A question I'm sure you've never heard before....

I am spanking new to this site and board. I suppose if this is anything like any number of the various subject boards I've been on, this will be a topic that the regulars will have all heard and have hashed and rehashed, but here goes.

I am doing things a bit differently than some, I would guess. I've started with my front end and have resurrected my old Linn LP12 Valhalla with Ittok LVII (and yes, I do plan to upgrade in the future but not right away). I got an exceptional deal on a Benz H2 "Woody" so I bought it. I have a McCormack DNA-225 SS amp. Now I want to add either a preamp and phono stage or a combined unit such as a CJ PV10A, or the like. Would like to spend maybe $1600 tops (used- I prefer to let others take the depreciation on most components and I have heard that Audiogon is a reliable place to buy). Then, I will select speakers and, finally, speaker cables to match the speakers and interconnects to complement the other components with the largest budget earmarked to the preamp/amp connection.

I like medium to heavy rock (but not metal), jazz (mostly sax and piano), blues, and, like most everyone, female vocalists. My room is about 18X26 feet (bigger than what I'd prefer for a stereo room). Stereotypical plaster walls, carpeting, drapes, wood, metal, stuffed furnishings.

I wanted the McCormack for various reasons and now I want to match to it a TUBE preamp and phono stage, or a combo unit. Looked at some EAR products, which I really liked, but their price did not like me. I really would like to stay in the $1600 used neighborhood if possible.

If anyone out there has experience in this area, please lay your recommendations on me. After I make this part of my decision, I will be back to pick your brains more with regard to speakers! I know you all just dying for that time to come. HA... At present I am contemplating PSB, Proac, Sililoquy, and Martin Logan ā€“ and, if I can get a great deal, maybe Dunlavy. I plan to spend about $3K on the pair of whatever I get.

Anyone wanna chime in on the preamp/phono part for now? Iā€™d be obliged to all with constructive opinions ā€“ those that want to poke fun of my meager outlay can remain quiet and, instead, sell me their cast offs on the cheap! ;-)

Showing 1 response by drwoofy

i think with my 35 yrs of high end audio expenses and experiences you're putting the cart before the horse..get the speakers you like first...you won't hear the preamp difference if you're not into a good set of speakers...if you like rock and roll forget the martin logans i had monolith 3's i prefer my old but excellent snell alll'sover them more impact power for classical the martin logans are great and also if you like high db levels i'd say to stay with non electrostatic's my preamp is a audio research sp 10 mk ll but that cost alot more than your budget...