A80 (RC MkII) or A810 - which one should I buy? - ANY INPUT IS WELCOME !!

Please provide some guidance, if possible:

I have quite a reasonable system and started with vinyls some two years ago
(since then I hardly listened to any CD....).
I also own a ReVox B77 - but it cannot match the rest of my system sonically,
so it is mostly for decorational purposes in my music room.

I got to learn that there are some companies that offer copies of mastertapes.
All I read about these tapes made clear to me: I MUST have them - but I need a proper
tape deck to play them. And to be host: I always admired the STUDER products,
so this is a good excuse to buy one....

I tried to read as much as possible, narrowing down the choice to either an
A80 or an A810 (ok, I would prefer the A820 - but my budget is somehow limited...).
Being located in Europe I found a couple of reasonable offers here: one A80 RC MkII
in France and two A810 in Germany and the UK, resp.

Generally speaking: which model is superior? Is this a valid question at all?
My priorities are sonical quality, reliabilty and ease of maintenance. I do not do any
mixing or production of music, no professional use, just from time to time listen to the
best music (quality) avalilable.

And specifically referring to the offers: here are the key facts about the three machines
(all three sellers offer insured shipment ad more or less the same price, and I have no
chance to see/hear the machines myself - unfortunately). So here they are:

1) A80 RC MkII (France, 4k$, private seller)
- a late system (serial 21464, said to be from 1988?)
- was privately owned by an audiophile (his son now wants to get rid of it...)
- only 1850 hours on the clock (documented)
- many pictures, looks very cared for (only the cover of the slot part below the system is missing)
- High Speed model (15 & 30)
- heads look good (no butterfly)
- 5 days to inspect after delivery and - if not satisfied - return with full money back
  (guaranteed through 3rd party service)
PRO: I LOVE the A80 looks...., low usage, good condition (optically), purchase without risk
CON: no documentation (of services or whatsoever)

2) A810 (UK, 5k$, private seller)
- was used by the seller in a studio professionally, which closed down
- obviously knows these machines, tells a lot about valious Ampex and Studers...
- he had it then completely overhould last year (many capacitors replaced, some transistors, some ICs,
  mechanically maintained, lubricated, tested, calibrated, heads re-lapped,.... invoice available)
- System has one or two studio/Pro gimmicks (which I do not need....)
- he wanted it "like new" to keep it for personal usage, sells due to space issues
- system is complete, slight signs of usage (Studio usage...)
- accepts Paypal
PRO: complete service with invoice, was regularely used
CON: the Studio obviously did not care very well - otherwise the service would not be so long...
                some signs of usage...

3) A810 (Germany, 6k$, small "hobby" dealer)
- sells a lot of expensive audio equipment via ebay, 100% satisfied buyers (40 sales last 12 months)
- complete service in 2014
- butterfly heads in very good condition
- hardly any signs of usage, looks like new, at least  9/10
- accepts Paypal
PRO: butterfly heads, looks like new
CON: Service not documented (but written confirmation from seller - legally valid); most expensive one

To me all three offers have their PROs and CONs....
(All three have a trolley, are more or less heady, need more or less the same space).

What would you do?
Any advise / information / thought?

Thanks in advance!



Showing 1 response by french_fries

THE A80 is far superior as far as wow and flutter, transport stability, etc.
But you may never use 30 inches per second to record or playback anything (except live music).  Some of them do come with 7.5/15ips
capability and whether or not you can convert them from one to the other is something you would have to ask a professional recordist or 
Studer expert repair facility.  The A810 is probably good enough for a high-end stereo system, especially if it is in like-new condition.
All Studer's require periodic maintenance- a minimum usage still needs
lubrication, tape path cleaning and demagnetizing, and a lot of attention to the pinch roller and capstan.  I like the A820 too but it wouldn't make better music to my ears.  But it has super-sophisticated features (which you may never ever use of course).