A question concerning ethics

Should business professionals related to the audio field be required to register as such when joining Audiogon or making public posts ? I am talking about those that are involved with manufacturing / marketing / advertising / wholesaling / retailing, etc... audio gear or audio related accessories. After all, if someone is "raving" or "bad-mouthing" a product or product line, i want to know if they are simply a "joe average" end user / consumer or if they have something to gain by promoting or slagging specific products. Would this be out of line in your opinion ?

Obviously, this would be done on the honor system since anybody can make comments with total anonymity and thicken their wallets or take pot-shots at their competition. The fact that MANY that post here have made their affiliations clear only adds credibility to their posts since they were willing to be up-front and honest to begin with. Those that "string along the crowd" can only expect complete distrust once they are found out. I am not going to name names here, but i think that a few of the guilty parties will know who i'm talking about. Sean

Showing 3 responses by mes

Sean,I've followed your posts in the past and found them to be cogent, articulate and technically well thought out. I'm not quite sure what, or who, lit the bunsen burner under your arse on this one. I can certainly appreciate your intent, but noble intent notwithstanding, it appears to have splintered into a personal agenda, seemingly far more narrow in scope than your initiating thread. My experience with Jtinn, although peppered with disagreements, has always been above board, and diplomatic. I respect his opinion, even when it differs from my own, but importantly, he's granted me the same. I've never felt he misrepresented himself to me, and whether he has on A'gon is frankly a matter of perspective, IMO. I see nothing in any of his comments that would incite such draconian comments as " manipulative rat". And if, from your unique perspective, this type of behavior is/has been going on, why single out one individual, and not only single them out, but denigrate them openly? And just who is this ubiquitous "we" you keep mentioning? I'm pretty sure Audiogon didn't light your torch, I've read their responses to this molehill turned mountain, and they seem to have it together just fine. So I guess that leaves other A'gon members, perhaps, or some covert audiophile vigilante coterie. If so, call off the snipers. If not, lighten up. It's beneath you (singular or plural, whatever the case may be)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, now just hold on a dag damn minute, I NEVER said Jtinn was an overall nice guy!:) I'm merely suggesting your ( apparently plural, you individually and the panties hiding behind the robe basking in the comfort of anonymity) goal is worthy and one I agree with wholeheartedly, but perhaps this self engendered cause celebre misses the forest for the trees. I'm in agreement with your proposition (A). It's a grand idea. But even without it, I've never felt Jtinn or ANY other individual, covertly or not, placed me in a position of being "intruded" upon, elliciting a call to the police or the pulling of a gun. Good God man, it's audio,and to draw such parallels as home intrusion is, well, extreme. Lets get some perspective here."WE know what WE think is right,and felt that it needed to be addresed and corrected." Now that's just plain scary. Anyway, I'm all for your proposition, and I truly admire your enthusiasm for this "cause". I've absolutely no personal axe to grind, I just get uncomfortable when people feel the need to condescend to telling me what's right/wrong and how it should be corrected. And if certain parties have misrepresented themselves on A'gon, well shame on them. And shame on you for turning an otherwise appropriate issue into a personal attack. And BTW, for the record, I'm not a dealer/manufacturer/distributer or the like. But I do play one on TV. In fact I heard Judge Judy is looking to get the rights to this thread. Perfect fit.
I forgot, you never answered specifically who "WE" is. Given your self proclaimed new order of high ethics, don't you feel it appropriate to let "WE" members, know who the seeming poltroons are? And what, if any, is your affiliation with them- in any way related to your admitted imminent venture into the industry? Just curious, it may shed some light on the situation. And instead of you and "WE" gathering ammo and launching it, was the option of going to A'gon with the info, and letting them handle it, entertained? I mean if the real goal is true represention and not personal assault, this would seem feasible, no? I'm just curious. And please, just concise answers to these simple questions, no paragraph after paragraph of what I perceive as self aggrandizing rhetoric. Respectfully.