About Mosfet

Hi Audiogonians, Merry Christmas.

I got some questions about MOSFET.

First I would like to know how can one damages a MOSFET? Can wrong connection from powersupply kill it? Next up is how does a damaged MOSFET sounds like and how can one knows which one is dead if there are more than one in a poweramp? Finally, if there such a thing as life span of a MOSFET?

Equipment-Adcom GFA5500. Problem-One channel sounds like a weak reception radio. Cause-could be wrong connection. Can someone help me to trobleshoot this?

Showing 1 response by bigtee

Sounds more like the driver circuit than the output devices. Usually a dead mosfet is a dead mosfet. If it is shorted, it would be blowing your rail fuses. I would leave this to a trained tech.