AA Capitole Mk II - what the evaluaions brought?

Do you have any comments on the sound of a new AA Capitole?
I suppose some units are already well broken-in(?).

Showing 4 responses by aaudio_imports

I am a Dealer for Audio Aero. I have had my Capitole MK2 player for a few weeks now and running in repeat 24/7. so far I have tried running it direct with Airtight ATM-2 mono amps, and Wyetech Onyx mono amps driving Ensemble speakers. since I have owned every version of this player over the past few years I can say that the new MK2 is much improved in every area of sound quality as well as build quality. this past weekend I inserted the Wyetech Jade preamp and heard another level of performance over running the Capitole direct. theres no question that using a good active linestage can improve the sound of this already superb sounding player. for a one box CD player the Capitole MK2 is up there with the best in the world. but don't be mistaken that properly matched seperates can still take you another level above.
first I would like to say that great active linestages are rare. I have found the Wyetech Jade, $3800 and Opal, $7500 to be clearly the best there is for 2 channel active preamps. if you search hard enough one can find other top notch preamps as well. I would describe the sound improves in the areas of weight and body when adding a great preamp to the chain. I feel the preamp fills in all the tiny gaps in the music which in turn gives you a more complete sound. thats not to say that running the Capitole direct is not musical, just that I have heard better with the proper preamp in the system. I have not yet tried running the Dac in the Capitole MK2 with an outboard Transport, but I would say that again a great transport like the Accustic Arts drive 1, $3500 would be better. at this point it would be better to purchase the Audio Aero Dac instead of the player.
yes Mes I see your point. I would say in some systems running direct may be the preferred way to go, but when everything is right (including top interconnects, and power cords) and the system synergy is good, I much prefer an active linestage for what it brings to the sound.
Boy I guess I raised some nose hairs on the topic of active line stages. top notch preamps seem to be a Lost Art, but with companies like Wyetech Labs, Audio Note, Zanden and few others I will still favor them over running my CD player direct.