A search for great cables for electrostatics

Since it is so difficult to lesson to the various cables available to us or not because only a few cables are sold by our local retailers. This forum grants all of us a chance to benifit from the experiences of others. So those who have found cables and interconnects to their liking please share your experiences.

Showing 1 response by bama214

Based on this series of posts, and a few other references, I bought the Goertz MI-2 bi-wires for my ML Odysseys. Seems like a great match. I was a bit worried by the capacitance of these cables, but they seem not to be an issue with my Pass X250 amp, even without the supplied zobel networks. Very clean, no hardness, less sibilence than the cables I had before. I haven't believed the cable hype (I only really changed since I wanted a biwire cable and my previous one wasn't), but I'm a believer now. These are keepers.