A Suggestion for MF x-10v3 tube buffer users

I just received my MF Tube Buffer and have it between my preamp and mono amps.Figured this would be a good place since my Amps are a little on the bright side.Typical SS/Amps.Even though the bass registers were a tad weighty overall sound was suprising.The reviews I have read on it are pretty right on.
I'm sure the x-10v3 has to break in at least min 50hrs to really appreicate it.
BUT one suggestion I would like to make which I found out works great is to (Isolate) the unit up on bearings IE:Stillpoints,Aurios..etc,etc.I found out that tube's like to be up on isolaters.It did calm some of the Weighty sound.
I would like to hear input form other users of the Musical Fidelity x10-v3 Tube Buffer.
Is it worth getting the x-PSUv3 power supply??

Showing 1 response by eldarado

I have listened to the unit with and without the PSU and the difference is pretty big. I would get the PSU if I were you.

Good Luck,
