A shocking reminder

We are deep in the throes of winter 'round here (Bethesda, MD) and you know what that means - very dry air and tons of static electricity generated by walking across your carpeted floors. Reach out to the volume control on the preamp and ZAP! another blue spark causes a major THUMP thru your speakers.

My solution? Lay an anti-static dryer sheet (Bounce, etc.) on top of the preamp and touch it before anything else - PROBLEM SOLVED.

Try it, it really works...

Showing 1 response by natnic

Take one ounce of Fleecy and 4 ounces of water and mix put it in a spray bottle and apply it to carpet. Works wonders on cutting down static. you can buy it premixed at about 50 times the cost of home spun.

Any fabric softner will do.

If you dont have a Humidifier take a large glass fill it with water and put it on heating vent if they are in floor. Also wrks well.