A true believer

I like to look at the pictures and descriptions of the various systems belonging to our fellow Audiogon members. Personally I admire the most humble system. But some times I see one that just leaves me shaking my head in amusement.

I was looking at the featured systems today and found one that consisted of three components that reproduced music. A cd player ($7700), a integrated amp. ($4000), a pair of speakers ($10,500). Total $22000. A very nice system. But, and I mean BUT, another $71,431 in cables, tweaks, stands. Things that sometimes in the tiniest increments help in the reproduction of music.

Just saying.

Showing 11 responses by rodman99999

Perhaps I should have said, "If YOU can't HEAR the differences; SAVE YOUR MONEY!" I was responded to the OP's camment about wire's contribution to the sound of as system being so, "minimal."
OOPS! MY BAD! Had they ACTUALLY been DUMB; the World of Audio Journalism would have been much better off.
Whose, "golden ears" were those again? OH YEAH; the deaf & dumb that wrote for Stereo Repuke! Especially notable; Julian Hirsch, who stands out as one of the biggest jokes of all time, with regards to Audio Journalism. I subscribed to that rag, simply to keep up with what was going on in the mid-fi market. After his statement(and I quote), "I never listen to live music, but- I have a pretty good idea, what it sounds like", I NEVER read the rag again. That HAD to be the most thoroughly ridiculous statement I'd ever come across, in ANY audio commentary. As I said; The idea that Stereo Repuke proved ANYTHING, is simply HILARIOUS!
I find it amusing, that you've chosen this thread through which to pander those....., oh well! Perhaps you feel you can find a more deaf group here, than on the TAS site?( http://www.avguide.com/forums/the-new-and-improved-bose-901-series-6-mk2s )
I'm not twisting anything. Who said, "all properly designed solid state amps operating within their operating parameters"? The article that YOU cited, compared(again) an OTL TUBE AMP, a Hi-End SS, and a $220.00 Jap receiver. The differences in presentation, between SET, OTL and Push/Pull tubed amps alone, are obvious enough. The differences between typical Class A and Class A/B Solid State amps are also easy enough to hear, given decent associated gear and recordings. I can tell the difference between Sylvania VT-231s and a TungSol 6SN7GTs, in the driver positions of my Cary monoblocks, simply by the width and depth of the resulting sound stage. Whether ANYONE ELSE can tell a SS amp, tube amp or a wire, from a Bose table radio, is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to me. Enjoy your mediocrity.
I like it too! Kinda like, "Rat Shack." With regards to the, "all things sound alike" thought train; I'm certain there are many that cannot taste the differences between MD 20/20, a bottle of 1795 vintage Château Lafite Rothschild, and would absolutely swear: there are none. Are those that can tell you things like what year a grape was grown, in what part of France, and(specifically): what field, snake oil salesmen, con-men and voodoo priests? I think not! There are those that have trained their palates, and taste buds, to discern things others cannot. Likewise; Aural Acuity, system refinement/resolution, quality of source materials, listening room/speaker system tuning, familiarity with the sound of live instruments/vocals, in an actual acoustic, and one's attentions/training, vary greatly(if they exist AT ALL). I could cite other factors that would impact whether or not one might be able to hear the differences in cables, like one's concrete opinions(thoroughly mixed up, and permanently set), but- I don't want to hear any more loose quotes from Shakespeare. Happy listening!
Frogman- It's funny that the subject of Stereo Repuke came up before my post. I was going to suggest, that we had entered a time warp, or that Julian Hirsch(of, "Everything-Sounds-The-Same" fame) had been resurrected, and was haunting those of us with even a modicum of auditory accuity. The idea that Stereo Repuke, "proved" ANYTHING, is simply H I L A R I O U S!
It took you an hour, to get through my post and you STILL completely missed the point of my comparison? SO- you are BOTH illiterate, and comprehensively challenged? A pity! The amp comparison you refer to, actually involved an OTL tube amp, a Hi-End SS, and a $220.00 Jap receiver(Jan '87 Stereo Review- 'Do All Amps Sound Alike?'), all of which differed from each other in measured performance and design as one could possibly assemble. You mention, in one of your lengthy/vapid diatribes, "Tubes amps are a different story. If you like distortion go tube." It's obvious that, even by YOUR impared judgement, the listeners that Stereo Repuke assembled WERE DEAF, or(at least) did not know HOW to listen. You were loosely quoting Shakespeare when you replied, "I think you do protest toooooo much!"(Silly me to think you so cultured, as to realize) Sorry, if I used too many multisyllabic words in this post. Grab a dictionary, and I'm certain even you, capable of muddling through it.
"The point is, no one could distinguish them. NO ONE can or HAS done it to this day. So lay off julian and stereo review. NO ONE can do it! Not even you. And this applies to wire also." (re: OTL tube amp, a Hi-End SS, and a $220.00 Jap receiver) Are you selling any of whatever you're smoking? It MUST be KILLER!