A Note For LS50 Owners

I have an original pair from 2012. For no particular reason—other than the fact I’m always looking for a good tweak—it occurred to me to check the four bolts on the back that hold the boxes together. 

Sure enough, overly loud listening over the past decade had loosened them. Without applying too much torque, I generally got at least a half turn with an Allen key, sometimes a full turn. 

And the sound? I was blown away by the change. It was black and white, night and day, stop and go. 

Well, not quite. But it was there. A little crisper, a bit cleaner on the transients. I think the speakers played a touch louder at the same power output. Certainly worth the price of admission.  


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Update: I was being careful when I made my first post, which I thought was the responsible thing to do. But after more listening, I think it’s only fair to be a little more confident in my assessment. The speakers sound great. A few moments with a hex wrench made a noticeable difference. If you have LS50s with a few years on them, do yourself a favor and check the bolts. Good things may be in store.