A perfect song? What are your choices?

Can there be such a thing as a perfect song? I have a suggestion, what are yours? Here is a thought...






Showing 1 response by hce1

I have to speak in defense of Yoko Ono. First, the “let it be” documentary seems to me to communicate clearly that the dissolution of the Beatles is far more complicated than any assignation of responsibility to only one or another of the band mates. Second, Yoko made some compelling music. I think her three albums from the early to mid 70s are excellent and essential listening. Several subsequent recordings also deserve attention.

Now, perfect songs. I love a lot of the previous suggestions. Here are several I think deserve mention as well:

Nilsson, Driving Along

Zombies, Tell Her No

Bob Seger, Heavy Music; East Side Story

Van Morrison, Madame George 

Jazz Butcher, Sweet Water

Kinks, Well Respected Man

Nico, These Days

Thunderclap Newman, Something in the Air

Miles Davis, In a Silent Way