A question for 45 SET experienced listeners


A few months ago I posted a topic regarding speakers paired with a 45 SET amp. Well, I am still debating the purchase of one since I adore my 2a3 to no end. I own a Triode Lab 2a3 and a Triode Lab/Finale 300b. I enjoy both for different reasons, as I'm sure you guessed. My 2a3 uses a 6SN7 drive tube and the 300 a 12AX7. Well, the amps Frank creates are just treasures to me, but I only just came to the conclusion that I would like a 6SN7 tube to drive my 45. Well, I took a look at the Triode site and bam, I see a 12AX7 on Frank's 45 amp. I will talk to him about it, but I was hoping to get some advice from some of you regarding your thoughts on the 6SN7 and 12AX7 driving a 45 tube.

Basically, do you guys think a 6SN7 in a 45 amp would perhaps render a bit too much bloom? I enjoy the sound of mellow, thicker, warmer amps, but must admit I am curious if this may be too much, and maybe the 12AX7 would be the right choice.

I was a classical musician and enjoyed warmer instruments. Classical is the primary music genre I listen too, so Heifetz through a mellow sounding system is just right for me. Though, not a 'honey' viscous thick system.  

What do you guys think? Ideas?

And if this may help any, I am using Omega speakers. They have plenty of air on top, with the soundstage up there just as plentiful. So, this is only a guess, but I'm thinking even more warmth, beyond that of my current amps, may be a good thing. 

Thanks for reading,

Showing 1 response by larryi

I am a fan of both 45 and 2a3 tube myself.  I own a parallel SET 2a3 amp and a pushpull 45 amp.  I have heard numerous 45, 2a3 and 300b SET and pushpull amps.  As a general observation, the 45 is like the baby bear in the "Three Bears" children's story in that it sits sonically between the 2a3 and 300b--it is not as lean sounding as the 2a3, but it does not have as much of the upper bass bump up and warmth of the 300b.  I like the 300b warmth and midrange beauty, but, that tube lacks the liveliness of the 2a3 and 45.  Overall, I like the tonal balance of the 45, the tight but not thin bass of the 45 over the somewhat lean character of the 2a3.  I loaned the parallel 2a3 amp to a friend and I have given him permission to convert it to a parallel 45 amp. 

I don't know about what driver tube is best with the 45.  I know a builder who prefers the 6sn7 for all three of these triodes because it has a bit more oomph than the 12ax7 family of tubes.  I think there is a wide enough range in sound of 6sn7 tubes for you to find one to match your preference.