That's the spirit Geoffkit! Lol....
My neighbor went all out and ordered a full set of top tier WireWorld Platinum Eclipse 7 interconnects, digital and speaker wire (literally tens of thousands in cable); and I get to play with all of it before we set it up at his place. They are coming around the same time as his Berk Ref. Fortunately, he also ordered the Berk USB converter so I will be able to try it with both the Mac mini and his Aurender N10.
And I still owe you all a review on that Waversa Smart Hub I was sent.
SO many toys, SO little time!!! |
On a side not, and a side note that I don't believe has been discussed, I'm very curious of everyone's opinions of line conditioning, surge suppression, power regeneration, balanced power, filtering, magnets and magic pixie dust??? I know I dragged everyone into the depths of my electrical design when I was wiring my room, but we never hit on this subject.
Let's keep it organized and break it up into overall room conditioning at the circuit box, high current conditioning for amps and low current conditioning for rack gear.
My room utilizes a dedicated panel and the only thing I have (actually, am about to install) on my panel for the whole room is the Environmental Potentials EP-2050 Surge and Waveform corrector ion module. I know Mike went all out for the Equi-Tech Balanced power breaker panel. Wish it had been in the budget at the time; maybe some day.
I am currently running my amps direct to the wall using Shinyata Zitron Alpha High Current Power cords but am considering adding an IsoTek Evo3 Titan high current conditioner with Evo3 Syncro power cable (they are very cool. The cable has a small balanced conditioner built right into the cable. DC filtering, no emi/rfi). Or a Shunyata Hydra Triton V2.
Rack is currently under control with a Shunyaya Hydra AV and all Shunyata Zitron Power cords. Although I will definitely be jumping on a Plasmatron for my digital when I can fit it into the budget. Seriously considered the Audience Adept Response gear and that's actually the direction my neighbor went, along with the IsoTek Titan/Syncro for amps (which I am all over borrowing and trying!).
Open forum as always. Nothing is the best, especially in the voodoo world of power conditioning.
Should be a fun side run while we slowly post about dacs. |
"I searched for The Ultimate Tweak in archives but didn't find it. Can you provide a link?" |
Guido & TBG - give us a quick summary on each of your impressions of the High Fidelity please. It's such a different product from all the others. But SO expensive! |
George. Let it rest. You made your point. It's getting a bit ridiculous. |
Ok. we are having a 50 post hiatus on George, r2r, AD or anything related to (or from) Geeorge in regards to r2r. I have put a massive amount of work into keeping this thread going and interesting. George, I consider what you are doing now disrespectful of my time and effort. You made your point over and over and we get it. There is nothing that you can say you haven't already said multiple times. Unplug your keyboard for a week and just enjoy whatever direction the thread goes.
George, no posts AT ALL, as a response to a technical or personal question! And NO POSTS in response to George guys! This is what kills threads. And I won't let it happen!!! |
I have found that by planting red and green daisy's in front of the house, and blue and purple in back that it makes my music room sound fuller and more detailed. I tried white as I thought it would clean things up a bit but it made the sound too sterile.
One shrubbery on the side of the house tightened up the base dramatically and drawing with orange chalk on my driveway did amazing things for my soundstage.
Anyone have a similar experience?
PS - the Berk Ref is in the house and will be hooked up tomorrow to start cooking. A whole bunch of fun cables are on their way as well. |
Berkeley DAC is up and running. I will hopefully get some time tomorrow morning to get first impressions. The USB to spdif is ready to go tomorrow. But for now I'm running spdif straight from the Aurender N10. Let's see which sounds better (USB to spdif with converter, or spdif direct).
Cables due in any day now.
Audiolabyrinth - pm sent. Dying to hear your cable suggestions behind the scenes. |
Metralla - to correct a common misconception. Auto correct corrected my "bated" to "baited". Bated here is a contraction of abated through loss of the unstressed first vowel (a process called aphesis); abate means “reduced, lessened, lowered in force”. So the expression "bated breath" refers to a state in which you almost stop breathing as a result of some strong emotion, such as terror or awe. It's not, as commonly thought, a fishing reference. |
Erndog- go back and read..... I did. Reviews on both the Antipodes and Aurender are in pages gone by. Short answer - Aurender N10 way better to my ears, in my system. But my Mod'd Mac Mini still sounds better then both of them. The Antipodes was very well burned in. The Aurender was fresh. I'm going to listen Friday to both the Aurender and the Berk Ref. Stay tuned. |
I've decided to give up the life of audiophilio-Insanitoriim. From now on, I'm only listening to music through cassette tape on my 1984 Sony Walkman and Koss headphones. And with that, it will ONLY be Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song. Good bye cruel world!!!
What's the point anyway, in 2.7 billion years our precious Galaxy will collide head on with Andromeda galaxy and be ripped apart, sending the Earth and my entire tape collection to the nether regions of the ever expanding Universe.
Alas..... Alak........Anon...... |
Updated list (these are my serious considerations at this time):
T&F - Isis/Ra Avalon - Isis/Time BMC - Arcadia Joseph Audio - Pearl 3 Avantgarde - Duo Grosso Vandy - 7 Marten - Coltan
Rowen looks interesting. But unavailable in the U.S.
Backes & Mullet also looks interesting. But I can't read German so the web site is tough to navigate and it looks to me like their speakers have either rear ports or rear facing passive radiators. I don't think that would work.
Ypsilon Phaeton - neither the website nor the U.S. Ypsilon distributor have a speaker listed for Ypsilon. No Phaeton to be found.
JBL - I remember hearing JBL systems a few times. I found them to be dynamic and big but lack subtlety and refinement. |
I love true "accuracy". But I will give up "accuracy" to be engaged. If you want to call being emotionally involved and lost in the music - colored, then feel free to take my Audiophiles of America card away! There are many components that are accurate and engaging. I don't think it's too much to ask for both.
I didn't mean to imply that "accurate" meant lean or detached. But there is a style or voicing that emphasizes pure accuracy and detail that some people love. All I am saying is that is not my taste.
We all know what I'm talking about. I want a DAC that will make me forget I'm listening and just get lost in the music. The rest of my system gets me there. I want to find my toes tapping or hands conducting when I intended to critically listen.
My new Rowland Criterion pre-amp arrived today. My DirectStream will be arriving early June. I am trying to arrange for some other DAC's to be available to me for audition when my DirectStream comes in.
From a tubed standpoint, the Accustic Arts Tube DAC II mark 2 and the Concert Fidelity DAC-040 seam to be the two that come up frequently at the top of the game.
From a solid state standpoint I'm going to focus on 3; the Empirical Audio Overdrive SE, the Rowland Aeris and the new PS Audio Direct Stream. If I can get in an EMM Labs DAC2x for the shoutout I would be thrilled. |
Erikminer - It's not my house, it's our house and she works just as hard as I do, if not harder. So that thought process doesn't apply in my house. I have a ton of space in the house, but the dedicated room is neither in the budget right now, nor is their space until the kids are older and I repurpose part of the basement to my needs. That, and a wine cellar. ;)
I am not unhappy with my current scenario, and the system sounds f'in amazing already! I just want to fine tune my gear and then slowly make the room as acoustically friendly as I can. Eventually, I want to have someone come in and do a master setup. The side glass doors now have soft transparent drapes on them and the floor has a good size area rug. All it still needs is window treatments and something I can put on the center glass door. I can probably get the speakers out another 6-10 inches without issue.
I'm doing my best. She lets me buy whatever equipment I want, watches and cars. So I'm certainly not suffering…. |
Thank you Ketcham.
I find this thread enormously useful and appreciate everyones suggestions.
As an update (although the thread has taken on a life of its own and even though I started the thread, I love were its going and acknowledge that my particular needs are sort of secondary). That said…
I have decided that for right now, I am going to focus on DAC's with USB inputs only. Which eliminates all recognized DACs with spdif input only.
I have either outright purchased, paid in full for a unit to audition for a limited time (money back audition), or arranged to audition/borrow the following DAC's:
Empirical Audio Over Drive SE fully upgraded PS Audio DirectStream Lampizator Big 6 Accustic Arts Tube Dac 2 mark 2 Jeff Rowland Aeris
I may be able to borrow a Meitner MA-1
I will keep you posted…
The Aesthetix Pandora signature was the other one people suggested that I was interested in. I just can't find one to audition…. |
Hgeifman & Mrmb: I would love to add the Wavelength and Ayre. I might have a part 2 to the shootout if I feel that none of my current offerings get me where I want to be (which I would be surprised with).
My issue is, to be honest, that getting these units into MY house requires that I either find a dealer or friend willing to lend me the unit, pay in full for a timed audition (with full refund minus shipping), or buy the unit outright...
I want to be honest to the dealers and stores that are offering me the loan or paid audition as this is a service that is getting less and less common and these are the dealers and stores that need our support to sustain the customer service we need to enjoy and grow this wonderful hobby. I have 2 manufacturers (PS Audio and Steve at Empirical Audio, who is a hell of a designer and great guy) that are being generous enough to offer me a money back audition period to try out their gear; they need to be commended for this service and I feel obligated to limit my selections to give their equipment the time and consideration it deserves. The same is said of USA Tube Audio of Scottsdale, AZ who has very generously offered me a 15 day trial period for the Accustic Arts DAC. And finally, Thomas of New York Sound and Vision is arranging the Jeff Rowland Aeris audition for me with no financial outlay required; just wow! All of them deserve recognition!
I think the Aesthetix and Wavelength are probably more up my alley then the Ayre would be, but I have heard great things about all 3! If I can find a friend who has one to lend me, I will pursue it.
This thread has exceeded my hopes!!!!
Thanks guys!! |
Update: The OverDrive SE is in the house. I spent 2 hours listening to the Aeris and the Lampy Big6 before hooking up the OverDrive SE.
Aeris - Wow, what a difference 168 hours has made. It is transformed. I can see that there is still more to attain from this DAC, but it was in diapers when I got it and I think it just passed puberty!!! Musical with a deep, extended soundstage, extended highs (but not bright), wonderful midrange and subatomic lows. I planned on just listening to a few songs since its still only has about 170 hours on it, but I ended up listening to almost my entire playlist!! It's still young, but she is clearly a contender! I will keep you updated on her maturation.
Big6 - Still just as musical and wonderful. I am not certain but I think I detect an air of coloration; call it a warm midrange for lack of a better term. Not a criticism, just an observation. I enjoyed my listening session more with the Aeris this go round, although the differences are more preference then commentary. The Big6 produces the better sense of 3 dimensions. Although this statement is sort of ridiculous to say because it's obvious, but the Big6 is clearly a tubed DAC; with all of the advantages and a very few of the disadvantages that come along with it. The bass is extended and deep, although now the Aeris betters is, and with more control. The midrange is warm and musical; the classic example of a tube midrange. Call it colored, call it musical, call it Herbert…..
What I am realizing is that this task is daunting, to say the least! I essentially have a Bentley Turbo (Lampy), a Ferrari 458 (Aeris) and a Porsche 911 Turbo-S (OverDrive) in my stable. All are awesome!!!! What a wonderful predicament…
OverDrive - Not yet operational. I hooked it up and the Mac does not seam to "see" the OverDrive. I think it's a driver issue. I have contacted Steve and await a response.
I did confirm that the Lampy and Aeris both function flawlessly with the Mac, once I figured out the correct sequence of setting adjustments. I am sure the OverDrive is an easy fix.
Once I listen to the OverDrive later today or tomorrow I will provide my next set of impressions. I will give the OVerDrive a 48h burn in to give it the best opportunity. |
My previous reference system was very tube-centric. Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista, Vac Ref Sig pre-amp with phono, Tenor (hydrid, tubed/SS amp). It was stunning. Musical and magical.
When I got back into it I went straight to an inexpensive tubed system I passed through on my way to tubed reference nirvana many years ago; Cary Audio SLP-98p and BAT VK60SE. It was a magic combo and gave performance way above it's cost, so I went straight to it again. Then the upgrade big bit!
I decided to try some solid state gear I had been intrigued by when I started years ago, just to avoid the tube replacement/rolling neurosis I suffered with my first go round. Krell and Levinson were very solid state sounding, I stayed with my tube gear. But I heard a well put together AR and McIntosh system and began to realize that there is SS equipment that can give me the music. I eventually found Jeff Rowland and decided to "upgrade" to a Capri S2 pre-amp. I looked for a solid state amp to try out and brought several in. I like smaller manufacturers as I think you get better quality and more reasonable prices for what you get; so I heard about and started looking into Merrill Audio's Veritas. As first I was skeptical. But the manufacturer happens to live about 10 minutes from my house and he offered me an audition that utterly blew me away. I read up on it, and that's where I found Guido's review and met him. He is a card carrying Rowland lover, and doesn't hide it. But he was as impressed as I was with the Veritas amps and confirmed that the Vertias amps would work well with a Rowland pre-amp. So the tube gear went and I went all solid state.
I don't remember when, but I picked up the PS Audio PW2 in there somewhere to tide me over until the rest of my system was set, and then I would start a crazy thread and upgrade my DAC. ;)
Eventually I decided that I liked the Rowland pre-amp and wanted to move up the line. Guido coincidentally decided to sell his Criterion reference Rowland pre-amp as he decided to run his Aeris direct to his uber expensive Rowland amps. Obviously the Aeris was impressive if he was willing to not only use it, but give up his prized Criterion...
I bought the Criterion from him.
I auditioned 5 pairs of speakers. Guido had suggested I listen to The Music but it was low on my list. I auditioned Revel Salon II's, Kef 207/2, Sonus Faber Amati Futura, TAD Evolution One and Vienna Acoustics The Music. I am happy to give details of this comparison (its a few pages worth), but I decided that the Kef 207/2 was the best value, The Amati was amazing but didn't rock, i didn't like the TAD, the Salon II's were bright and The Music's were staggeringly good in every conceivable way…
It was at that point that I learned that Guido and I have similar taste; hence our similar systems… I don't know if I would call it imprinting (although I'm not sure what, exactly, that means).
The Veritas amps are stunning. Musical and magical (like my Tenor was). and I think my Criterion is equal to, if not better, then my Vac Ren Sig II pre-amp was.
SO, I'm where I was from an emotional standpoint. My The Music speakers are better then my Talon Firebird Diamond's were. My amps and pre-amp get me to the same place, just with SS gear instead of tubes. My system is musical, and warm, and engaging as it was with tubes. I don't think that tube vs SS really excises anymore. I think there are solid state rigs that sound like they have tubes and there are tube rigs that sound like they are all solid state; the designer tubes the gear to the way he thinks it should sound…
I think thats why I'm having such a difficult time with my choices. Many of you are looking at this as the tube gear versus the solid state gear, or tube and tube and solid state against solid state. I'm just listening for the best unit for my system and my ears.
like I said, I'm just typing is like I hear it….
Wow, that was way longer then i intended. Sorry. |
JaFox - I can't put my finger on it, but I think you disagreed with me. lol.
I understand what you are saying, and I sincerely appreciate your offer. But I am going to stick by my decision. I don't doubt that a better tube would improve/change the sound, but I am skeptical that a tube swap can be transcendental. And I am hesitant to so completely rely on a tube that is difficult to find.
I think rolling tubes, including trying the UN VT-99, will be better suited to someone who has made the decision to invest and focus on the Big6 and get the most out of it. As I said, it is an amazing unit and clearly will make any owner a very happy camper.
Maybe its my system, or my ears, but I never found the Big6 wanting for anything and it held its ground against (even besting) the Aeris on many occasions. I believe that the UN VT-99 will just add to that and make it that much better; maybe even adding another layer of resolution, more taught bass and improved imaging. But even with those sonic improvements (which, again, I don't find missing with the OEM tubes), my decision would not change as it is multi-factorial.
Your offer is sincere and very generous. But I would hate to cost you money in shipping and loss of time with your precious tubes if I know now that my decision would not change with sonic improvements. Especially considering that I found it to be sonically exceptional as it is.
To all, I am in no way saying or implying that the Aeris is a better DAC, or that Lampizator DAC's are not well made nor have reliable/stable customer service. They have, in fact, established a much needed US distribution network and are clearly and deservedly growing each year. They are very well made and support is there and available.
I just found that with my needs and my system, the Aeris is a better match. I'm sorry if my logic and reasoning is unacceptable to you. But as my 6 year old say,"It makes sense to me."
There are admittedly, as I said, additional factors involved with the Lampy that don't exist for the remainder of the DAC's I'm trying out. The rest of the comparisons will pretty much be based on performance and usability alone.
I'm just saying it as it pops in my head. Trying to be honest and forthright about what I hear, how easy the units are to sync and use, their build quality and my opinions related to all random other things about the rig and it's manufacturer…. |
Wisnon - i didn't say I have "a strong bias to US made equipment." I said that if I have to chose between two products that are similar in performance and both make me equally happy, that I would chose the USA made product. I chose the Lampy for my shootout for the same reason you guys chose it, it has a well deserved stunning reputation. If the Lampy sounded BETTER to me then the Aeris, I would have chosen the Big6.
Boy, you guys are a tough crowd. Lol. |
Ah, the flockazinga......
Only found at
Available in 3 variants: Phase 1, Phase 2, and Plaid
The basic module is placed exactly 47 feet behind, 23 feet to the left of, and 3 feet below the left amp of your monoblocks. A stereo amp variant is in gamma trials and will be ready next month (although it will more likely be June of 2018). If placed more then ten thousandths of an inch off of its correct location, it will not only ruin the sound of your system but make you desperately hungry for escargot and cause your dog to chronically pee on your bedroom carpet. If it is set up properly however, it will make your system sound like the musicians live in your listening room, ate all of the food in your refrigerator and are giving you the best live performance of their careers!
Phase 1 includes ruby slippers and a cloud with a real silver lining.
Phase 2 upgrades to a diamond coated smock with platinum doodads, magnesium alloy thingies, and 7 rare earth elements not yet officially discovered.
Plaid upgrades to pure unobtainium throughout with a liquified frozen cortex from one of the great maestros of history.
Prices range from : "are you f'in kidding me" to "three dollars less then the national debt in 1998"
Orders take between 4 and 19 years to fulfill and must be paid completely in advance. |
The Offramp was not a free offer Agear, he wanted me to pay for it in full up front, which is his normal demo policy and very fair. I already have over $20k currently locked into DAC's. I don't have more $$$$ to invest in this project.
Steve was very very generous to offer me a free demo of the Final Drive and Short Block, without my asking. I don't want to ask him for any more.
Lol, ok. I thought that's what you were implying with the imprinting thing. Are you saying that "as a younger animal, I have come to recognize Guido as a parent or other object of habitual trust?" Then I guess it's accurate since our similar tastes have led me to rely on Guido's opinions sort of like habitual trust. Guido is a friend, a nice guy with a great ear (because of his visual challenges, he has developed a rather keen sense of hearing, almost supernatural as his brain actually converts some auditory stimuli into visual stimuli - as a physician it's an utterly fascinating concept. Ask him about it).
I have been as honest as I can. If I chose a DAC it will be because it's the best sounding DAC to me, in my system. I am not worried about disappointing anyone other then my desire to help and show appreciation for all of you who have participated in this thread and helped me attain the best system I can.
I started with some killer DAC's. Any of them would have been a great choice. I might just end up with the Aeris. Isn't that the fun of it? Trying them all and seeing which is best. |
The Final Drive is a $3000.00 accessory, plus the cost of an additional set of cables if you are using it with the pre-amp still in the system.
If you can successfully replace your pre-amp with the FD, then you will not need to purchase an additional set of cables as you would simply replace the pre-amp with the FD with identical wiring. For many of you, you will unquestionably improve your performance this way. Although at $3K for the FD, you may not save any money.
If, however, you are ADDING the FD to your pre-amp'ed system then you are not only adding a $3K accessory, but you are required to purchase another run of whatever cables you are already using. For me, it would add another $2K for Shunyata ZiTron Anaconda's (unless I decide to start using all of Merrill's interconnects which are a crazy bargain and pretty much equal performance to the Anacondas).
Steve provided me with an extra pair of XLR 18" jumper cables (I have NO idea what they are) to implement them in my system. I don't know if he offers these jumpers as part of the $3K or not, nor what they are. I was impressed with their performance but can not guarantee that some of what I heard was not that cable instead of the FD. I did not have an extra pair of Merrill's XLR interconnects nor an extra set of my Shunyata ZiTron Anaconda XLR's.
Fin. again. |
"more air is sometimes more smear."
Merrill was speaking, specifically, about utilizing transformers and how they can sometimes widen the soundstage but blur imaging. His reference was not a generalization to audio equipment. In my case, Merrill's comment was essentially accurate. If transformers are used in the correct scenario with the correct equipment they can help to better recreate the natural space and image location within that space. If they are utilized with the wrong gear, you get one with a slurring or spreading of the other (as I experienced). |
I understand that the Off Ramp has the capacity to improve the USB output of my Mini. To me, it is illogical to need to add a $3k accessory plus another $1k for a good cable plus power cable costs just to "improve" a $10k DAC to sound like the $7k ODSE sounds now (with the Off Ramp built into it). Maybe the Aeris/Offramp would sound better then the ODSE, maybe not. I'm not willing to pay that much more at this time.
I will continue to burn in the DS and give it a fair chance. Steve, having faith in his equipment, has generously offered to let me hold onto the ODSE until the final shootout next Wed.
I'll keep you posted. |
This is the ODSE vs PS Audio Direct Stream comparison.
First off. I started with the DS using the older firmware and then update to the newer firmware so that I could hear the difference. The update had a hiccup or two. But then I tried to upload the original firmware again, and I crashed the DAC; like nothing worked, touchscreen was unresponsive.... That was disconcerting to be honest.
I described the PS Audio DirectStreams physical attributes before, so I will not repeat myself. Think Perfect Wave or Perfect Wave 2 with a different name silk screened on it and a more elegent, simpler touch screen layout and your there. The DS is very well built and buetifully finished. See my earlier report on more specifics.
Sound wise, the DS had about 460 hours on it +/-. More then enough for burn in based on the general attitudes reported on the many forum threads growing around the DS. Here is what I found...
original firmware: In some ways, I thought the DS sounded like the ODSE. There was no brightness, no harshness and nothing offensive about its performance or sound. Nothing that made me fatigued or pushed me to stop listening. I found myself very engaged at times to the notes flowing from my speaker drivers. Up top, the highs were seamlessly extended and correct; never overly pronounced nor subdued. The mids were where they should be; musical and with correct tone and texture. The female voice was beautifully reproduced on more then one occasional and the deeper male vocal was equally well reproduced. Low frequencies extended to the netherworld and were well controlled; not overly grippy and not loose. To be honest, it did everything right. I found that trailing and leading edges were not quite as well defined as with the Big6, MA1, Aeris or ODSE. There was a tubelike presence about the music that invited you in and said, "pull up a chair and stay a while."
The soundstage was wide and deep and put me solidly in the middle of the theater. The location of performers was correct (although I sometimes found them to be shifted slightly to the left of where I was used to. This was wierd because center stage was still clearly center stage at all times). Each instrument/performer had the correct sense of presence and space. Technically, it does what it is supposed to, and with aplomb.
Here comes the but.
But I spent a LOT of time listening and not that much time tapping my feet. It had a DSD sound, if that makes any sense. Now here comes my disclaimer... I have only heard DSD in uber expensive show systems and in a few friends houses where they spent time trying to prove to me that DSD was better then PCM because it just was, and "see, listen to this!". Maybe I'm used to the "shortcomings" of PCM and found the DSD to be too different to my picky ears. I was under the impression that the MA1 also upconverted everything to DSD, and the MA1 could not have sounded more different then the DS.
I listened for 2 hours, going back to songs multiple times. A few tracks on my play list really shined on the DS and every time I hit one of those, I'd rush back to my other tracks to see if I had missed something... But I didn't. To me, the ODSE and the Aeris were both better in pretty much every way. And I am pretty sure (even though I didn't do a direct head to head) that I would have preferred the Big6 over the DS as well. I will say that the DS did pull subtlety out of the music that the Aeris occasionally missed.
Again... My ears, my system, my opinion. Don't beat me up and don't write the DS off because of what I said.
Interstingly, I found that the DS occasionally had a hard time holding on to the data stream and I had to close my Amarra and re-open it to re-sync with the DS.
Also, the DS is quiet. I did not try to run it direct, but I ran it at 100% into my pre-amp and my pre-amp was consistently 8-12 percentage clicks higher then with the Aeris or ODSE to get the same volume. Noise floor did not seam to be affected by this, but it is worth noting.
Then I uploaded the newer firmware...
Interesting. Better in some ways and worse in others. Overall, the update gave the DS a sense of emotion and grip it did not have before. I agree with some other reviewer who said it sounded like the "presence" control was turned up. But I found the soundstage a hair flatter. The image stabilized and perfomers were pushed back to where I was used to hearing them. Dynamics also improved. It clearly became more engaging and I fell into the music more then I did initially. I listened for another hour or so with the update and sincerely enjoyed my time. Much closer to a contender with the firmware update.
Then I killed it. I tried to upload the initial firmware to compare again, and the software imploded and nothing worked. It tuned on, but thats it. Wouldnt lock, wouldnt take any touchscreen input. The lights were literally on but no one was home.
Time to switch back to the ODSE.
Hook her up (I am getting used to this since she's been in the systen for 6 or 7 weeks now). Locked right in, tuned on. Click click click. AND WHAM! I'm sucked right back in. Spine tingling, hair raising vocals. Eyes closed, swaying to the music. Conducting like an idiot in an empty room (you know you do it also!). I listened to 5 songs: 2 vocals, 1 jazz, 2 classical (ok, 1 soundtrack theme and 1 classical) and I just knew....
I packaged up the DS and emailed PS Audio for a return authorization.
Wait for it.....
And then I emailed Steve and told him to start production of my very own Overdrive SE with Hynes Regs and CUTF Coupling caps. Steve is working on some new stuff that will make it even better (can't wait to hear it!!!!)
Sorry all you Direct Stream lovers. Its a great DAC no doubt, and with the new firmware upgrade certainly getting closer to competing with the likes of Rowland, Empirical and such, but not yet fully up to the challenge. I was impressed by the improvement they could make with a firmware update. Being that it is completely software driven, its very cool that with the right software they will slowly and progressively improve the performance.
FYI - I am pretty sure the Rowland Aeris is also software driven. I bet that the right firmware update could make the Aeris untouchable. Which is amazing considering just how good it is right now! In a warmer system, or a system with tubes in the pre-amp or amp the Aeris is the way to go, no doubt.
But for me. With my ears, my room, my system I am excited and feel I have done more then due diligence in selecting my ODSE as my keeper DAC.
Of course, that all said, I have a wonderful DAC inbound in the DSD-S and cant wait to hear that and report on it. And I am waiting to hear from John on borrowing the Aesthetix Romulus SE, which I am actually dying to hear!
I have also already received suggestions for a litany of other DAC's and need to say no at some point. But since my ODSE will probably be 6-8 weeks (I think, maybe sooner) before it arrives, and I'm shipping the current Empirical Audio gear off to a reviewer, Im glad to get some other DAC's in to play with in the meantime.
I still have my Aeris up for sale and I am enjoying that thoroughly in the meantime, until one of you with a tube system buy it from me! ;) And I will now put my PS Audio Perfect Wave 2 up for sale as well. So if you know someone looking for a good deal on a Perfect Wave 2, let me know... for $1400'ish dollars, its a great great DAC! |
Sorry for the persistent double posts.
I admit that if I had the time, money and even more patience and persistence then I already gave this, then I should have spent time with each individual unit fine tuning, tweaking, tube and cable rolling, accessory rotating and generally squeezing the absolute best I can out of each. I know that many reviewers will do that with a review.
I don't have a closet full of power cords of different manufacturers, a big cardboard box filled with tubes, a drawer filled with isolation footers/dampers, or the patience to go through them and get that last little bit of performance. At least, not in the brief time it takes to evaluate a piece of gear.
And more importantly, I wasn't just reviewing one unit. I was "reviewing" 4 (5 if you include my original Perfect Wave 2).
To those who asked, Alex IS providing me with the cables (PC, USB) that he believes make his DSD-S DAC sound the best; I think that's fantastic. I will compare his to mine, just because I'm curious. I will report is all.
And if John lends me a particular PC, interconnect or tube because he believes it will improve the performance of the Romulus then I will happily use them (and compare them to my cables as well). |
"Matt, was at Audio Connections yesterday and got to hear the Romulus with the Vandy 7's in the big room. HOLY CRAP"
I think this sentence was confusing to some. It doesn't say, "Matt was at Audio Connection yesterday". Meaning that Matt (me) was at audio connection yesterday.
It says, "Matt, was at Audio Connection yesterday". Meaning: Hey Matt, I (meaning Ctsooner) was at Audio Connection yesterday….. Not meaning that Matt himself (me) was at Audio Connection. hehe
Just clarifying. I think many were confused. |
Dont understate your Off Ramp 5 tech. Even the guys at Rowland admit that their DAC sounds better using a USB source converted externally to SPDIF then using their internal USB converter. They demo the Aeris at shows running SPDIF across the room (due to USB's limited length of run) from a computer outputting USB converted through an Audiophilleo2 USB to SPDIF converter.
Would it "Crush" the ODSE if run with an Off Ramp 5? I don't think so. Would it be better then your ODSE, who knows? I think it would improve it beyond the performance I heard using its internal USB input, which is a complement to you either way...
But all of this has been said before, and acknowledged. In fact, more then one participant has added that the Big 6 would sound significantly better if I ran it with an Off Ramp5.
As I said before, feel free to do what you think would sound best and report it here. I'd love to hear the results. |
Keep in mind. My comments about USB inputs refers to all I have heard up to this point (NOT including the DSD-S, which I have yet to evaluate). To my ears, in my system, the ODSE is the best DAC I have heard thus far. I can not determine if that is due to the improved USB processing or just a better DAC with better parts and design. Who knows. Since I have no interest in SPDIF, I don't care. It sounds amazing and I am just giving it the credit it deserves.
Abruce - If I like the DSD better, then I will wait for Steve's newer mods and try them on my current ODSE (which is still stilling in its boxes) to see which performs better. At the end of the day, I'm not married to Steve and his Over Drive DAC. The point of my thread is to find the best DAC for 16/44 I can. If the DSD-S bests the ODSE (even with the upcoming upgrades) then I will sell my ODSE and go for a DSD-S. But lets wait until I actually LISTEN to the DSD-S to see how it is before we jump the gun….
The DSD-D does DSD, which the ODSE does not. But I have no interest in DSD as a source (for now).
I will let Alex explain better, but the DSD product converts all its input (PCM as well) immediately to DSD like the Direct Stream and all of Meitner's gear.
I am looking forward to Wednesday to take my first listen.
Unfortunately, with a brand new ODSE comes the need to really burn it in. Which means at least 3-4 weeks of constant play to get what I heard from the demo unit. With my added week, the DSD-S that I have will have a total of about 468 hours on it. Which means even the DSD still needs an additional 10 days more burn in to get to 700h.
I am thinking I will cook the DSD-S for the additional 10 days first. Then let it sit on the shelf for the month and burn in my new ODSE. Then, I'll run the DSD-S for a 24h run before comparing the two directly. I won't know which is better until they are both fully broken in and being played head to head.
I hope Alex is willing for me to hold onto the unit for 45 more days to really give it the chance it deserves… He has been very generous thus far.
If there is one thing I have learned with this project, its that these single guys (Lampy, Empirical, APL) REALLY know how to make gear and what you pay for is the best damn gear you can get instead of marketing/advertising/overhead.
My amps are the same. Merrill Audio makes ridiculously good gear! My amps are just off the chart good!
What a crazy hobby!!! |
Interestingly, I have the electricians here today running some dedicated lines for me. I have been advised to either run 2 separate 20 amp lines or one single 20 amp line. My amps can pull (according to the stats) 10 amps at peak output (which is very infrequent). My initial thought was to give the mono blocks a dedicated 20 amp circuit and the rest of the rack another dedicated 20 amp circuit. I'm also installing a whole house surge suppressor to remove that from the room's equation and to avoid limiting current at all costs.
We went back and forth on whether to go with one or two circuits as each has their advantages: single circuit removes any ground loop issues whatsoever but can limit current if the amps demand more then 20 amps. Two circuits gives unlimited current, but adds potential grounding issues and makes things generally more complicated to avoid tiny noise issues.
We finally decided that the best way to confirm amperage need was to run a meter with the ability to show peak amperage use over a period of time. We hooked the meter to the current circuit (a single 15 amp circuit) and I sat down to some tunes. I played the stereo as loud as I would ever play it and made sure to include some music with very dynamic passages…
Final result was that I NEVER pulled more then a paltry 2.8 amps from the breaker. Even at high volumes and with some seriously dynamic passages. Merrill's Veritas amps must be VERY efficient!!!!!
So I'm having them run a single 20 amp circuit with an insulated ground and all 10 gauge wire (including ground wire). Quad outlet to run the amps direct into the wall and then use my Shunyata Hydra Alpha for my rack.
I'm also going to try running the amps through the Hydra since it is (according to Shunyata) not current limiting in any way (the filters run in parallel).
If this were a dedicated listening room, I would have had them run the extra circuits to a dedicated sub-panel. But its a long-term temporary room. And to be blunt, I never felt that my current normal house 15 amp circuit was holding me back. But as an anal, obsessive compulsive audiophile I NEEDED to get a dedicated line to get that little extra performance!!! We are a sad breed….
Totally unrelated to my thread topic, but I thought it was very interesting. |
Initial impressions of the DSD-S
As Alex requested: I used his power cord, his USB cable, plugged the DAC directly into the wall and uploaded Audirvana. The DSD-S had been running with source for a solid week straight (24/7) prior to today's listening.
Maybe it's because I don't really have a comparison DAC (since my brand new ODSE is but an infant with nary an electron through its juvenile microchips), but I am having a hard time pinning down the DSD-S's true nature.
As I previously said, it is well built and represents its cost and quality without any doubt. Alex confirmed that the DAC arrived to me, hand delivered, in its inner box only and that it is double boxed for shipping. He also said that he will work on adding more foam to the packaging just to give the look and sense of more secure packaging, even though what it comes with is tested and safe. I appreciated his open attitude.
My biggest initial impression is that it's not yet fully burned in. It has about 468'ish hours on it. I'm thinking at least 700 to fully break in, maybe more. It reminds me of the Aeris. I sense greatness, but it doesn't seam to be there just yet.
As such, I am calling everything I report right now as a solid first impression. After this, I'm going to hook it up to a DVD player and throw a cd on repeat and run spdif into the DSD-S for 30 days. That'l put a total of over 1150 hours on it. That will certainly be enough to stabilize the DSD-S rather thoroughly.
That said, it is currently very very good. In certain ways, it has already bested the Aeris (imaging and soundstage) but it's sonic reality (for lack of any other descriptor) isn't as full as the Aeris was at this point in burn in. The Aeris gave me a better sense of scale at 500 hours.
That brightness I mentioned is completely gone. Extended highs and Earth shattering lows abound; all of the DAC's at this top level do this well... Extension up and down is unrestricted. I found the midrange satisfying but not mesmerizing, yet. As I said, hints and suggestions of more to come. Like watching Mozart learn to play piano....
It's imaging is rather stunning, although I found that with certain very specific passages, there seamed to be a shift to the left of only certain instruments, while others stay central. It's really weird. The vocal will stay perfectly center stage, but the drum (which I know well and fully expect smack dab in between center and right speaker) is just a shade to the right of midline; while the matching left drum should be between center and left speaker is just a breath away from the left speaker. Very specifically located, just not in the spot I expected them to be. But center stays center. It happened twice. Other then that, imaging was dead accurate and everything was exactly where it belonged. The soundstage was quite wide and deep. A bit closer then the ODSE and further then the Aeris in seating position. But I think listening position is subjective and personal, and therefore not super important. The soundstage was also well defined. The DSD-D did a great job of positioning something really close to the speaker while not sounding like it's coming directly from that speaker. The word "control" kept popping up in my mind. I was more aware of certain secondary special affects and quiet accompanying instruments and there presence to define the overal performance with the DSD-S then with any of the other DAC's.
Leading and trailing edges were very nicely defined and lasted just as long as they should. Again. Control. Same with the low frequencies - tight, well controlled, deep and musical; not loose or flabby.
I mentioned this before, but the midrange left me wanted more. Maybe it was too controlled. But I felt like I I was on the verge of something bigger. We shall see.
I can say, bluntly, that I spent a lot of time critically listening and less time LITM (Lost In The Music). It happened, but not like when I was listening to the ODSE (not my current juvenile one but the fully broken in demo unit Steve lent me). I think that midrange was holding me back...
I would equate its performance to the Meitner MA1 without the brightness. Now to keel things in perspective, let's realize I am comparing some of the best DAC's ever made. My findings are SO subtle. The midrange of the DSD-S is not weak by any stretch; it's just not yet where I think it will be in another few hundred hours of cooking.
The DSD-S is clearly a solid state DAC. The ODSE gives more of a sense of tubes hidden within its solid state circuits; it's got a tube soul.
I don't know if that's really useful to anyone. I feel like this one was hard. And since it's clearly not fully burned in I don't want anyone to make a decision based on my statements here. Not until it gets way more hours.
Alex has implied that his USB conversion tech is SOTA and trumps all else out there. It synced flawlessly and i think that imaging benefits dramatically from that XMOS chip. I don't know enough to say more then that. I don't really know how to audibly seperate the USB conversion from the DAC itself other then to just evaluate the parts as a whole system.
If someone were to force me to make a list right now of all the DAC's I have heard I would probably say, fav to least fav (i'm gonna get SO much $#!+ for this!!!): ODSE Aeris DSD-S Lampy Big 6 Meitner MA-1 PS Audio Direct Stream PS Audio Perfect Wave 2
Considering the DSD-S is not fully broken in, that's a pretty good start!
I did also listen to it direct to my amps. Sorry Alex, I just prefer my music run through my Criterion. Maybe it adds noise or warmth or whatever, but it's more musical and more engaging to me running through my limited edition uber Rowland Criterion pre-amp. Although I will happily give you the complement of it being the closest to not needing a pre-amp of all those I have tried. I will remove the ODSE from that list as my biggest gripe with running the ODSE direct was that the volume control does not go down to inaudible. I didn't like having to rely on adjusting the volume on the computer to around my listening level and then fine tune the volume with the control on the ODSE itself. I want a volume knob that's goes from zero to ten, not 7 to 8.5 .
I'm sure I'll think of something else as soon as I hit Submit, but that's it for now.
I will listen again in 2 weeks to see how things progress. And then 30 days from now will be the final eval between my current champion ODSE and the DSD-S.
As Steve has said, he's working on an Off Ramp 6 that uses the XMOS USB tech that the DSD-S already uses, and an upgrade to integrate that tech into the ODSE.
And as Alex said, the DSD-S can have many parts upgraded to take it to the next level.
Here is my sincere impression... If you decided to go with either of these top tier DAC's, you would walk away with one of the best out there and enjoy your purchase for years to come. These guys BOTH seriously know what they are doing!!! As a buyer, and a very long time enthusiast, I learned something totally new during my current system built. I used to shy away for these small, "One man show" companies and gravitate towards the big guys. These "One man show" guys usually have 4-7 other people working for them and produce top level gear for fair prices that offer way more performance for the dollar then lost of the big name labels can. It's a simply a matter of overhead and production. For those of you who are on the fence, try a Merrill Audio, Empirical, APL, Lampizator, or the many other speaker and electronic manufacturers out there that can't afford an advertising/marketing camping. You jus tight be happy you did. |
BigKidz - Thank you for your generous offer. But I have my time dedicated to burning in my new ODSE and to giving Alex's DSD-S the time it deserves as he so generously offered to get the DAC to me for an honest and public evaluation. I must credit Alex for his willingness to put his kit out on the line so publicly, knowing that I will "say it like I hear it." Real time, no opportunity to stop the presses or amend the review… It speaks boat loads as to his confidence in his product and the quality and reliability of performance he expects of his own gear.
If you feel that your DHT DAC can truly "blow the other gear away" then I suggest you spend the next 30 days burning in a version of your DHT DAC with a USB input and balanced XLR outputs and then send me your DAC to audition in my current system, permitting me to report my findings to the masses as I have done so far. To be honest, if it is burned in already then I only need it for a week to get a solid feel for where it stands in relation to the other DAC's I have auditioned.
I am happy to put the time in if you are willing to accept the challange. Remember that USB from my computer is my only source, and I play almost exclusively 16/44. Although I am looking for some high res here and there since it seams to be a bit more available then it was before. But my goal is the best damn 16/44 I can get.
Alex was kind enough to provide me with some high res music so I think its worth while to start trying at least one or two songs high res just for fun...
Your call BigKidz. Put your DAC to the test and I'll be glad to report if it truly can blow away the others. My methods are very clearly presented, and multiple examples of my listening techniques and tastes are in this thread.
I am, by no means (Agear and RSF507) trying to add ANOTHER DAC to my list. My end goal is to just listen to music. But a statement as bold as BigKidz made most certainly deserves an opportunity to prove it. No? |
I would ask all involved to make an effort to highlight their own gear's strength's and not point out any other DAC's weaknesses. Specific descriptions of what tech is used and why you think its best are fine. Let's avoid mud slinging though…
All of the gear listed is SO good that the decision is not if they are good enough, but which sounds best with your particular system. |
Steve - the advantages of your volume control make perfect sense, but your knob is still more of an attenuator then a formal volume control. It doesn't go down to silent, or really anywhere close to silent. It can adjust the music within my listening range from "on the quiet side of where I would listen" to "on the loud side of where I would listen"
For a computer I can see that being ok (although I was always under the impression that you needed to 100% the volume on the computer USB out to get the best sound), but not for a transport with no way to adjust volume.
Am I missing something? |
Hi all.
I've been playing with Audirvana and Amarra (most recent update). I'm finding subtle differences. Not enough solid info to report findings yet. I think I will play for a while before posting anything to give both a solid opinion.
I'm working on the room idea a bit more. Trying to determine if I am better putting the speakers on the short (13 foot) wall and leaving the back (behind the couch) open instead of walling it off… Also haven't really broached the idea with the wifey yet. I'm hoping she's so desperate to get me out of the office shell let me go anywhere else…
The ODSE is still burning in. I have been relaxing and just enjoying the music.
I have been kicking around the idea of getting a CD spinner. That's why Audiolabyrinth mentioned the Ayon. I had asked him about them because I know he had a bad experience with them. It's just thinking right now since the room will chew up a bit of funds that are much better spent on my room then a piece of kit I will rarely use.
All for now. Gonna be a slow 2 weeks since my kids just got back from camp and I'm trying to do lots of family time….
Are any of you going to the NYC show in late Sept. Maybe we can all hook up there and listen to some rooms together. I know Merrill will be showing there…
Steve or Alex, are you showing as well? |
Funny you ask, as I have been perseverating about that.
To be honest, I really want to hear the Romulus Sig. I will reach out to Aesthetix this week and see what they say.
I'm also intrigued by the next level Esoteric K-01x coming out soon. But it's price is extravagant compared to the other DAC's I've been hearing.
And although I have been repeatedly warned by some members on this thread, I am nonetheless intrigued by the Ayon CD5s and CD3sx, and would love to hear one.
But, I am thrilled with my ODSE and could happily live with it forever, it's that good. I'm trying to fight my pathologic need to constantly try something else that might be better. Anything that would beat the ODSE will do it by hairs, not buy leagues. I can't honestly imagine it getting much better (with my Mac mini source) then what the ODSE gives me, unless Steve betters his own product (upgrades the ODSE or maybe even a new, higher tier DAC)
The excess funds I had to buy some extra pieces of kit have now been redirected to a very expensive back yard project. And I want to work on a dedicated listening room - which will give me WAY bigger SQ improvements then changing my DAC.
So I guess the short answer is, yes I am done. Long live King ODSE!
If I have the opportunity to audition any other DAC's I will post. I am still aggressively interested in getting a Romulus in to hear. If I do, I will start as I usually do with my typical "UPDATE."
So keep checking the thread. Thanks to all!!!
Feel free to continue on here as the conversation seams to always weave in an interesting direction. |
Actually I'm in traction from trying to move it alone from car to house. Holy cr&p this things heavy!
My ODSE will be done burning in tomorrow. Ran it for a month straight. 720 hours +/- . I need help getting the K-01 into the rack, so I'm waiting for my brother to come over and help.
Been busy with the kids. Last few days before school starts, lots to do. Looking forward to a normal routine again.
Alex is sending the DSD-S back to me but I'm not sure when.
I'll post a quick report of my ODSE when I get a chance to listen. Hopefully it will sound the same as the one I auditioned before. I'll also post on first opinions on the K-01 when I get it set up.
Sorry for the lul. |
I have heard/read 500 hours per setting.
I will burn in the 2 or 3 most frequently mentioned settings on the forums and then listen.
The ODSE finished off its month straight of digital food. I turned it and the computer off to give them a well deserved rest. I'll turn both back on Monday for a good listen Wed.
The K-01 is on day 2 of a it's 45 day'ish whirlwind tour of the digital burn in show. Staring - holy crap, if I have to burn one more piece of kit in I'm going to blow an audiophile grade fuse in my cabeza! With special guest - uh oh, now I need a new power cord, spdif cord and XLR interconnect for my K-01! I knew this was going to cost me more then I thought... Featuring - obsessive compulsions Produced by - an unyielding need to find the best performance possible no matter what it takes or costs. Directed by - If my wife asks you, that cable was $132.78! And of course the store gave me full credit on my previous purchase with this trade/upgrade, and a killer discount as well.... And sponsored by my favorite quote: My worst fear is that I die and my wife sells all my stuff for what I told her I paid for it!!!!
As my great grandmother used to say, "Oy Vey!" |
"Berkeley saw it fit to not include any usb input altogether. "
I'm thinking their attitude is the typical "separates" thought process.
Many believe that USB to spdif conversion should be looked at similar to a phono stage; separate units to achieve ideal performance. I hit this opinion early on with my Rowland Aeris and even more with the Big 6 eval.
Since Berkely has a well reputed and reviewed USB to spdif converter in their product list, it makes sense to me that their reference DAC would not include internal USB to spdif conversion.
As music servers become more robust and user friendly I believe computers may become less prominent for an audio source and USB may go away.
I think that more reference DAC manufacturers may avoid a USB input over time if music servers become the reference level, fluid user interface source that they should be.
Interesting times. |
Did anyone else go to the NY/Brooklyn show and come back disapointed?
I gave myself 6 hours for the 2pm-8pm open hours and thought I would need more time. I got stuck doing errands and didn't drive until 3. By 4:45 I was done…
2 floors, and the lower floor only had like 4 or 5 rooms.
Lampy was there, but had some speaker issues early on, which closed him room for most of the time I was there. It was opened at the end and I listened, but nothing grabbed me or blew me away…
Totem/Diavalet room sounded great. As did the new Kef Blade II with Parasound. Legacy Audio had speakers making good performances in a few rooms. Not much really reached out and grabbed me, and nothing came close to the sound I get from my own room at home. I guess that's a good thing…
On the downside, my errands and work pulled me from any chance to listen yesterday morning. Sorry. |
Guido, I have to return it this Friday. He has been very generous with the DSD-S and it must go to the next interested customer.
I can honestly say that it is a true contender and worth a serious listen. Whatever he did to modify it was significant. And I have to say that his responsiveness to questions is top notch. If this is any indication of his customer service, there are no worries…
If you have the opportunity to audition the DSD-S Guido, I would now try to find time to give it a listen. I would be very curious to hear your impression in comparison to your reference Aeris DAC. |
It's cooking as we speak (or type). another 500 hours puts us at 11/24.
I have bought a few SACD to try out on the K-01.
My attitude is this:
1) I will compare the K-01 to my beloved ODSE as a standalone DAC sourced from my MAC mini. I am dripping with curiosity to see how they compare. 2) I will relax and enjoy the SACD performance from the K-01 after 11/24 to see how much better SACD can be.
I am not really expecting the K-01 to beat the ODSE as a standalone DAC; but as I have done so far, I will be objective and do it right.
Then I need to decide if I like the SACD thing enough to justify keeping the K-01 long term. Of course, if I do end up liking the DAC in the K-01 more then the ODSE then it'l be a no brainer.
The idea of a dedicated music server does intrigue me as it will obviously be my final source. My Mac mini gives me some conveniences that no other system will offer since much of my music is purchased (routinely) on iTunes and syncs instantly to my Mac. No server will do that (I think)…. When I go the server route I will need to manually transfer each and every new album purchased on iTunes to my Server(as far as I understand, there is no way to point a Server to my iTunes folder on my Mac to stream the music from there).
Of course, I read in the manual today that there is a digital pass through feature on my K-01 that allows me to output the USB input through the SPDIF co-ax output and essentially use the K-01 as a USB to SPDIF converter; a really really freakin expensive USB to SPDIF converter…. LOL
On a side note, i am starting construction of my new dedicated listening room this Friday. |
Yes, double rock with Green Visco-Elastic glue spread thin in between. Glueing rock to studs as well. I was planning on staggering seams. I like the idea of flipping the rock 90 degrees.
I plan on treating corners with bass traps, 1st reflections with duffusion, and front and rear center walls with a combo of diffusion and absorption to reduce slap echo. Gonna float a "cloud" of diffusers on the ceiling in first reflection but need to establish seating and speaker location first. The first reflection diffusors need to be 4-6" deep and horizontal diffusors only. Front and rear to be shallow diffusors in both the vertical and horizontal plane.
My room has absolutely no furniture or cabinetry besides the listening chair and my rack, and speakers obviously. The rack will be located just to my right on the adjacent wall and a scotch behind to avoid any interference with primary or secondary reflections.
Alex, that's a cool product. |
Its all in the detail. I found that the y2/4x setting (more 4x then y2) was more transparent and accurate then the DSD. You clearly give up accuracy for musicality going from 4x to DSD. There is a sense of tube warmth to the DSD/off setting that the Y2/4x doesn't offer me. Almost a tube vs solid state experience.
The y2/4x setting provides more accuracy, more high end extension (much more) and much better delineation of performers and instruments within space. Sound stage is about the same with both.
Jon2020 said that the S-dly settings are warm, slow, boomy and laid back. I find the DSD to be warm and more laid back. The S-dly settings are more cool and fast (as he described the FIR settings). Jon, can you describe the rest of your system? Im dying to see why we get so different results with the same settings. Are your settings well broken in? I didn't listen to the FIR settings, so I have no true opinion as they are not burned in….
Hope that helps…
Guido, the K-01 would freakin SING with your Aeris DAC!!!!! wink wink…. |
Agreed Beewax, although that may be the vaguest generalization I have agreed with in a while…
Yes, the best is the best, until something better comes along…
Einstein was the greatest proponent of that concept - he felt that his theories of relativity were simply the most accurate approximation of how the laws of physics work. He openly admitted that his theories were wrong, but that it would take someone smarter then him, and with better technology, to understand the next step of those theories and create a better and more accurate approximation. But until that happened, his were the best we had.
In fact, isn't it our very nature as humans (que the impassioned music) to constantly reinvent our successes and push the boundaries of yesterdays advances to make them tomorrows rung on a never ending ladder of advancements and technological achievements? Is it not our goal, neigh our responsibility, to ever strive for that top tier to enjoy it's wonders for but a moment as we rise again to climb the mountain of infinite altitude! For we, as audiophiles, have placed upon us the most passionate and unyielding drive to hear beyond hearing and step through the boundaries of science and art to realize the very core of our own musical reality and being.
Until the next best thing comes out, it's my goal to find the best there is right now. I'm happy I have undertaken this quest. I have learned tons along the way and look at all the new, wonderful, friends I made along the way!!
Hallelujah! |
Let me know when your Diamond SX is ready for prime-time production model is ready for an audition. I'm dying to hear it!!!!
Over Drive - Diamond SX
I like it.
Thoughts for best sound possible: --> Upgraded all internal wire and cable, Upgrade footers to reduce vibration, upgrade cabinet to reduce micro resonance and increase damping, isolate and separate power supply (do you need to go to a separate power supply for left and right channel?), upgrade all cable connections, upgrade umbilical power cord, isolated DAC's and schematics for DSD and PCM (although I think the SX is PCM only), improve upon those recessed toggles all the way on the right (they are not easy to flip). That's it. I'm no engineer, but these are the first things the other guys do...
Just thinking out loud. |
No. It retails for $53k and was still crazy expensive, even with my great price. And it wasn't local; so I would have been paying a fortune for a DAC I have never heard. I have also read it bests all else out there no matter what the cost, but with all of my other current expenses and projects its beyond my reach. If the deal is still available in a few months I might jump on it. I'd rather upgrade my speakers to either Evolution Acoustics MM2's or Focal Utopia 3 Stella's with that money (which would unquestionably yield HUGE improvements), or do all the cabinetry in my home office, or build an outdoor fireplace then upgrade my DAC at that cost.
Because the DAC and music server are so tech dependent and will likely be upgraded/replaced every few years I am more hesitant to spend mega bucks on them. We all know that great pre-amps, speakers and amps can last forever without ever really being "outdated".... But even the absolute top tier $50K+++ DAC from 10 years ago is practically worthless now on resale and easily bested by the average current $2500- DAC.
I love Steve's products. And, he is constantly fiddling and upgrading them and making those upgrades available to his customers for a reasonable price; not just discontinuing the product and replacing it with a different one. I really like that business model. It creates very loyal customers... |
Modded Mac Mini, Music Vault, "Clone" Music Server, The Memory Player, YFS, Baetis and CAPS servers are all essentially modified PC's.
Ketchum and others who use these, please offer opinions as compared to going with a design specific music server like the Antipodes, Aurender or TotalDac. I get that you can tweak a computer to any purpose, but I'm having a hard time believing that any level of modification to a computer will sound better then a unit designed from the ground up for the sole purpose of top SQ. Or am I totally off on this thought? |
Polymer - amazing above the two 6" drivers. They would be a top contender if the base was better. Slightly lose, lack true impact, and just not up to the rest of that amazing speaker. A shame, because if they had a larger low end driver cabinet with more punch and extension they would be world class!!! The top 3 drivers ok that narrow baffle design are just magic though. So if your not looking for that low extension punch and imaging and proper tonality are of utmost importance then the MKs-X is a huge performer!!
Zellaton - wonderful speaker but same low frequency weaknesses in my opinion. For jazz, small orchestral, vocals, quartet, etc they are fast fast fast, accurate, musical and accurate. I was not engaged once during my listening session and the low frequency paucity turned me off. Again, more a matter of taste then quality.
Vivid - another great speaker but just never grabbed me in the right way. The non-nautilus design has a lot of rear firing drivers and needs a ton of space out into the room, and the nautilus design did everything well but never really wisped me away, to that lost in the music moment.
YG - truly a masterful creation. They do everything really well and nothing lacking. If my room were longer it would be in my top contenders. Imaging, impact, tone, dynamics, subtlety, engaging? All there. But if you look at the actual design of the speaker, they require you to sit far enough away to allow those drivers to properly integrate. And I felt that I couldn't get that distance in my room. More a decision of practicality then performance. That Sonja is a true statement product though. No doubt.
If the Kawero didn't have that brightness issue and I had a bigger room they would be an absolute top contender. Vivid & Zellaton no thanks, personal opinion. Polymer would be a joke run with better low end and YG are awesome but, I think, needed a longer room then I have. |