A question about power.

Okay, please bear with me here. To use an example, I have a PS Audio UO, the 15amp version. Not the 15 amp HC or the 20amp. Now what I want to know is what this really means. I don't know much about electricity and figure someone out there could distill it better than a textbook. Further, in a question I asked about this earlier someone mentioned compatibility with "most power cords." How can they be incompatible? I don't think I'm running any major gear. Rega planet, Cary slp-50a, and a Linn LK-85. I understand that if the power amp doesn't get enough power it will start "clipping". I can't tell nor do I have the means to make a bunch of experiments. Can anyone enlighten me on this, or these, subject(s). As you can see I'm not too sure what my question is but would appreciate any explanations of the interactions at work here. Thanks
The short answer is, a 15 amp outlet is rated to safely allow 15 amps to pass. A 20 amp outlet is rated to safely allow 20 amps to pass. The rules and testing procedures are set fourth by Underwriters Lab. You would have difficulty purchasing a product that did not pass this standard, at least inside the USA.

When you begin to talk about outlets beyond the importance of their amp rating, there are differences and some are more important than others . Most would agree that commercial and hospital grade outlets, rated to provide heaver clamping mechanisms, are important to the connection quality and longevity.

This makes sense, particularly if you purchase an aftermarket power cord equipped with a male hospital grade connector. Then there is a "match" in quality, construction materials and grade, providing better connectivity for your equipment power supply.

The importance of this has been widely discussed at Audiogon, and If you are brave you may search any number of threads on the subject. Just look for discussions on outlets, power cables, dedicated lines.

You may rest assured that the quality of your PS outlet is among the best and you need not worry that it is restricting to the degree that your equipment clips.