A real "wake up call" available to most....High End Audio vs. Mainstream......

Obviously you are familiar with AudiogoN and, likely, have a decent system.  I have known this, but a great visual on what most people use for sound reproduction is a Craigslist in you area.  If you have one or more market Craigslist available,  check out what is for sale for "sound reproduction" on those sites.   I thought I knew how bad it was, but it was beyond my imagination.  But I guess that is the way it is with many things Americans buy to make noise, drive or eat at.  Locally it is all under "electronics".  ebay is somewhat better, but still a great deal more items you would not want vs.  those you would. 

In music, electronics, cars and so much more....."the road less traveled" is the best path.  The poem is actually "the road not taken". 


Thanks to AudiogoN and its members for existing.  


Showing 1 response by archguy

The Road Less Traveled is a great poem. If you read it closely, it is about delusion

Speaking of, did you even read the OP?