Enklein usb cord -Light Harmonic Lightspeed 20G usb cable I’ll start with the usb cables (and will post the Baetis to MP64 comparison in another post). The Enklein cable has about 200 hours on it while the LH 20G was almost new. The Enklein is beautifully built with very heavy usb connectors and stalks that are very stiff but appear strong and resistant to bending and damage. If you need a tight turn off of the unit, these are not the cables for you. They are wrapped in a golden yellow woven material that is attractive and strong. The cable is expensive for a usb cable and looks expensive. The LH 20G is two smaller cables coming off of the usb connector which is strong and simply implemented with heat wrap connecting the plug to the wires. It is very flexible and looks resistant to damage over time. There is a black box in the middle of the double cable run. Instead of trying to explain it, here is LH’s web page on the cables text: “With our new LightSpeed 20G USB Cable we enhance two key things: (1) Completely bypass the USB sending device’s noisy 5V power supply with an ultra low noise 5V battery based power supply (2) Regenerate and re-clock the USB high speed data stream with our “Regenerate and Revive” circuitry that exceeds the USB 3.0 standard.” The box is powered and has a battery that recharges with a micro usb plus and charger. I have no idea how long the charge lasts but I would Imagine quite a while..... We first listened to my “stock” system using my tried and true Wireworld Platinum Starlight usb cable (most recent model) between my Memory Player 64, which now has just over 1000 hours on it, and the LH Davinci DAC. The Wireworld usb cable probably has 5-7k hours on it! The sound was familiar and wonderful. Soundstage was wide, deep and with very nice image specificity. Ok, a quick swap of the usb cables to the Enklein and Dave and I “dropped the digital needle” on the same three tracks. Wow! Did we change cables or components?!? The texture of vocals became more layered, subtlety of tone was better, dynamics improved and the soundstage became deeper and about 6-10” taller. I would say it took a step towards realism. I was expecting an improvement as Enklein makes some seriously good cables, but I wasn’t expecting THIS big a difference! I’m already picturing the Enklein in my system for a long time, when we hit the stop button and swap out the Enklein for the LH 20G. We hit play starting at the top track, and almost instantly Dave and I look at each other in astonishment! The vocals jumped a foot higher, to normal human height. The bass became more taught and extended, the entire drum set suddenly appeared IN my room. The upright bass wasn’t just better, it was there! It was natural and just flowed easily without effort, yet displayed dynamics that I had not heard before. If the Enklein was wow, the LH 20G was Holy $&!? !!! Now I don’t know, and strongly assume there is, a designed synergy between the LH 20G and the LH Davinci 2 DAC. And the Enklein was exceptional, and may sound best with other dacs. But with my system the LH 20G was mouth dropingly amazing! It sounded like a massive component upgrade. I can’t wait for the guys to come over and hear the system and see their reaction. Dave was kind enough to leave the 20G with me to burn in a bit more before I make a purchase decision. But I don’t think it will be leaving my system, ever! Thanks Mr. Audio Doctor!! For those that want to upgrade your DAC, upgrade your usb cable first! It may be just the upgrade your looking for. —— See the next post for a comparison between the Baetis and Memory Player. |
Cable addendum: I don't know how many of you have played with power cords. But they make a bigger difference than one would think. I am a HUGE Shunyata fan and currently have a full loom of Shunyata Sigma NR power cables throughout my system and they are excellent. I have heard many (not close to all) power cords in the $100-$4000 price range and I am continuously impressed with, and have learned to rely on, the performance of Shunyata power cables and conditioners. That said, the power cable that the Audio Doctor has brought over several times to my room (I think he’s taunting me) is the Enklein DAVID power cable. Enklein cables are hand built, masterfully crafted pieces of audiophile jewelry, like my Crystal Cable Absolute Dream speaker wire. At $8,800- a cable they are nigh unreachable but the improvement on any component you power them with is astounding. Going from my already expensive Sigma NR to the DAVID yields a denser and more extended low frequency with a slight refinement of the overall presentation as if the music is being served on a silver platter instead of a wood cutting board. There is more presence in the upper registers that doesn’t cause brightness, but adds clarity and resolution without being offensive or overstated; it’s more a sense of correctness than added accuracy. The overall construction of the presentation just seams more masterfully recreated, if that makes sense. And that’s only using ONE DAVID on the server!!!! I would need 6!!!! But just thinking about those results gets me a bit hot and bothered.... ;) Dave took his Enklein DAVID home with him and will continue taunting me with them with every visit I am sure. I now know that sense of remorse reviewers feel when they need to send back equipment that makes an incontrovertible improvement in their system but is just beyond their reach. |
Rbstehno - I’m not sure where you are thread wise, but the Mac Mini hasn’t been my source for quite some time. I’ve moved WAY beyond that. I will update my virtual system as I didn’t even think of it until you just posted. I’m assuming that’s what you are looking at. I’ve auditioned almost a dozen servers since then and am now dancing with some of the best servers out there. I vehemently disagree with your blanket statement that “USB sucks.” I have heard usb sound meh and I have heard (and use) usb that sounds amazing! Don’t believe the hype that usb is dead: it ain’t. It’s not what you have, it’s how you use it that counts. ;) |
UPDATE - SERVER COMPARISON! The long awaited comparison between the mighty and very well respected Baetis and my newly acquired and wonderful sounding Memory Player 64 server is upon us! Huzzah , I say!!!! As always, enclosure first.... The Baetis has the best enclosure I have yet encountered in a modified PC. It is a completely custom enclosure with the generic layout of a PC but in a more rigid, attractive, purpose built design. It looks more like an audio component. It has an external power supply which allows the main unit to be a bit more petite than the other modified PC’s I have seen. The back was well laid out and traded a power receptacle for a power umbilical connector. I could not open the unit but I remember reading that the internal cables are upgraded and intentionally kept to minimal runs, all done to improve sound quality. There is a built in disc drive to rip CD’s and the unit boot up quickly and without issues. I will openly state that the Baetis is a better executed enclosure and, I suspect, is wired more elegantly and with more intention, than the more expensive MP64. I just don’t know how, or even if, this translates into improved sound quality. We used JRiver on both systems. No upsampling on the MP64. Dave set the Baetis to upsample; he felt it sounded best with these settings. I ran the MP64 with my Shunyata Sigma NR and we gave the Baetis the advantage of the Enklein DAVID power cord. Both were set on StillPoint Ultra 5’s and the same LH usb cable was used. The Baetis had been run at Dr. Dave’s until it’s 45 minute journey to my house, and was plugged in shortly after arrival. Identical files were loaded to compare. It was on and running for around 45-60 minutes prior to its first comparison. Was it warmed up and settled? Not completely; but it wasn’t ice cold either. It worked flawlessly and without issue. We listened to the MP64 first while letting the Baetis warm up. Then to the Baetis, and then back to the MP64. Sonically, Dave and I differed a bit in opinion. He preferred the more forward sounding Baetis while I preferred my more harmonic Memory Player. I heard a slight collapse of the front to back soundstage on the Baetis. The MP64 projected that life size top to bottom soundstage, especially with the newly installed LH usb cable. We lost some of that with the Baetis. Tonally they were similar. I heard a greater sense of depth and control in the lower frequencies, and I felt a richer sense of harmonic structure on the MP64. I think Dave preferred the slight warmth the Baetis bestowed upon the midrange. From MP64 to Baetis we both agreed we actually heard a bigger difference when going from the Wireworld to LH usb cable then swapping components, lol. We both agreed that there was a more dramatic difference palpable upon the change back to the MP64 then the initial difference going to the Baetis. It became more apparent that the MP64 offered delicacy, layered harmonics, a deeper and more realistic soundstage and image, and extended dynamics that the Baetis lacked (only in comparison to the MP64). But considering the price difference ($17k vs $48-52k’ish), the Baetis performed mesmerizingly well, and far surpassed the previous champion Aurender N10 (which makes sense considering it’s twice the price). For $17k it was just awesome! And makes me really look forward to the upcoming release of the newly revamped SGM Gen 2 server, which I believe to be around the same price. We did, of course, try the DAVID power cord on the MP64 when we had completed our comparison. And it did the same magic to the MP64 that I’ve heard on everything else. And it pushed the MP64 that much further above the Baetis in the comparison since the Baetis was powered by the DAVID the whole time. I congratulated Dave, The Audio Doctor, on representing some seriously fine equipment and thanked him for a fun time. After all was said and done, he had given me over 5 hours of his precious time. I invited him to bring the Baetis back for a head to head against the SGM Gen 2 when I can arrange for it to grace my room. The world of high end audio has some seriously awesome digital front end to consider these days. Is it maybe safe to say that “The times they are a’changing “? |
Memory Player can run anything. JRiver, Tidal, Roon, etc. but only certain types of software can take advantage of the single core system they employ (no idea how it works) to get the most out of their system. Steve, as far as I know both Baetis and MP recommend using JRiver as their software of choice. I asked Sam about Amarra and he said he didn’t think it was Windows compatible. It apears Amarra is available on windows. I have Sam checking out the free trial version. He’s a bit under the weather so I’m not rushing him..... Hey Sam, are you done yet? 😇 |
I read up a bit on FiData. It seams to be in the same category as Antipodes, Melco, some of the Lumin, some of the Aurender, Music Vault, YFS, SoTm, etc. Without intentionally fueling the fire, at $5k I would imagine it is very good and is comparable to the other $4k to $8k servers I have heard. If someone wants to arrange an audition for me I’m happy to put the time in to give it a chance. But I won’t pursue it on my own. I am trying to get the Innuos SE in for audition but they seam to be selling out faster then anyone can put them on their shelf for display. |
Awesome Steve. Thanks!! That’s a great report. I don’t think anyone doubts that Ethernet is the ideal way to transfer those magic bits, but most dacs (other than yours, the Ayre and a very few others) don’t have an Ethernet music input. Also, the ONLY proper way to utilize “Ethernet music out” from a server is having a dedicated Ethernet output (in addition to the normal Ethernet jack connected to the switch/router) that can be directly connected to the Ethernet DAC (avoiding the noise in a switch/router, and allowing a direct connection between server and DAC), like the Melco server offers (the only one I know of that does). Of course, a PC based server like the Memory Player, Baetis, SGM, Music Vault, etc could always be built/modified to have that option. My issue with your Ethernet input when I had it was that my Mac Mini with Ethernet was still an inferior source to my N10 via spdif, and the N10 couldn’t use its better usb output since I didn’t have the usb input on my ODSX. My ODSX is now at my office where it is still sourced by my N10; so no matter how we slice it, the usb input is the best and only solution for that system. Once I can get the $$$ together I’d like to do the usb upgrade you told me about! At my house, I’ve got my LH Davinci 2 which has usb and spdif/aes inputs; no Ethernet input. And my Memory Player which currently only has a single Ethernet port which would obligate me to go through a noisy switch even if I did have an Ethernet equipped DAC like yours..... To me, it’s simply that the audio industry hasn’t caught up with you and your cutting edge thinking! ;) |
So sorry I haven’t posted any videos yesterday or today; I have like 20 in my head. I was supposed to have a full house today with Sam from Memory Player and Al from SGM visiting, along with my good friend CTSooner. Sam and Al both fell ill and poor CTSooner lost his ride with Sam. So it will have to wait for another week or two. Sigh. I took advantage of the time to educate myself on HQPlayer, computer cases, how to fine tune a computer server (with the help from a too short phone call with Wisnon), Roon implementation, etc. And then dove head first into my collection of footers I’ve been amassing to audition. So let’s take a diversion shall we??? What footers do I have to play with you ask? 2 sets of 4 : StillPoints Ultra 5 2 sets of 4 : Ariamateria large 1 set of 4 : Ariamateria medium 1 set of 4 : Ariamateria small 1 set of 4 : IsoAcoustic Gaia 3 2 sets of 4 : Hardpoint Trinia Want to hear the Shun Mook footers. The StillPoints are mine. The rest are loaners. The Trinia are damn cool looking. And they make the gear sort of float and glide around a central axis. Functionally, picture a Symposium ball in a track on a platform and then another one on top in a track 90 degrees off axis. They are made of aluminum. I tried the two sets from front end to amps. My system didn’t like the Trinia. I found I lost my deep bottom end and it softened and mushed up what was left. It smeared my image specificity and pushed everything towards treble while giving the sound a glassy sensation, making it overly analytical and clinical. Seriously. I was quite surprised. The Trinia were strongly suggested by Mike Lavorgna, who really enjoys them. He had literally the polar opposite experience with his Trinia in his system. He described their sound as ,” the Trinia improved image focus and reduced smear and blur......and tightened the bass and improved micro-dynamics. wherever I put them.” Mike’s a solid listener with a solid system. Go figure. Just proves that these things really are system and equipment dependent!!! PM me for more details if interested. I had the large Ariamateria placed under the amps after the Trinia came out. I wanted to use the Ultra 5’s up front so I put the large Ariamateria under the amps. Deeper bass and sweater midrange. The soundstage deepened and the image came back into focus. I then placed the Ariamateria under the server (I keep 3 Ultra5’s under the DAC, and left the preamp un footed). Same affect as on the amps. Deeper bass, although a tad looser and a nice mellow midrange. Quick swap again and the Gaia replaced the medium Ariamateria. Tighter, cleaner, deeper. Fascinating! Ok, now for the Ultra 5’s under the server. Wow, deep crisp bass but a tad bright up top, overly clinical. I decided to keep the Gaia in for now. HRS says that you should use soft, rubberized style footers under folded metal cased equipment and solid or bearing base footers under milled case equipment. They sell their own versions of each (yes, I will be checking them out). But my session today supported this theory. The computer server is a folded metal case and it sounded best to me with the rubberized metal cased IsoAcoustic Gaia 3. When I have more help I will try the same product under the DAC, amps and preamp. I couldn’t do more then I did. I struggled changing from the Trinia to the Ariamateria with the amps and that was enough for me to do alone. I also want other ears to compare the Gaia and Ariamateria. The differences where subtle. Both are VERY affordable and neat products. I do think the Ultra 5’s under the milled casing of the DAC and Burmester feat may be the best (and most expensive) choice. But we shall see..... |
Quite a few new videos up on my YouTube channel for those that are watching.... https://youtu.be/KU6FcOSJjTA |