a tube amplifier repair technician

I need my tube amplifier monoblock repaired..I live in New jersey..
any suggestions or directions..pls.

Showing 2 responses by johnmcalpin

Bob Backert is a true treasure.

Mrjstark, I think I saw your amps there on Sunday when I dropped some gear off. Bob was excited about them.
Glad to hear all of you have had such great experiences with Bob. He's done the same by me.

And, Trelja, thanks for the kind words. I owe you an e-mail!

One thing for anyone to consider, Bob is not a "quick-fix." While he improved my system tremendously, he did it by refining it, by distilling all that my gear did well and helping it do that better. Each improvement, particularly the power stages, were exatrordinary because it made my system sound like the best version of itself.

If you are truly unhappy with your gear, Bob won't be able to perform miracles. But, if you like what you have and think it can do better, he can do wonders.

And it takes time because he evaluates each piece of equipment as is. Now that a few of us have brought the same models, he doesn't have to reinvent the wheel each time. But each of us has different needs, goals and different systems.

I am so happy with what's been done that I could live with this system for years to come. Although I might go back and have Bob tinker with my CD player after talking to him about it.