Aavik / Persona Experiences?

With much help from this forum, I built a HiFi System last year and I’m having a blast.  As is my nature, the “tinkering” bug hit me and I’m considering adding an Aavik I-280 into the mix.  Does anyone have experience running Aavik amps into Persona speakers?  Digital chain is Mac Mini Roon Core> Auralic Aries G2.1> Aavik D-280>Anthem STR>Persona 3f.  It’s feasible I may upgrade speakers to the 7F (or something else) but not my current concern/project. I’m interested in the synergy between Aavik and Persona.


@brewerslaw Sorry that was a brain freeze on my part. Didn't realize you're using Aries G2.1. In my case, I also use the S-280 streamer and connect it to the DAC via BNC, which I found to be superior to USB -- but of course, that's only in the context of Aavik DACs. Not saying that USB is inferior in all cases. Depends on the implementation. 

And, yes, I found Ansuz cables (RCA) have excellent synergy with Aavik components, which in your case will be between the D-280 and I-280. Sorry for the confusion.

arafiq Thanks for the response.  One question: Do you mean that I should get an Ansuz BNC to link my Aries g2.1 to the D-280?  I think a BNC cable would be digital but the signal from D-280 to I-280 would be analog, no?  Or did you maybe mean a good Ansuz RCA interconnect between the two (or both i suppose)?

While I can't offer any advice on the Aavik/Persona combo since I've not owned it, what I can tell you is that the synergy between D-280 and I-280 is off the charts -- especially if you use a nice Ansuz BNC cable. I own the U-280 which is basically I-280 and D-280 in a single chassis, and love the sound. By far, the best I've owned.

I think it will be difficult to get meaningful advice since I doubt many people own Aavik, let alone the Aavik/Persona combo. You can reach out to Next Level Hifi as they let you do free auditions (you pay for shipping if you decide not to keep it) in your home. Good luck!