A question about my Rogue Sphinx II amp

Hey all,

Just starting out building a new hi-fi system. I picked up a Rogue Sphinx II second hand after demoing it at a hi-fi store. The amp sounded amazing compared to others so i found a second-hand deal as many of these forms suggested buying second hand as a first system.

Anyway, so I don't have my speakers yet.. so I've been listening to records through the headphone jack on the amp. 

One thing i noticed was after listing for about 10-15 minutes, i feel like i keep needing to bump up the volume on the amp. I know the whole ear fatigue thing, but I'm not really playing the music that loud. I'd start out at about 30% volume, then 10 mins later need to go up to 50%, then eventually im almost at max volume. 

Is this normal? Do i need to change the tubes?


Showing 2 responses by b_limo

Oh, and a salesperson is actually owed something after they help you.  Most sales people work off commission, or part commission.  
I think you got it backwards.  What does a salesperson owe you, if you aren’t willing to purchase from them after the service they provide for you?
Lame.  You can read reviews on line, buy used at a good price and then resell with little to no loss.

You are wasting someones time when you go pick their brain for info, demo their equipment, decide to buy it but only at the lowest price from someone who didn’t help you out at all??

Why is it so hard for people to understand why this isn’t cool?  This type of buyer will eventually put all of the knowledgeable, helpful sales people out of business.  
My advice to these people is to “grow a pair” and just be totally upfront with these sales people when you are wasting their time.  Upon initial meeting of said sales person just tell them the truth.  Tell them you are strongly considering buying a certain component but need their expert advice, knowledge, time, and that you’ll need a demo but that you will not buy from them because you place no monetary value on the services they provided to you.

Again, lame.  Hopefully your Rogue is broken and you are sol.