A turntable that plays all types of music well


I might be moving and my lenco L75 direct drive with large Nantais plinth might be sold as too bulky to want to bring along....

For new location what turntable has the PRAT and ability to play all types of vinyl music well?

I already have a good Helius Omega arm and soundsmith hyperion cart so looking for turntable only....nothing over 10K

Showing 1 response by onlyqualityhifi

@Gmercer The Thales Compact + Simplicity tone arm is a stunning TT. And indeed in such a ‘compact’ box. I used it almost daily for a few years until I purchased the truly amazing, in both sound and look, ‘Oscar’ Tegra. Mr Thales (Huber) is not someone that I found trustworthy when things break down. Whereas Mr Tentogra ( Wojtec) is one of the most helpful reliable knowledgeable manufacturers I’ve encountered. (Eduardo at Audiopax struck me similarly). and always willing to go the extra mile.  Just my 2p