A shocking reminder

We are deep in the throes of winter 'round here (Bethesda, MD) and you know what that means - very dry air and tons of static electricity generated by walking across your carpeted floors. Reach out to the volume control on the preamp and ZAP! another blue spark causes a major THUMP thru your speakers.

My solution? Lay an anti-static dryer sheet (Bounce, etc.) on top of the preamp and touch it before anything else - PROBLEM SOLVED.

Try it, it really works...

Showing 1 response by rnm4

I'm having the same problem -- one 'burb away from Bethesda -- and the contact point is my RB250 tonearm at the pick-up arm right next to my dynavector 10x5 MC. So there's a nasty little static shock millimeters from my magnets. Could these little charges screw up the cartridge ? The sensation I can live with, but a fried cartridge?