A phono amp that beats the MFA Magus's phono?

I've been using the phono stage on my MFA Magus for the last year and, overall, I like it pretty well, but I'm wondering if I could get more out of a dedicated phono amp. Can anyone suggest a stand-alone phono amp that would improve over the sound of the Magus's phono stage? I'm hoping to buy in the 1k-2k range, used.

The Magus is part of a small phono-only system that includes Wright Monoblocks (3.5 watts), a Rega P5 TT with a Koetsu Black cart, and Reference 3a MM DeCapo i speakers bi-wired with Kimber Kable 4TC cable. It's a small, sensitive, all-tube system that has a lot of air, tight but somewhat thin bass, and slightly etched-sounding highs. The mids sound nicely liquid to my ears. This is my second system, and it's in a small office (10x8) with wood floors and walls.

One possibility is the EAR 834P. It has volume controls, which would be nice, because then I could take the Magus out of the signal path altogether, since I only use a TT in this system. I've never heard an 834P though, and there are no high end audio stores within 90 miles of where I live, so my chances for auditioning gear are rare.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by elevick

You won't beat the Magus easily. It's awesome. A nice Audio Research could be an upgrade.
Upgrading the tubes to NOS can make a huge difference too.