A tribute to Roger Sanders and Innersound

I'm hoping, Audiogon approves this thread for all to read. I feel it is my duty and obligation to give credit deserved to Roger Sanders of Innersound. His genius, accomplishments, and generosity is an immense gift to this industry.

I have had the pleasure to speak with Roger on several occasions for the last 6 months. He has taught me more about audio, in a few hours of conversation, that I have learned from others throughout my whole life. I have even called him, just to ask a few simple questions, and it ended up being a learning experience for me, that sometimes lasted for an hour or two. This man knows his stuff, gives you genuine information, and is willing to share it with anyone who is interested.

As far as the audio gear he designs and sells, it is just simply fanastic. I have owned and listened to a substantial amount of high end audio gear in my life, but until I auditioned the Innersound EROS, xover amp, and ESL amp, it was the first time I had goose bumps in a long long time. That night, every single piece of gear I own, including cables, was put up for sale. I have now sold all my old gear, and are waiting for a last component to arrive. It doesn't even bother me that I have no tunes at this time, because I know when my Innersound system is complete, I finally achieved audio bliss.

I find it interesting, that if you search the classifieds at all of the audio sites, you will find virtually no Innersound gear for sale at all! I'm not sure why this is, but figure that people are just not aware of Innersound. I have spoken to many Innersound owners, and one thing is for sure, they are not parting with their gear, unless upgrading. I would urge anyone interested, to give the Innersound stuff a listen. I'm almost feeling sorry for the ones who haven't.

I would also hope that other Innersound owners, who happen to stumble acrss this thread, add their two cents for the unfortunate ones, who dont have this gear!!

Showing 1 response by fmpnd

I cannot concur more that Roger Sanders is one of the most gifted designers who's genius is exceeded only by his class, integrity and genuine helpful attitude. I too have fallen for the sound of his speakers but I am amazed at how accommodating he has been. I have posted here before about the details of just how he has gone WAY beyond what most non-audio maufacturers would do to assist a customer (let alone me who, at first, was not even a customer when he graciously assisted me). Roger, my hat's off to you -- you are a credit to both the audio industry and the spirit of kindness.

This is not to say that there are not MANY in this industry who have been geniunely helpful. In fact I think it only fitting, considering what September 11 has taught us, that I personally thank and acknowledge those who have made this hobby so enjoyable for me -- [please forgive me if I forget anyone] -- So, thank you and have a great New Year to: Jeff Smith at Silversmith, Vladimir Shushurin and Elina at Lamm, Allan Hagar at Sumiko, Vin Guarino at Nordost, Chris Johnson at SFI, Alex Crespi at Hovland, Harry & Sheila Weisfeld at VPI, Alan Yun at Silverline, Lloyd Walker at Walker Audio, Jim White at Aesthetix, Israel Blume at Coincident Speaker Technology, Allen Perkins at Immedia, George Stanwick at Stanalog, all at PS Audio, Brian at Whale, Bill Parish at GTT Audio, Bob Crump at TG Audio, Paul Marks at Thor Audio, Myles and Rufus at Ultimate Audio, Frank Alles, Greg Weaver and Clement Perry at Stereo Times, Albert Porter and Dennis Reese in Texas - JUST TO NAME A FEW!!