A/V receiver for decoding and center/rear

I want to add homecinema to my system, which is stereo-orientated. Since I don't want to change my stereo amp for a surround design, I figured I could buy a A/V-receiver for decoding use and to drive the center and rear-speakers. That means I would connect my stereo-sources (turntable, CD) straight to the stereo-amp, and DVD/video/tv into the receiver. I would use the line out for front right and left to feed my stereo amp, and the built-in amps for center and rear from the A/V-receiver, leaving the receiver out of the chain when listening to stereo-sources. Would this work? And is there a chance of damaging/blowing up the amps in the receiver, since the front-amps won't be used?
Thanks for any advice.

Showing 1 response by arni

Satch, if you already have a dedicated Prologic decoder amp, then you should seriously consider Vantas DPA-87, which is an ad-on for Prologic Receivers with dolby digital and good internal 100 w/ch. for center and rears. I have the DPA-50, which is the version to ad on to a Stereo-only system (these are almost identical though) and have been very pleased with it. Check out the reviews here on Audioreview: http://www.audioreview.com/A-V+Preamplifier/Vantas+DPA-S50/PRD_118434_2719crx.aspx
Vantas went belly up, but these are being sold new on eBay, I just bought one DPA-87 for a friend for $160.