A tale of two turntables

Hi All, I am upgrading from Vintage TT and I have good opportunities for either a pro-ject carbon debut with upgraded acrylic platter and a new ortofon blue cart OR a Rega P6 with a new Exact cart and the beefier power supply. Amplification is Mc MA5200 and speakers are various including Sonus Faber Cremona, Tannoy Precision 6.2LEs and B&W CDM7SEs. 
The Rega is about twice the price of the PCD. Can you give me some thoughts on your experiences that may be relevant or specific feedback on these models that will help in decision making? Thank you. 

Showing 1 response by rar1

You will get tired of the Pro-ject Carbon Debut before you know it.  The Ortofon Blue cartridge is the best part of that deal.  No experience with the Rega.  

Personally, I would go with the Technics SL 1210GR or if I staying to a budget, the Technics SL-1500C.  

I own both TTs.  Both are well built and great sounding.  I use the Ortofon Blue on the SL-1500C and the Hana on the 1210GR.

I am a fan of direct drive and I can easily swap out cartridges, which you can not do with the Pro-ject.

I went from vintage Denon to the Pro-jects.  The Technics will keep you satisfied.

Best regards,
