Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 50 responses by mattnshilp

Hi all. Merry Christmas. 

I wanted to give a brief report on the Merrill Taranis stereo amp and Cara Pre-amp I was fortunate enough to audition. The Taranis is 400wpc into 8 ohms class D in the same design as my nCore Veritas amps. The preamp and amp are a matching design with a top panel mounted over an underlying chassis; not like the aluminum billet milled Veritas chassis. The front is polished with central screens. Very attractive overall. The case rings with a finger tap and doesn't have the solidity of the Veritas. The amp sounded like a budget version of the Veritas; neutral, dynamic, engaging and quite a bargain at, I think, around $4k. The Cara is also around the same price and had a warmer, sweater sound with a nice deep soundstage. A bit tubelike. I would say the amp is flexible in that it would sound good with solid state or tube gear. I think the preamp needs the Taranis to sound it's best. For under $10k it's a nice sounding combo but there is a LOT of competition in that price range and some is very good. Merrill has a very flexible audition policy and if your in the market for that price range gear then it's worth a consideration. 
And the $60+K Roland 925 monoblocks are also not worth considering, just because they are class D. Or his new Daemon integrated, just because it's class D; even though both have won best in show awards and have incredible reviews from people with reliable ears?

thats like saying those new fangled gas powered car engines are just noise and smoke, I'll stick with my horse thank you very much!

My reference amp is class AB, but not because I don't believe class D can do what my Burmy's do. I have no doubt a class D amp can be designed to sound as good or better then my 911mk3's. I just haven't heard one YET. I keep an open mind and an open ear to all new tech. What's to lose? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

Your loss.....  There are some amazing class D amps out there. And some of them blow their equally priced class AB amps out of the water. 
Labtec - there's room in this world for solid state and tube lovers. We all enjoy our poison from different glasses. Doesn't make one better then the other. 
RGS92- I have a DA2 on order. Their new uber DAC. $25k retail. Software based DAC that is supposed to be Emm Labbs all out assault on dac'ness. ill let you all know when it ships. 

AudioLabyrnth - now that the holidays have passed I'm going to borrow the Eclipse CD/DAC from Johnny and will report my findings. I've been busy and haven't had time, and I wanted it to have lots of hours on it before I tried it out...  I have to check, but I thought it did DSD but just didn't play SACD. 

I also recently acquired a new Electrocompaniet EMC-1mk3 SACD player. I have to burn it in and compare it to my current Mac mini and my friends N10. 

I also have have a PC based music server inbound that I am dying to compare with the N10!!

never enough time!
Guido - I have hard all but the top tier Rowland Class D gear. I think that the Merrill Veritas is better then most of what you mentioned, and a better value then all at only $12k. 

Eveyone else has has stepped up to the $20+k range for their gear and Merrill holds solid at $12k. 
Guido. Still only heard the Daemon. No others. I was very impressed considering I was listening to a pair of YG Sonja which I typically find overly analytical and not engaging. 
Steve - I had the top of the line Antipodes in my room (one that was well broken in) and I was not impressed in comparison to my sup'd up Mac Mini. It wasn't close, to be honest. And this was using your wonderful ODSE. The Aurender N10 is a petter performer in every perceiveable way (in my system). Sorry. 

I'm not sure what other servers you have directly compared it to, but to my ears it's not king of the hill. Or even prince.....
Hi all. 

Labtec, the Antipodes DX that I heard was the same unit used at a major show and was well broken in. It was disappointing, to say the least. I had such high hopes based on Steve 's raves but it just didn't blow me away or even come close. My moded Mac mini sounded better. And the Aurender blew them both away. I also just (this morning) compared the N10 to a well executed, very expensive, Windows PC server and although software variations and settings varied overall performance, none had the level of proper tone, energy and musical involvement that the N10 provided. The PC was closer to the Aurender then anything else I have heard, but in the end the Aurender N10 got me closest to the source and to the music. And the N10's retail price is lower then the discounted price I could get the PC server for. 

There are many mod'ers out there supping up PC's and Mac's to get the best there is. Wisnon is reporting about one that sounds like they are really going balls to the floor, and I am watching that one closely. 

I may may be able to get a Lumin server in next Wednesday to compare to the N10 as well. I'll keep reporting. 

As as far as DAC's go we are in a transition period. My SOTA Emm Labs DA2 is incoming (slowly) and the Chord DAVE and DCS Rossinni look intriguing to say the least. And Steve sounds like he's getting really close to a final version of his ODSX.....  I would love to get one of each of those in my room to compare to the DA2 after its fully burned in!

In the meantime, I'm burning in the Plasmatron now and will do an A/B of the tubes engaged and disengaged next Wednesday and report my findings. 

I need to acquire 2 Shunyata Sigma HC power cords for my amps so I can redistribute my Zitron Cobra's to my preamp and the Plasmatron. Also need a Sigma Digital for the incoming DAC so I can move the current Zitron Alpha Digital PC to the new Electrocompaniet sacd player, which needs to be burned in as well. 

Finally, I need another pair of interconnects and a PC for the new Zanden 1200mk3 phono stage I spontaneous purchased... And a better turn table while I'm at it for the reference phono stage I just acquired. But the analog will be the absolute last thing I work on...

I actually feel like I'm getting close to there. It's sort of a strange sensation. Lol

stay tuned. I'll keep reporting as I can. 

PS - for those who went to CES, keep the reports coming! Going to those shows can help to pique interest, but I would never rule something out because it didn't perform well at a show. 
Steve. I wired my room myself. Each outlet has an exactly identical length of cable running from the outlet to the circuit panel. I hear nothing but silence with my stereo on, decent volume and source on pause. 

However, I would love to hear your grounding solution. I'm always open to new ideas. 
What’s the US retail on the DAVE?

(that just sounds so stupid. What a silly name. Lol)
Hi all. 

Sorry for the long lag. I'm enjoying a day inside with the family thanks to almost 20" of snow.... Stay inside and stay safe everyone. 

Wednesday I had the opportunity to hear a Lumin T1, and compare it to my neighbors Aurender N10. It showed enormous potential, but lacked complexity and depth compared to the N10. I want to hear the comparably priced Lumin U1 as I think it may compare favorably with the N10. I'm intrigued. Hopefully the Lumin dealer I'm working with can get a hold of an S1 or U1 (just an S1 without the built in DAC) to audition. 

A friend also brought over a home made fan'less Chinese PC running Windows 10 and for $600- it sounded pretty darn good. I thought it lacked midrange bloom and depth but excelled at accuracy and detail. I would imagine a better power supply would go a long way to helping it out. 

I reached out to Neal of Music Vault and spoke with him at length. His new linear power supply is in the final phase of creation and once ready, I will acquire one to audition. I'll keep everyone updated as that gets closer. 

I acquired a license for Roon. I'm going to compare that to JRiver to hear which sounds better. Curious to hear that. 

To those in the Northeast, stay warm. 
Hi all,

sorry for the paucity of posts.

Nothing much new in the listening room. Trying to sell some stuff, or trade it. I did acquire an Audio Magic Oracle (fully loaded) power conditioner for a price too good to pass on. I was going to upgrade my Shunyata Hydra AV to their new Triton V2 but the Oracle was too tempting. I'll compare it to my AV and see how it does. If better then I'll still get the V2 and compare the two. If not as good then I'll move the Oracle to my office system or sell it and move the Hydra AV to my office system. The Oracle only needs a week to burn in since it has well over a 1000 hours on it already. Thank God!!

Im trying to get my hands on a Lumin U1 still. I may just buy one and compare it to the Aurender N10 to make the final decision..... I'm also trying to arrange a trade with a local Lumin dealer.

I am also considering a new turntable now that my Zanden 1200 mk3 is here and set up. Wow it's stunning!! I'm considering either a Merrill Williams REAL table or a Townshend Rock7 since they both have incredible reputations for table/arm combos for under $10k.

I also want to get new PC's for my amps. Wanna try the new Shunyata Sigma HC since I love those Zitron Alpha Pc's so much. But I have heard great things about Enklein and am looking into it. disposable funds are limited now with an imminent purchase of a new office for the practice. Oy my wallet!!! But the new office will give me the space in my personal office to set up a great medium sized system. Which is awesome since I listen to my office system (currently Musical Fidelity and Kef) 6-8 hours a day....

i will admit that I have been a bit distracted by a new obsession with custom and semi-custom pocket knives and custom tops (yes, toy tops. But custom milled works of art that can spin for 15-20 minutes. Very very cool!).

I'll keep you posted as always. I can't wait for my Emm DAC to arrive!!! In the meantime I'm still
loving my ODSE! It's just amazing!
Hi All.

Need some scratch to upgrade my amps power cords. Selling the recently acquired Plasmatron 3 with top tier plasma tubes and double duplex top tier outlets. New condition. Burned in 100 hours. Adds an incredible sense of air and presence as well as opening up the soundstage.

Selling only because I feel I jumped the gun on getting an end stage upgrade when my amps and preamp power cord need upgrading first. Will replace with another Plasmatron when all else upgraded. I paid full retail ($4k) for it. Never discounted. I'll take a small hit to move it so someon will get a great deal....

PM me if interested.

Steve from Empirical can vouch for what a difference these things make!
When I bought the Plasmatron I was thinking it was a this AND that scenario.... That has now changed and I need to actually prioritize my purchases. Don't most of you guys do that???

PS - it sucks!!!!
Labtec- I deserve those questions.

I bought it in Novemebr and was SO busy that I didn't unpack it until January. So the return period had passed. So no return possible. 

Its a matter of scale. I believe that the improvement I will gain by improving my power cords outweighs the improvement I am getting from the Plasmatron. I have 2 mediocre power cords in my system and I want to upgrade my amp cords so I can use the current amp power cords to replace the mediocre cords I'm using on my front end.

I dont "buy and sell things". But I am in the process of buying a new office building and therefore have lost my excess play money to put into the stereo. So I need to actually be picky about what I have and what I want.... I have a LOT of money in my Vienna Acoustics Die Muzik speakers that have not sold yet, and a beautiful Breguet Stainless Marine Big Date that I have for sale. So my scenario has changed since I bought the Plasmatron, and I need to sell it. 

It it is actually very logical..... At least, in my distorted mind.
My Emm DA2 is delayed due to manufacturing delays. I'm dying to compare the Emm top dog to an ODSX!

Right now im trying out some power cables to see what best suits my amps. I want to get my power cables settled and my conditioning under wraps as I feel that requires my primary attention right now. I still like the Shunyata gear very much and am inclined to stick with it at the price point I'm at. Once I sell the Plasmatron and my Vienna speakers I can pull those triggers and then finish trying out a few more servers before I make a final decision. By then, hopefully my Emm DAC will be in and I can give you all impressions....

thanks Ketcham and CT and all of you for the supportive words. This thread is so much fun and has taken on a life of its own.
Sorry guys, had a few issues that have held me from posting anything for a bit. Just got over a nasty 4 day flu. That was fun!

My left amp has had an overheating issue and I will need to send it out for repair. It works for several hours but runs warmer then the other amp. Eventually its internal safety system shuts it down.

Also, my ODSE has lost link with the source. I haven’t had time to figure out if it’s the USB cable, the short block or the ODSE. I’m speaking with Steve about it (he’s been incredibly helpful!) and will get to the bottom of it.

But with the amp and DAC not 100% my system is essentially down for now.....

I'll report as discoveries are made and repairs are implemented.
Packing up the amp for service this week. 

Hoping to try out the USB tomorrow to see if it's the ODSE or the cable. Might need to send the ODSE to Steve....ill keep everyone posted. 
Playback Designs has a great reputation. I don’t ever make a comment about a DAC without hearing it. The ODSE has outclassed several very high level dacs before though....

So I finally tried the ODSE with a few different USB cables and 2 different sources. The issue is infrequent but does continue to happen. I’m sending my ODSE back to Steve for a looksi. If doable, he will gut my unit and upgrade to an ODSX with a small  wad’o’dough. How cool would that be!!!

Still waiting for my Emm.....

Amp is on its way for repairs. I'm down and without my wonderful system. Sigh. 
Glad you enjoying your DirectStream.  It's about what makes you happy. Not anyone else....

I have heard most versions and none do it for me like the ODSE. But that's irrelevant if you love it in your system!!

Speaking of my ODSE. It is on its way back to Steve to be magically transformed into an ODSX. Since it needed to go back for a tune up anyway I figured why not go for broke and go SX baby!!! I decided on his new xmos USB OffRamp tech even though it won't do 176/192. I could do the Ethernet input but I don't understand how I would connect it to my Mac mini or to an Aurender or Lumen.....  If someon can explain how to accomplish that and make it work and sound better then I will consider it. Steve, feel free to chime in as well. 

I think it will be several months before my ODSX returns. I'm praying my Emm will be here in the interim. 

Many Burmy amp is getting picked up Friday and we have confirmed it needs service. Once it's at the shop and evaluated I'll report on its issues and let everyone know how long I'll be down for. 

I have a fully supper up Audio Magic power conditioner to try out once my system is up and running. If the Shunyata beats it then I'm going for the top tier Shunyata conditioners. Also still need to upgrade those power cables on the amps to Sigma HC's. Too much to do, too little money right now.....

stay tuned. Sorry for the slow and infrequent posts. With the system off line I'm sad and music less. 

My amp is fixed and I should have it back next week. 

Many ODSE is in Steve's gentle hands and is waiting patiently (ok, not so patiently) for its IQ upgrade to ODSX status. I'm thinking 6-8 weeks. 

Once my amp is back I will start setting up and fine tuning my Terres turntable and new phono stage since that will be my source until either my ODSX comes in or the Emm arrives. 
Huzah!!!! My Emm DAC is en route via UPS. Soon to arrive. Yay!!! Music will flow once again!!!

Burn in first, and then a review to come!!!!
Will do Ketcham. Thanks. I need to do something. I gave my neighbors Aurender back and miss it terribly. Time to 

Hi. Sorry for the slow posting. My ODSE is still with Steve and my new Emm labs DA-2 is burning in. Will be done June 9th. I'll post impressions when burn in it done. 👍🏻

thanks for everyone's patience!!!
Guido - 1000 hours. No less. 

CT - agreed. I have heard the N10 extensively and it's insanely good! The N100H is a scaled down product. As we all know, the law of diminishing returns exists with all of these high end products. I would imagine for your needs either would be fine. 
Ketcham - thanks SO much for your post. That cinched it and I told Steve I'm going for the Ethernet port. Thanks for the advise. 

Im clueless as to how to set up a system Ethernet driven. Can you advise? I have Roon; it'd be awesome if you can make that work. 

Its inconceivable, but I'm just going down today to really listen to my DA2 for the first time. I'll report when I can. It's been THAT busy. 
Pennsy- read the thread name - "Absolute Top Tier DAC "

So I wanna go pretty damn high!!! 😜

Many system is an ultimate reference in a custom and professionally designed room. My goal is to extract every nuance out of my system I can. There is no limit. Period. And I'm practically there!!!

PS Audio is very good but can't play with the reference level products. A mustang GT is very fast but a Ferrari is in a different league. It's all a matter of extremes. And I crossed the line of insanity years ago!
There are currently only 4 DAC’s that I would love to hear in my room: DCS Rossini, Trinity DAC, Dual Mono TotalDAC and the Chord DAVE.  If anyone has the ability to help me hear any of these in my listening room please let me know. 

I am going to do some research on the Ethernet solution. I look forward to Ketcham’s email as well. I asked Steve of Empirical Audio and he said that "I just open Jriver and select audio and its there. Nothing more to do".

Sorry for the infrequent posts. Been crazy and waiting for my ODSX to come to compare the Emm and Empical for a final shootout....

Mitch2 - I have run every single DAC I have tried in this thread direct and never once preferred it. My Burmester preamp is very very good and has always maintained sonic integrity, detail and accuracy while adding a sense of dynamic scale, dimensional depth and realism that vanishes when I run direct. But that's my system. 

Guido has been running his Aeris to his amps direct for quite some time. But that DAC was designed specifically for Rowland Amps to do just that. So everything was fine tuned from output and input gains/impedance/etx to make it work. I think it's an exceptionally unique scenario. 
Hi all.

Nothing to post since I’m waiting for my odsx to come back.

The Emm Labs DA-2 demands a better source then my Mac mini. The N10 works well. So once I get my odsx I will head to head the Emm/N-10 via AES against the odsx fed via Ethernet from my Mac mini. The winner will take up permanent residence.

The rest of my system is stunningly good and needs nothing but some power cable tweaking. I’ve been to 2 dozen dealerships, a dozen audio shows and a myriad audiophile systems. Only 3 have, to my ears, outperformed my system; and all 3 were million dollar systems.....

down to the DAC wire. I’ll keep you all posted.

Thanks for keeping this going CTSooner!!! Enjoy that Ayre!
CT - so many stores in Manhatten. A few are appointment only. Wes Bender is in Brooklynn and is a great guy with a great ear. Innovative, Sound Exchange, Audio Arts, EarsNova, Lyric, Sound by Singer are all worth a visit. 

Dragon_Vibe - thanks for the input. Playback has always had a strong product. 
Fascinating exercise.....

So last night I went to my son’s annual November symphony performance. He’s in an advanced Youth Symphony program and the performances are practically professional level; truly a treat and something I always look forward to. Typically they are held at the NJ PAC in Newark or one of the local High School PAC’s with exceptional acoustics. I am very familiar with the sound of this Symphony’s live performances.

Well, they lost the NJ PAC at the last minute and had to have it at a local church (smallish to medium) and I got to hear, first hand, just how much the room can affect the acoustics!

I was listening to the most accurate stereo system imaginable.... Live Music. Familiar live music no less.

Normally the performance whisks me to that wonderful music land where nothing else exists and my soul feeds on adagio and forte until it swells satiated with the meal it consumed. In this cramped space, my ears bled on every horn flourish and flute twitter. In audiophile terms, it sounded like I was listening to a horn speaker sitting in a room way to small and way to close to the speakers. If this had been a stereo system I would have declared it an utter failure. I have heard upstairs rooms at the stereo shows that sounded better then this live performance!!!

But the experiment was a resounding success. The "system", whether it be a live performance or a $3k modest stereo is COMPLETELY at the whim of the room!!! For those that spend a fortune on gear and nothing on sound treatments...... let this be your wake up call!
Hi All!!!!

Wow, it’s been a while. But I finally have some new material to report. I have been using my Emm Labs Statement DA2 since I sent my ODSE off to get upgraded to the ODSX. I finally got the ODSX back last week and I am burning it in.

It looks the exact same except for a different name on the faceplate, and a cubic Zirc diamond on the volume knob. But the USB port is gone and an Ethernet Renderer is now there. I have to honestly say that the Ethernet Renderer is the way of the future and every single DAC should now come with one. The computer acts as the music server and everything is nicely packetized from server to Renderer and run IS2 straight to the DAC board. 

So several new questions and comparisons have come up with the ODSX now here. The first and most obvious is to compare the ODSX with the DA2, each using their best source. I plan on borrowing a neighbors Aurender N10 and doing just that in a few weeks when the ODSX is fully burned in. ODSX with Ethernet Renderer fed by my purpose built Mac Mini running JRiver vs the Emm DA2 fed by the N10 via single ended digital XLR (its best input). That will give huge information! THEN I want to be thorough and compare my Mac Mini running JRiver to a PC running JRiver to see if there is a difference between them. THEN I want to compare the ODSX with Renderer to the Emm DA2 using a Sonore Renderer to compare the exact same source with the two DAC’s.

Finally I need to compare my current wired Ethernet to an optic Ethernet to see if there is an improvement.

Stay tuned. Lots of information coming!!!!

Knghifi - how does MinimServer run on a NAS without any processing ? I get running it on Raspberry Pi or SheevaPlug. But I didn't think a NAS had any microprocessing ability, just storage. 

Reverendo - happy to talk speaker. 
I have done an extensive comparison of most available audiophile grade dedicated standalone servers, and the Aurender easily stands at the top of the pile. I'm not talking about DAC's with renderers; I'm talking full standalone music servers with renderers built in. 

I will shortly compare the N10 to the computer with Ethernet streaming. Amongst the many mini comparisons we are going to do is comparing the Emm DA-2 fed by the N10 to the Emm DA-2 fed by the computer/Ethernet/Sonore Microrendu. Should be interesting considering the N10's amazing performance. 

Mitch2 - the DX was the demo unit from the distributor, the same one used at Axpona last year. I would assume it was in proper working condition. Always happy to hear it again. I found the N10 superior in every way. I’m not a professional reviewer so no one sends me equipment to review; I need to "acquire" pieces through begging, borrowing or buying. I’m trying to get an S1 Lumin in as well. I had borrowed an A1 and also preferred the Aurender over it.

I can only report what I hear. I have a friend who is also a manufacturer who listens with me. My opinions are mostly my own but typically are agreed with by my friend. When he and I disagree or see different advantages I try to report everything to you guys.

I can say that my system and my room are reference level and demand the absolute highest level of performance from whatever enters that portal. 
PS Audio not in the same class. Sorry.

There is an awsosme thread here about top tier music servers. Similar to this thread about reference DAC's....


Im on page 17. There are 51 pages. 16-18 has some great info. But the general info thus far is that the Antipodes DX is good but the TotalDAC and N10 are better. And the favorite is the CAD music server, which I have considered as well.

There is commentery about ehernet based based systems but everyone goes back to the dedicated server as the ultimate source. But I'm only up to page 17....
Peter, I look forward to playing. I'd like to get your prized Ayre into my system and compare it to my prized ODSX and Emm DA-2.

i do think that sources have an affect on DAC performance, as do the sources best output and the DAC's best input. The ODSX uses a native Ethernet Renderer, which I believe to be the future. The Emm's AES input, I believe, is its best. But the USB is more flexible. The N10 soundsbest via its AES output but good from USB as well. Obviously most computers and products such as the Sonore MicroRendu rely on USB to get their signals to the DAC. It truly becomes a matter of synergy and taste. 

I shall keep reporting as i have findings. Thanks guys. I'm glad I'm back in the game. I waited so long for my ODSX. 
Leotis, price is irrevelevant. Sound is everything! I did hear a Schitt DAC a while ago in my room. It was their top of the line. It was excellent for the price, but it was not in the performance level of the DAC's I currently own. 
Wise words from Wisnon. (Say that ten times fast, lol).

These are all excellent DAC’s. Taste, system, room will vary resulting in a market where everyone sells product and everyone is happy.

The N10 is borrowed and back in my room. I’m hoping to start some comparisons tomorrow.

Wisnon, the GG sounded great at the last show I heard it at. It’s impossible to constantly stay up on everything new that keeps coming out. But it’s fun to try! ;)
N10 sounds best with XLR output I think. Hoping for some time tomorrow morning to give a listen. 
Ok. Trying to arrange an audition with the top tier TotalDAC DAC and server, as well as the CAD DAC and server. Also trying to negotiate a Cord DAVE purchase since they are impossible to find for audition. 

I would happily audition a Golden Gate but am not willing to buy one to try it. First off, I'm not super motivated to go tubes in my all solid state (and happy to be so) system. As I said long ago, I'm obsessive compulsive and the options of tube rolling would drive me insane!!! But I have heard one at a show and it sounded great. 

With the TotalDAC and CAD audition planning underway and potentially a DAVE in bound, if I can truly make all that happen then I feel the only DAC left to audition would be the Rossini. Let's get there and then cross that bridge. 

Knghifi- the formula for Aqua is H2O. ;)

Haven't heard it. Guessing it will not be easy to acquire a demo though. Any dealers you know who I can contact?

Troy. Dave knows me. He has been to my house. Talk to him about bringing some of the real contender stuff over and we can play. I'd love to hear the T&A and Davinci. 

Thanks for input on the Rossini guy's. I have felt the other DCS to be overly analytical; but I thought the Rossini was different. Maybe not. 
Awesome read and mandatory for all digital audio users!


Also an interesting point I saw in a review of the Gen 2 Antipodes DX made by the DX designer:
According our man in New Zealand the argument against Ethernet (and for USB) runs like this: compared to Ethernet, USB has the potential to carry more noise from the server to the DAC but generates less of its own noise inside the DAC (think: receiver chips). Ethernet remains a good strategy with a noisy server. However, it can be bested by USB when a low noise server with a decent clock is present.

My fist experience with an Ethernet Renderer in a DAC has not been overwhelmingly positive. I feel that it ads a whole new series of variables that we (read I) am unfamiliar with: linear power supplies for Ethernet switches, low voltage switches, audiophile grade Ethernet cables, direct connection with bridged Ethernet ports vs. using a switch, etc.... there are a few excellent threads that discuss these tweaks but it all comes down to how crazy into the computer end of the DIY you want to go versus embracing a ready made server product. 

Do I think that Ethernet Renderers built into DAC's is the best big thing? YES, I do! Do I think everyone is ready for it and the audio world is prepared to implement it properly? No, 
4425 - yes Bricasti M1 was in my room. And now it’s not. This thread isn’t about if a DAC is good or bad, it’s about finding the best damn DAC out there for MY room and MY ears. I never imply that my opinion is THE opinion, just AN opinion. And everyone needs to remember that. I just like sharing on my journey and I love the company. And I have had a ton of great suggestions from the group along the way. If a DAC made it into my room, it’s one of the absolute best. So if you are looking and use my thread consider IF I listened to it and what my description of it was. I try to be honest and accurate. And as a reminder, I made a personal opinion to not consider tube DAC’s. Right or wrong, I just cut them out after my first round of auditions. It doesn’t mean they are t worth considering. Lascala, Golden Gate, etc. and a ton of other great tube DAC’s should be considered if tubes are in your equation. I just chose to not include them in mine. 

Thanks guys.
Cerrot, although I can not argue with your colorful analogy, I was under the impression that USB was streaming and Ethernet was packetized and buffered. The galvanic isolation of Ethernet and it’s packetized, buffered system allows lower error rates and less noise. USB is not inherently low noise. But if you have tried the USB output/input on several reference level servers and dacs the proof is in the pudding. USB, if properly isolated, filtered and implemented, provides crazy good sound.

I just don’t understand why I2S is not the standard, but it isn’t.

As I said, I think USB will eventually go away as Ethernet becomes better utilized and implemented. But just like optical was IT for a long time, USB is having its moment. I’m not sure which orifice it equates to, but it can’t be judged negatively simply because it’s USB. I’ve heard USB sound too damn good for it to be dismissed.
Here's the update:

i am in the thick of comparing the ODSX and the Emm DA2. I will hold reports until I am done. 

I ordered a Chord DAVE DAC and am going to arrange an Antipodes DX (version 2, which is supposedly light years ahead of the original version). Dave (Audio Doctor) is coming over Sunday morning with a Davinci LightHarmonic DAC, the top tier T&A DAC and the Baetis music server. We are going to have a huge shoutout between the Emm DA2, ODSX and N10 with his gear. Should be VERY illuminating.

My Chord DAVE and DX should be here in a few weeks.

I'm trying to arrange to get the CAD DAC and CAT music server in and have arranged for the TotalDAC DAC 12 & Music Server to come early summer. I'd still love to arrange to hear a Rossini in my room; I have some thoughts on that. 

Yes, there are a few reference tube DAC's I have not considered; I'm ok with that. Apologies to those who are tube dac fans. It is what it is. If you feel strongly enough for me to include them then you can arrange with the manufacturer or a dealer to contact me and arrange an audition. 

Also gonna have a buddy come over this summer (CTSooner) and bring his Ayre DAC so we can compare that little bad boy to the big bad boys. 

Fun times are afoot!
Agreed Limniscate, volume matching is super important. Little differences can make one DAC sound more dynamic then the other. 

I find that listening to a piece and identifying the equipments strengths and weaknesses, and then playing the same piece on the other equipment and doing the same is more effective then flipping between two pieces actively during a song. Flipping allows a more direct comparison, but does something wonky to our brain while listening.