A search for great cables for electrostatics

Since it is so difficult to lesson to the various cables available to us or not because only a few cables are sold by our local retailers. This forum grants all of us a chance to benifit from the experiences of others. So those who have found cables and interconnects to their liking please share your experiences.

Showing 2 responses by ivanj

Detlof, how would you compare the Innersound speaker cables to the Magnan and others?
1.I have found Nordost Superflatline in short lengths to be a real bargain with electrostats of all brands. I find many cables have an artificial presence hump in the lower midrange that add a syrupy or chesty quality to baritone voices. The Nordost do not have this difficiency. (From what I remember, this phenomenon can be heard on minmonitors also.) Just turn to an announcer on a good FM station and you can see what I mean...Comments?
2. Are the Magnans cables (speaker and interconnect) high in capacitance?