? about oppo

what is all the hype about, are they really that good? and if so , why would anybody buy a thousand dollar player? has anyone used one with powered speakers? if so , which ones? thanks doing research on a small system to do video and music in a 10 by 10 room...

Showing 1 response by dcstep

TIC said:

"Later on, if you decide you want to upgrade the sound quality you are getting, send the Oppo off to Ric Shultz at EVS and have it mod'd. IMHO the sound quality will be at least as good as any sub $1000 dedicated CD player (mabe even a lot better) plus it will play DVD, SACD, DVD-A, HDCD."

I couldn't agree more about Ric Schultz. Ric modified my Pioneer Elite DV-58AV universal player with a Superclock 4 and beefed up input and output stages, along with some damping and other mods. It's spectacular.

I'm going to talk to Ric soon about upgrading one of my Oppos to 32-bit upconversion. Done right, and that's critical, it could elevate the Oppo right next to the $10000 upsampling Emm CDPs. Ric doesn't just throw parts in and hope they work, instead he really listens and, true to his name, tweaks them for all they're capable of.
