? about oppo

what is all the hype about, are they really that good? and if so , why would anybody buy a thousand dollar player? has anyone used one with powered speakers? if so , which ones? thanks doing research on a small system to do video and music in a 10 by 10 room...

Showing 2 responses by bobrock

I dont get this thread, or the other one comparing oppo to Mcintosh. Has anyone done an A/B of oppo against companies that make a similarly priced player? For example, Cambridge Audio, NAD, Arcam, YBA design? Mcintosh is up there with Krell, Ayer and Esoteric. Those companies exist because of the CD quality playback alone. I never even heard of this company until I visited this thread. Somebody tell me where I can demo one and do an A/B myself. I have never seen one in a hi-fi store- anywhere. I would never throw away 1k on this company over the others I mentioned. These threads have flavor of the month written all over them. Ponderous!
I dont have an ayre palyer...I have a Thule audio DVA 120 universal. I got it from the last distributor when Thule went under. For the record, cd playback on it is great. I am only looking around for better video performance as it does not have hdmi inputs. I have come across few dvd players that are good at cd playback. Linn was the last one I demo that was really great for music as well as video. I still have not seen one of these oppo players anywhere and I dont buy what I can not demo...nobody should. Very Dumb idea. Right now I am leaning towards a used Linn or cambridge audio (new).