A switch for 3 amps

I’m hoping for a solution:  I’m running the usual Frankenstein setup for multiple source playback, CD, streaming, and vinyl.  This hybrid system: tube preamp, SS amp, and WiFi streamer all lead to  1.7i modded Maggies (GR Research).  In the chain is a Schitt Lokius (primarily for digital only). The room is an open plan family room.  The issue is I want to add 2 mono tube amps to the system for moderate volume playback (jazz, acoustical, etc.), but I want to use the SS amp too with a switch to go back and forth from the monos to the SS for different music (prog rock and electronic).   Is this even possible?  I’ve looked and see switch’s but nothing that exactly address my setup.  The room is  20 x 30, 9’ ceiling damped by rug, and heavy fabric furniture.  And, to add to all that, the mono’s are  Quicksilver M60s which are only 60w per, but I got a great price on them and have heard others who’ve used them with 1.7 or 1.6s with good results at moderate volume.  So I want to give it try.  Thanks for your suggestions.


Showing 1 response by maxdukecapone


Aric at Aric Audio built me one for just this reason. 

Luxman Amp and his 300 b amp.

He put a dummy load just in case I decided to switch bit for forgot to turn the tube amp off when switching. Tube amps needs load!

He built it keeping SQ in mind.