AA Capitole Mk II - what the evaluaions brought?

Do you have any comments on the sound of a new AA Capitole?
I suppose some units are already well broken-in(?).

Showing 4 responses by mes

Question for Artistic Audio-How would you describe "another level of performance"? I'm curious, I tried some pretty good linestages and always felt the sound was better running direct. This is of course with the MKI version, I've yet to receive the MKII yet. I hope to before the Bush administration expires :-) My experience after quite extensive A/B'ing was that adding an active linestage did indeed add something, a sense of "Hi-Fi" sound, albeit phenomenal Hi-Fi, that was pleasantly lacking when running direct, which to my ears was MUCH more natural and musical sounding with a sense of instrumental palpability and 3-dimensionality wholly lacking with a linestage. I've not tried a passive linestage. Anyway, my personal experience is contrary to yours, ergo my inquiry. I'm hoping you don't say it's because the Wyetech is a better linestage than all others :-) Oh, and Aida, sonics, not budget was the deciding factor in not purchasing Wadia. But nice try.
Artistic,I know what you're describing, the sound was different with a linestage, just not better to my ear. More is not necessarily better, and I don't buy, from my experience, that a linestage is necessary for what it "adds". What it added was a sense of hi-fi, for want of a better term, again great hi-fi, but hi-fi nonetheless. And if hi-fi is the goal, so be it. But the sense of air, space between the notes and instrumental palpability is sacrificed with this "filler", to my ear, stepping ever so slightly away from what live acoustic music sounds like to me. Perhaps in a differently configured system I'd be more enamored, but in my present setup, fully well acknowledging what you're describing, my personal preference is direct, and so far that seems to be the case with most if not all owners I know(that aren't dealers).The pre-amps I tried weren't to shabby- CTC Blowtorch (18K), AR REF II (11K), Klyne series 7 (6K), and a borrowed Cello Pallette. Amps are Tenor 75 WI, speakers Rockport Antares. Perhaps when I get the MKII I'll give a linestage a whirl again. Sutts thanx for your transport and passive pre findings.
Jacpiii- Yes, and in fact I preferred that to any linestage I tried, very nice. However, direct sounds better to me for the aforementioned reasons, and a sense of body without sacrificing detail that I prefer. Probably no rights or wrongs here, merely personal preference. But thus far, direct sounds more like real music, the others more hi-fi, although astounding hi-fi nonetheless.
Gee, what a surprise, another nudnick response from HiFi Farm. YAAAWN........