A question for 45 SET experienced listeners


A few months ago I posted a topic regarding speakers paired with a 45 SET amp. Well, I am still debating the purchase of one since I adore my 2a3 to no end. I own a Triode Lab 2a3 and a Triode Lab/Finale 300b. I enjoy both for different reasons, as I'm sure you guessed. My 2a3 uses a 6SN7 drive tube and the 300 a 12AX7. Well, the amps Frank creates are just treasures to me, but I only just came to the conclusion that I would like a 6SN7 tube to drive my 45. Well, I took a look at the Triode site and bam, I see a 12AX7 on Frank's 45 amp. I will talk to him about it, but I was hoping to get some advice from some of you regarding your thoughts on the 6SN7 and 12AX7 driving a 45 tube.

Basically, do you guys think a 6SN7 in a 45 amp would perhaps render a bit too much bloom? I enjoy the sound of mellow, thicker, warmer amps, but must admit I am curious if this may be too much, and maybe the 12AX7 would be the right choice.

I was a classical musician and enjoyed warmer instruments. Classical is the primary music genre I listen too, so Heifetz through a mellow sounding system is just right for me. Though, not a 'honey' viscous thick system.  

What do you guys think? Ideas?

And if this may help any, I am using Omega speakers. They have plenty of air on top, with the soundstage up there just as plentiful. So, this is only a guess, but I'm thinking even more warmth, beyond that of my current amps, may be a good thing. 

Thanks for reading,

Showing 2 responses by alexberger

I don’t understand why some digners use 12AX7 to drive any ouput tube in SET amplifier. I also don’t think that 6SN7 is a good driver for 300b.
In my 300b amp 6F6g in triod mode is used as driver.
And it doesn't sound slow at all.
Coincidence Frankenstein 300B amplifier has even more powerful driver than 6F6 and sounds very dynamic and fast.
I read one Russian DIYes forum. One guy tried dozen different driver tubes in 300B amplifier including 2A3, 45, 6F6 and he told the best driver for 300B was 300B, and the legendary Japanese designer Sakuma used 300B driver in his 300B amplifiers. 
I think to use 6sn7 driver for big tubes like 300B, 845, 211 it is similar to using 1 liter engine in track.
Hi @atmasphere ,

Do you know why so many designers use 6sn7 driver for 300B and even 211 and 845 tubes?
1. Do they want to achieve a special slow signature of an amplifier sound?
2. Do they do it as result of lack of knowledge and experience?
