Aolmrd- no doubt that Ps Audio continues to refine their software. It's always been recognized as a good dac. But I have heard almost every update along the way and none come even close to the performance of my ODSX which doesn't hold a candle to my incoming LH2. That doesn't make it a worthwhile DAC considering it's awesome price to performance ratio.
Dgarrettson - I have been reading about SoTm products and the new ultra products with great interest. I almost pulled the trigger on a full sotm system and may still try the ultra USB reclocker. My issue is that, at the end of the day, it requires the SR7 and other tweaks to really get the most out of it. Romaz over on Head-Fi has an awesome thread in sure you are aware of that has run down that rabbit hole and beyond. In the end, it's all a bit too DIY for my tastes and I'm really looking for an essentially single box solution. Is it possible that a meticulously crafted PC or NAS connected via all sotm product powered by an SR7 and running over an optical network also powered by an SR7 with 2 Ethernet ports running the Ethernet Renderer straight off of the computer bypassing the switch can achieve the best possible sound? Of course. But the level of tweaking and DIY love and ability that system requires is beyond my capacity or interest in pursueing.
That said, the Sotm SMS-200ultra with sCLK-EX is super intriguing!!!!!
Guido- Playback Designs apparently has a whole new line and I have not heard any of them. They have good reports and I can not dismiss what I have not heard.
On a side note for those headphone junkies and those looking for less expensive DAC options....
I spent a wonderful night (2 nights ago) at Distinctive Stereo in River Vale, NJ listening to some awesome gear! Larry’s dedicated room is big, sounds great and houses many audio libations and temptations. Merrill of Merrill Audio, my neighbor Mike and I spent a night with Larry listening, eating sushi, more listening and much male camaraderie.
At the conclusion of the evening i noticed he had a Underwood Exogal Comet Plus and I asked to borrow it to try out with my cans since I saw it had a headphone jack on the side. Well I can tell you that this DAC, fed by the Aurender N10, straight into my ZMF Blackwoods gave me the single best headphone experience I have ever had! I actually enjoy listening through the Exogal more then the Chord DAVE; it was just more musical and engaging. I couldn’t turn it off! I may need to buy the damn thing and I had no intention of even considering it. Although I haven’t tried it (yet) on my main system, I would imagine it’s way better then it’s humble price suggests it would be. I believe the engineers from Wadia had a hand in its design.
So if you are looking for a stereo or component give Larry a call. He is the importer of German Physiks speakers which are pretty damn good! But he also has some other great kit. And if you have a pair of headphones, call Larry and buy a Comet Plus and be amazed!
If interested, maybe I could put together a group buy with him and we can get some discounts. Message me if interested.
Now back to top tier dacs and servers. |
Aolmrd- that makes it a worthwhile DAC considering..... my statement before sounded negative when it was meant to be positive. . |
Wow Al. I’ll bet that felt good. Lol. Thanks for the info.
We welcome manufacturers and dealers and love to hear about new product. What we frown upon is their criticism of any other manufacturer's product, and anyone who doesn’t let up and keeps posting over and over. Neither of which Al has done (yet). ;)
Thanks for the info. |
This is not the spot for any manufacturer or dealer to bad mouth any other product. That's how threads die. Speak positively about your own product and let the customers say negative things about the competitors products. It's fair and most dealers and manufacturers honor that code. |
Cleeds. Negative posts about gear are fine until it's from a dealer or manufacturer. Then it's not sincere, it's badmouthing a competitor, unreliable information; and subsequently not welcome. As I said, it's not been an issue as the manufacturer's and dealers know proper forum etiquette. If Aurender posts something bad about SGM, the motives are questionable and SGM and Aurender will end up blowing up the thread and kill the topic. It's caustic and detrimental and had happened killing many good threads. I try to watchdog this VERY long lived thread to keep things fair and educational for all involved. Thus far it has worked. It is a massive undertaking, but a labor of love.
Thanks for your input! Now back to our regularly scheduled obsessing..... |
Now I'm seriously considering trying an Sotm sMS-1000SQ which come with tX-USBexp as standard USB output, added sCLK-EX clock for the tX-USBexp for ultra low jitter clock. Then ALSO use an external TX-USB-Ultra to reclock again as suggested by Sotm.
120gb SSD for the Os.
And I also need an SPS-1000 power supply, or better yet, an SR-7 Paul Hynes power supply.
MQA compatible. Comes standard with Roon and JRiver and can add HQ Player if requested.
I am also arranging some time with the SGM with Al's generous assistance.
I also opened a dialogue with Neil of Music Vault at several of your requests. Let's see where that goes. But what a nice guy!!!!!! |
Antipodes final opinion.....
I think i spent more time perseverating about this unit then most. The opinion base flows exuberant with supporters of the DX Gen 2 as well as DS lovers and the like. While the original DX was simply outclassed by the Aurender N10 unabashedly, the DX Gen2 stands its ground and went ten rounds without blinking. It never fell or waivered in this battle and walked away with no shame; but it walked away.......
Both would be enjoyed and both are fantastic and I could live with either forever and a day and never blink. But I wasn't listening to them on their own, I was comparing them. And I needed to take my microscope out to make a final judgement call. This statement flaunts the fact that this was a personal decision and varying systems will yield varying results. So I will say as I always do.....
in my system, in my room, to my ears (and those of my "panel's" ears, lol).......
The Antipodes DX Gen 2 took 400 hours to stabilize. But after that, I heard no additional changes. Careful testing to determine which USB output to use (5V on or off) and careful attention to setting up Roon (which I found to be the best sounding "fully" native server app) yielded the best results. This was my first real experience with Roon, and I like it: although I don't really find the Aurender App that much less robust for my personal needs. I previously reported my experience with my Short Block and how I got my best results using the 5V off output with no filtering or Short Block in between. And I opted NOT to use HQPlayer (which many say gives the best possible results) because it requires HQPlayer to exist on a separate computer which is both confusing and counterintuitive to me. So native Roon was what I used.
The enclosure is nicely done and attractive with a simple power button on the front and the outputs and inputs well laid out on back. Nothing was crowded it got in the way of anything else. The unit starts up fast and having a built in Cd ripper is a nice feature. It's software takes a little getting used to but with a bit of experience never have me an issue, froze or became problematic. It was stable. The only issues I encountered was with swapping USB back and forth between n10 and DX. While the N10 is crazy stable and grabs the USB as soon as it's plugged, Roon did occasionally have a hard time connecting with my DAC and I had to reset the Room software once via the Antipodes web control. Other then that, and if it was just left connected all the time, I found it stable and reliable. Roon is great; period.
The Antipodes is wonderful. It's an excellent digital source and makes managing my library and implementing Tidal a breeze. It presented a naturally wide and deep soundstage with proper imaging and the correct sense of space between performers. I found it not quite as black as the N10 and the DX soundstage was shifted about 6" to the left of the N10 (weird, I know). Bass and treble extension and was similar and the reproduction of the midrange was spot on.
Where the differences showed was more subtle. There was a pace to the rhythm of music that was more organic on the N10. The texture of instrument harmonics was more identifiable and perceived. The visual cues given by the auditory cues were more visable; I could see performers expressions with the N10 and I could not with the DX. There is a texture and layering to the tone of mids and especially lower frequencies that was more liquid with the N10 and less nature on the DX. I'm talking SUBTLE!!!! But palpable.
In the end, the N10 was simply more analog, more engaging, expressed complexity and Harmonic scale better and offered a bit deeper soundstage then the DX Gen 2.
Did I mention Subtle?!?!!
In a different system, I'm not sure the findings would have been the same. But in my system, the N10 stays top dog for now. And someone else gets to enjoy the DX Gen 2 and will potentially make it sound even better then it sounded in my room.
Fair thee well DX Gen 2. You will make someone VERY HAPPY!!!!!! |
Hi Jeff, welcome aboard! I don’t know the answer to that question as it’s never come up here before. I think the solution would be to make an offer and anyone interested can PM you to get on board. Shoot the admin a PM at the same time to confirm it’s ok. If possible, I feel that Larry from Distinctive Stereo would deserve something since he was the one who introduced me to it and suggested a demo. He lent me the unit and I have had it at home for a week enjoying it. Anyone with headphones needs to hear this thing! It’s awesome and a ridiculous value! And I’m sure it sounds equally great with a 2 channel rig. But if not for Larry, this rave would not have occurred. Lol. I am getting nothing from Larry nor Jeff for this outpouring of "this thing is awesome!" But it is! One request Jeff.... can you increase the gain on the headphone amp a bit? The headphone out strugggled with lower efficiency headphones. Unless your running IEM’s, the volume when set to Headphone out is useless until over 80. I also just started my new Headphone thread on Head-Fi!!!!, you may want to offer the group buy there also!! If you can. |
JWM - my muse to take the obsession plunge in any direction hits me at random and is then unstoppable. I’m trying to go to CanMania at the CapitalAudioFest. I plan on starting some IEM research there.
Dragon_Vibe - Agreed. I think Exogal-CEO was responding to a casual statement I made and has shown his respects to the Audiogon Admin, dealer/manufacturer relationship and Can obsessiva all in one quick and concise post. Thanks Exogal-CEO for the offer and the thorough post!!
I’m hoping next Sunday is as fun as I’m planning it to be. I’m hoping to have a few stellar servers to compare and a fun group of listening buddies to help me out.
The list of whose who in the server selection is not quite finalized. But it will yield some fascinating information for one and all. Stay tuned!!
Hey gang. I’ve been trying to find Uber servers and have only really come upon 3 (or 4) thus far. The Burmester 151 server/DAC/preamp and 111 Music Center (both of which are REALLY long in the tooth!) and the Boulder 2120 server/DAC/preamp. And The Memory Player. $22k-$55k based on configurations. That looks rather interesting and has some amazing reviews (constantly updated over the course of 11 years is pretty impressive, and their customer support is first rate from what I hear).
The 151 and 2120 are both $50k +++
then theres the $15-20k range of the Aurender W20 and the DCS Rossini Player.
Are there any others that I am missing?
i guess there is Request’s The Beast and BMC’s PureAudio server. The BMC product seems more lifestyle then high end. The Beast looks very intriguing but I don’t think has any US representation; like the CAD CAT, which also looks awesome but doesn’t have any US importer (you can buy and ship here, but service would need to be done back in England if needed). And the TotalDAC server/system which I have plans to audition, but has "limited" US presence (there is a dealer in the US but any service would still need to be done overseas).
Peter, according to the Aurender rep, the W20 and N10 sound identical unless you are running an external clock. Then the W20 sounds better. I would imagine the battery power has to give the W20 an edge. But the N10 is awesome so I'm not complaining. |
Not sure why Brinkmann opted for tubed output stage but it sure didn't help their measurements. But JA has measured many a piece of kit that sounds damn good and measures damn bad. |
For those who want to understand MQA and Tidal integration a bit better, I found this. It’s excellent. Im staying away from the Light Harmonic discussion right now. If/When my product is delivered and no issues arise I will post my experience. I can say that as of now Dave the Audio Doctor had been supportive and communicative (and I believe he would do what needed to be done to make things right if a major issue were to arise, because he has shown me nothing but sincerity, passion for gear and music, and active support). CT- your a Vandersteen and Ayre fanboy! 😂😂 |
True Dragon_Vibe. Accuracy is an objective measurement. That's what we have JA for. Lol.
Emotional engagement is as subjective as it comes.
I always find it fascinating to see how different listeners listen for different things to hit their emotional target. Imaging, soundstage, leading edge, trailing edge, dynamics, scale, noise floor, subtlety, low frequency extension, etc etc. We all want it all, but one or two things in particular hit that personal spot and make us sink into nirvana.
I just love this hobby! And the people who share it with me! |
Fascinating. Larry of Distinctive Stereo came over to my office last weekend to play. I bought a Wells Innamorata amp from him (just WOW! It's the best "affordable" amp you've never heard of!!!) to match up to the new Scansonic 2.5 speakers I just got. Sounds AWESOME!!
We used his Aurender A10 (which is a single unit combo N100H server and built in DAC) and compared that to using just the A10 server portion output via USB to an external DAC (Axogal Comet and Playback Design's Merlot).
The A10 with internal DAC readily beat the A10 server feeding either the Axogal or the Merlot. Seriously! The internal DAC in the A10 sounded the best is probably a result of being a good DAC, using a linear power supply, crazy short I2S jumper between server board and DAC, shared clock and just good design and synergy.
Also, the A10 server sourcing the Axogal DAC sounded BETTER then sourcing the Merlot!!! Not huge, but considering the $3+ K difference it still says a lot. That Comet Plus is a damn good DAC for its crazy affordable price!
Thanks Larry, for a super fun day! And thanks for helping work your magic to get my 2.5's dialed in perfectly!
Talking about dealers, I want to shout out to Paul Hovenga of Many Moons Audio who has provided exceptional customer service on a purchase that had some functional issues; and who will be arranging a TotalDAC Uber DAC/server audition for me in the coming months!
And a well deserved shout out to Dave, The Audio Doctor who just received my Davinci 2 today and has stood behind Light Harmonic and made sure my product was delivered without drama or issue! Can't wait to get that in my rack!!! |
Thanks for the input Glory. The Merlot is an excellent DAC and shines in my main system, outperforming (to some) my prized ODSX. I think I preferred my ODSX over the Merlot, but didn’t have enough time to truly listen. I have wanted to hear the Rockna as it has an exceptional reputation.
In my office system, the Comet (which has well in excess of 700 hours on it and is well burned in) bettered the Merlot; but not by much. I made sure to say what gear was being used so people could pass their own judgement on my report. No tin ears in the room, nor was anyone sitting on a synergy stool. Both were bettered by the A10 with internal DAC. I would not consider my "inexpensive" office system the ultimate in resolution but the results were what they were. The Comet "belonged" in that level system, the Merlot did not. It may be a case of putting bicycle tires on a Porsche if you know what I mean; the office system may simply not have allowed the Merlot to stretch its legs and show it’s stuff. I never even tried the Comet in my main system as I borrowed it exclusively to try with headphones, and it excels in that regard. As you said, it’s an "entry level" DAC (and a damn good one) and I had not considered trying it in my reference home system. I did try the Merlot at home and several felt it was exceptional. Makes me want to try the Comet in my main rig just to see. I can say that one of the guys present did try the Merlot and Comet in their main rig and he preferred the Comet over the Merlot there as well. Again, no stool or atomic #50 ears, just opinion. And the beauty of an opinion is that you can take it or leave it with no cost or obligation.
Contradicting opinions and reports like yours are what makes this thread so valueable to everyone. I have said over and over, I just report what I hear. I welcome disagreeing views and the expression of those views. It makes this a better and more useful thread for all involved.
Sincerely sorry to see you go. Hope you check in and continue offering credible differing opinions! |
Color me misinformed, but I thought the Merlot was $6500-
With the Comet Plus at $3500- there’s not a huge difference in price here.
Both are excellent choices in their price point. But I consider the Comet a HUGE value for the money, I mean H U G E!!! The Merlot is properly priced and is an excellent DAC for the money.
I don’t think I would suggest someone with a $95k system to audition a Comet Plus as their primary DAC. The Merlot would do their system proud. But I will openly admit that in my small Wells audio/Scansonic sub 10k office system, the Comet did sound a scootch better then the Merlot. And the A10 internal DAC sounded better then both. I was shocked. But go figure......
Interestingly, we did swap power cords and USB cables to make things as fair as possible because everyone was so surprised with the results. It didn’t make a difference. We used a cheap crappy belkin usb and the TotalDAC USB. And a few different power cords. I do think that the Comet (like most DAC’s) requires massive hours of burn in to truly sound its best. And this Comet was well burned in.
As I say, opinions vary and the only way to hear if something works in your system is to try it out. |
Thanks for the comment Jason. The Wells Audio gear is VERY good and VERY unknown. They make some of the best high end headphone amps on the market as well. Their Majestik integrated is amazing and their stereo amps are just flat out awesome. Larry, from Distinctive Stereo, introduced me to them. I had never heard of it before. Worth an audition for anyone looking for a great stereo amp or integrated in the $4k to $14k range. And I can't overstate how much I love Merrill Audio's Veritas monoblocks. I happily owned them until I upgraded to my Burmester 911 mk3 monoblocks. |
As an update, I have upgraded every power cable in my main system from Shunyata Alpha digital, analog and HC to the all new top tier Shunyata Sigma NR power cables. I also have replaced my older Shunyata Hydra AV conditioner with the newest Denali D6000s. The guys at Shunyata know my system well (I’ve been a big supporter and long time customer of theirs) and they recommended the D6000s over their more expensive conditioner for my system. Because of its physical layout (rack on side, amps up front). The power cables are here. The D6000S is arriving Wednesday. I can’t wait!
Alwo, my Davinci mk2 has arrived at the dealer and he will be delivering it on Wednesday.
So lots to report coming up.
I also secured a Lumin S1 and will be comparing it to the Aurender A10 at the office and the N10 in my main system. THAT should be a fun comparison!!! |
Thanks Wisnon. Looks like some tasty bites. Let us know how it is!!!
Maybe Lucasz could redirect them my way after for a 1 or 2 week "detour. " 😇
MacDude - you make a good point. But i believe that proper conditioning and good cables can compensate for a lot of the hash from the AC line. I don't think that battery power is the panacea that some think it to be. But your point that the same DAC could sound very different with different conditioning or source voltage is correct and well made.
Jh901 - if Budweiser is the king of beers then pretty much ANYTHING would be the king of CD players. Budweiser adjusted the definition to lower the bar significantly! 😂😂😂 |
I heard a rumor about butter.....
but im not going to spread it!
Sorry. Couldn't help myself! I'm a dad! Couldn't pass up the dad joke opportunity! |
The new Playback Designs DAC series coming out looks really intriguing. The Merlot was excellent. But you can see where budget held him back from bringing it to the next level. A cost no object DAC from Playback will undoubtedly be a player! (No pun intended).
My Shunyata upgrade is complete. All new Sigma NR power cords throughout and a new Denali D6000 grace my racks and outlets.
The Davinci 2 is resting on my rack as well, as is the Lumin S1 with the N10 just below it.
I'm burning the Davinci 2 in for 500 hours and letting the S1 settle in for a week. Will compare the S1 and N10 late next week. And then when the Davinci 2 is fully cooked I've got a treat for you guys. How about a shootout between the Sound Gallery SGM server, Baetis server, Aurender N10, Lumin S1 and a fully loaded 32 Core Memory Player with built in SoTm USB card and reclocker!!!! Oh yeah baby!!!!! |
T&A makes awesome stuff. The MP 3100 HV appears to be an SACD/CD Player/DAC that also streams Tidal and such. I don't see Roon ready on its web page/reviews/manual. The dealer who sold me my Davinci 2 is a T&A dealer I'll ask him about the MP 3100 HV. Thanks. |
Thanks Lordcloud. Ive put a lot of effort into this thread. And we are lucky to have such great contributors!!!
Some good stuff coming. Stay tuned. 👍🏻 |
So many awesome product out there. Why wait. Pick something now, and enjoy the hell out of it for a few years. |
sorry guys. Been busy. I'll try to get a report up when I can.
Toetapaudio (love the username!)
The implementation of MQA is fascinating. And the point made about MQA developing a stronghold on the audio/music industry is even more fascinating; and a precedent has been set with Apple in that regards. I understand Schiit's points and respect some of them. Truth be told, it's a short lived technology (ten years or less) as our capacity to stream and transmit higher and higher bit rates become available. The first article questions the tech, but most agree that MQA offers a better quality reproduction than streamed 16/44 and it's certainly better then MP3; so for right now it's a great technology to augment SQ in streamed music; which we audiophiles want and identify as having monetary value.
To be honest, I think it's a great invention and should be adopted universally by MQA loosening their valuation of its licensing. It would allow the music industry to implement it more universally and the manufacturing industry to incorporate it more affordable. But that's not the route MQA has chosen.
I would like MQA in my portable solutions. I don't really care if it's in my high end solutions. And I think most audiophiles will have the same attitude. My high end DAC purchase has been unaffected by the existence of MQA. Would I like to see it in my DAC? Sure. But it's absolutely in no way affecting my purchase decision. But as I said, when I buy a DAP I'd like to get one with MQA. Although I don't think my new portable Chord Hugo2 does MQA nor do I think my iPhones Tidal outputs MQA at this time. I'm not even sure if Androids Tidal (ie. any Android DAP) outputs MQA yet. I think it may only be available on desktop Tidal. Please correct me as I may very well be wrong on that point.
Someone came up with a better way. Let's see if their method to market, and market demand, will eventually allow that better way to thrive or die. I don't think the average listener (not we audiophiles) gives a flying frisbee if their sound quality gets any better then whatever comes out of their iPhone while listening to their Beats Solo headphones. I mean, these people love their MP3's and don't see the need for better! Either way, there will be no need for MQA in a few years as streaming bitrate channels widen and allow 384k audio and 4K video streaming without obstruction.
Good times!!!! |
I have completed my evaluation of the Lumin S1 server/DAC (using both its internal DAC as well as its spdif output to my Davinci 2 DAC) and just plugged in and started burning in a Melco N1ZH/2 music server. I will give it a solid week of burn in and audition/compare next Wednesday.
I have a 32 core MP64-32 Memory Player ($55k retail) server on order and that will be coming in about 4-6 weeks would be my guess. Possibly sooner. I'm dying to hear that!!!!
Also, I have arranged for an audition/trial of the mighty Boulder 2120 ($65k retail) server/DAC. I'm giddy like a school girl for that to arrive as well!!!
Al from SGM has promised me an audition that will knock my socks off. I'd like to absorb and report all that I mentioned above before taking Al's time; I'm thinking December or January. He's shown me some other cool little affordable grounding trinkets that might be worth trying as well.
Not enough time in the day my friends!!!
Stay tuned!
PS - Yes the Davinci hath arrived. It's got about 500 hours on it. I'll compare it to my cherished ODSX when it reaches a 1000 hours. In the meantime, Steve from Empirical Audio emailed me asking to send back my ODSX for further upgrades that he just came out with and were significant enough that he wanted to implement them into my ODSX. It was shipped out last week and will arrive today.
As a side note, I just put together a "little" office system consisting of a Constellation Centaur stereo amp and Virgo 2 preamp with Focal Sopra #2 speakers. I also bought a pair of Scansonic 5.0 speakers from Larry of Distinctive Stereo (before I found the deal of the century on these Sopra #2's). Although the price is fairly different, I will compare both to see which suits the equipment and the room better. I also need to decide what source I'll be using. Will I go for a server/DAC like the Lumin S1 or A20? Or go crazy and do a server and transition my prized ODSX to the office?!? Don't know yet. Lots of listening to do to decide what's best for that system ....
NiteWulf - I’m currently on a Light Harmonic Davinci 2. It arrived about a month ago and I’m still burning it in. I also am getting my old standby ODSX back from Maestro Steve for an update he just implemented that supposedly has made a significant improvement. Can’t wait to hear that!
So yes, and no. I’m also trying to audition some other DACS including a possible auditon of a Merging Technologies Merging+Player and a Boulder 2120. As well as a TotalDAC Twelve full complement of French DAC awesomeness.
As far as a summary goes, sorry. Its 72 pages of wandering and rambling. But all good stuff and worth skimming through. Hope that helps. PM me for specific questions. Happy to help. |
Price can be everything, or nothing. (Oooh, that's deep!)
I don't judge a DAC on price or chip design. I believe that there are good delta Sigma DAC's and bad R2R's. It's the implementation, not the parts that make a DAC good, bad or great.
Most of the DAC's I considered where between $6500 and $14,000. I pushed up my audition prices more recently as my ODSX kept beating everything in that first price bracket.
Some swear by the Emm Labs DAC2X. Others believe the Lampizator Golden Gate is it. Ayre, Merging Technologies, Playback Design, the new Bribkman, etc. All great.
Dont discount system matching either. It's super important.
All that said, Metrum has a great reputation but I am not familiar with it. Apologies. |
I have not heard the LaScala or the T&A, but both have great reputations. The Playback Designs Merlot is certainly worth hearing as well.
And as long as DSD is not needed, the Empirical Overdrive SE is outrageously good!!!
On the cheap end of Wow is the Axogal Comet and Chord Hugo 2/Hugo TT.
I chose to avoid tubes DAC's for my search, but they may be up your alley as well.
Find a few dealers you trust and spend a lot of time listening. It will pay off in the end. |
Thanks Mitch2, great stuff right there. And thanks Dave, for always adding just the correct amount of dealer input and offer without overdoing it! It's great having enthusiasts, dealers and manufacturers all here to add and help this thread to progress and grow. |
Update time!
Lumin S1 and Melco N1ZH/2 servers compared to Aurender N10. The sneak peak at the end reads that the N10 is still the champ.
Heres the skinny:
Lumin S1 - sexy, heavy, built like a fine Swiss Watch! Separate dedicated LPS built equally well. I didn’t like the extended shroud over the back plugs; but if it was living long term with me, and rarely accessed, it wouldn’t be an issue. If it’s sitting out or in a top shelf of a rack, it’s a nice touch aesthetically; otherwise it’s sort of useless. Sound wise? It’s punchy, lively and energetic. The bass is deep but lacks coherence and the midrange and treble lacked layered detail and that proper sense of instrument texture. It was listenable and not unpleasant, but didn’t convey a listening experience that conveyed me into the recording studio or concert hall. Although not Hi-Fi, it was not conducive to being lost in the music the way that other servers I have heard were. I see a tube system with a warmer tonal signature mellowing it’s flavor and making it more palatable to long term listening and a permanent home. I sold my S1. The N10 did everything better, top to bottom. Inside and out. From depth and width of soundstage, leading and trailing edges, dynamic presence, harmonic structure, layering, etc. Just better, much better. That all said, I like the Lumin software and Tidal search features better then the Aurender software. It worked. Period. Every time I turned it on it just worked. No quirks. No issues. Like the Aurender. Rock solid stable. The only 2 so far that are rock solid stable.
Melco N1ZH/2 - Not as well built as the S1 or the Aurender; think Seiko vs Vacherone Constantine or Piaget. No native software app (yet), no Roon compatibility, just upnp compatible. I used the Arcam control software App as others couldn’t find the server and DAC and make them work together. Quirky. Once I got everything to sync I was afraid to change anything. Sound wise it’s simple to sum up (and I give my friend Merrill of Merrill Audio the credit for the summary) - it doesn’t do anything wrong. It’s not offensive. It’s presentation is proper, staging is enjoyable and overall sense of music and aire is correct; it’s just missing information. It simply doesn’t extract it all; or my system is SO resolving I can hear it more easily. It’s not a noise floor thing (or maybe it is). In El Tren Del Quinto, there is a hollow echo clearly evident in the room on the N10 that gives the room presence and realism; it’s not sound really, it’s the hollow echo of an open church when no sound is happening. The N10 captures this. The Melco misses it. It’s a terrific product for its cost, and it’s doesn’t need to apologize for all the things it does right. But i don’t think it knows what it doesn’t do; because it doesn’t hear what it’s missing. As a required caveat, I have to say that the Melco offers a feature that will eventually be offered on every server- a direct Ethernet out specifically designed to plug directly into an Ethernet input DAC without running through a switch. I would imagine this would be its best output, and is probably the best digital path from server to DAC other then I2S. I don’t have a DAC with an Ethernet out. I’d love to compare the USB out to that dedicated Ethernet output. THAT would be a great comparison and very helpful for everyone here.
That is all currrntly. So the N10 is still here.
Next up, I believe, is the Memory Player, and the Baetis if I can find time to get Dave over here with it. The mighty Boulder will be coming after RMAF!! Can’t wait for that!!!
Take care all.
Toetap- apologies for not clarifying.
Both. I compared the S1 using its spdif output into my DAC versus the N10 using its spdif output into my DAC. And then we compared the S1 using its internal DAC to N10 with my DAC. THEN, we compared the $9k Lumin S1 to the $6k Aurender A10 (both server/DAC combo’s) and the A10 won in both my home and office system (my offfie system is Constellation Virgo 2 preamp/Centaur stereo amp/Focal Sopra 2 speakers.
I think the Lumin’s server section is better then its internal DAC section. But I would put the Melco above the Lumin U1 from a stand-alone server standpoint. But the Melco is a nightmare to control currently, and a bit finicky as far as connections and control. The Lumin control software is my favorite other then using Roon. And you CAN use Roon on the Lumin as well. |
I love tube stuff Aziz. I just chose to avoid tubes for my own personal system because I have a propensity to obsess about trying everything and would end up falling down the rabbit hole of tube rolling. I was quite impressed by the Golden Gate I heard years ago. I was not blown away by the Big 6 I heard years before that.
Whats the price on the new design? |
Wow. Leave the house alone for a few weeks and look what happens. Lol.
Ok. I’ve been enjoying the crap out of my earthshatteringly good Davinci 2. I cant explain how good it is other then to say that it creates visual cues within the layers of musical eddies and currents. One of my friends feels it lacks the last molecule of accuracy compared to something like the Emm product. But I feel it’s representation of accuracy is proper and not meticulous; musical and not overly analytical.
I have moved my beloved ODSX to my office system, which has turned into a kick ass system on its own: Aurender N10 Empirical Audio ODSX DAC Constellation Virgo 2 preamp Constellation Centaur stereo amp Torus RM20 BAL conditioner with dedicated 240V balanced dedicated stranded 10ga circuit Focal Sopra #2 speakers
Shhhhhhh. Wanna hear a secret???
I have a Boulder 2120 DAC incoming for audition ($65k)!!! It has a built in music server. I’m school girl giddy to compare it to my N10/Davinci 2 combo!!!
Stay tuned!
Ok. Markolino. For $30- amazon prime, I’ll bite. It’s ordered. Hopefully this miracle $30- DAC will help me wake up from the 30 years of useless audiophile wandering I’ve clearly experienced. I can’t wait for my eyes to be opened to this Behrenger miracle!!
Stay tuned. |
Mark and Will. Let’s put this conversation to bed for now. I’m honoring your suggestion and giving it a try. Most would have just shut you down altogether. I don’t want a half a page discussion about a $30- DAC here. I’ll post my findings just to be respectful. But out of that same respect, let’s wait quietly until I post findings. Please and thank you.
Does anyone know if the new Lampi DAC will be at Capitol Audio Fest??? I’m going all three days.
I’d love to meet up with any thread followers for a drink after the show to talk rooms. |
Steve, the newer Antipodes is excellent but was not the equal of the Aurender N10. I did not run it with any upsampling, which is supposedly it’s best source mechanism. But it requires a computer which defeats the purpose (to me) of a solo server. And it was highly quirky software wise compared with the “it just works” N10. The Aurender products are just SO good!!! |
Hanz Zimmer - Absurdity Hanz Zimmer - Mombassa Saint Sean - Danse Macabre LadySmith - People Get Ready Yes - Leave It Stimela - Coal Train Natalie Mechant - The Peppery Man Aaron Neville - Everybody Plays the Fool Dance of the Tumblers Michael Buble - Today is Yesterday’s Tomorrow Pictures at an Exhibiiton
there are other classical, jazz and rock tracks I use. But those are the primary tracks that I know REALLY well.
Its actually a GREAT question!!
Lets all post our top 3 tracks we use when auditioning gear!!!! |
Hi Steve. I don’t use the Hugo2 on my stereo. Only headphones. It’s sufficient top to bottom using headphones. My stereo system is a different level; and I did try out the Chord DAVE. It was very good but I found its low frequencies couldn hold ultimate control the way your ODSX and ultra high end DAC’s did. |
Wow. I just found out there is already an Antipodes DX Gen 3! That’s crazy. Anyone have any experience with it??
Guys. Headphone conversations over to my 65 headphone review thread on Head-Fi please. I don’t think these guys dig the Can talk.
Mahalo! |